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GetDepthMat(Brixen) R Documentation

Function to obtain the depth values for pairs of genes based on each of the three GO networks (BPCCMF)


This function takes as input a vector of YEAST probe (gene) names as well as the specific ontology of interest, i.e. BP,CC, or MF. The function returns a square matrix of size equal to the number of genes in the input vector, where the i,jth element of the output matrix corresponds to the maximum depth of all annotations/terms shared in common between genes i and j with respect to a specific GO graph. Depth of a specific annotation/term is defined as the length of the shortest path between the term and the root node of the ontology of interest.The diagonal elements of the output matrix are set to 0. Note that if two genes share only the root node in common, their depth is set to 1 (i.e.minimum of depth values for all pairs of genes).


GetDepthMat(genes.list, gocategory)


genes.list Vector of YEAST gene (probe) names (labels).
gocategory Specific GO category of interest. Possible choices are: "BP","MF","CC"


A square matrix of size equal to the number of genes in input vector or gene (probe) names (labels).


Raji Balasubramanian


genes.list <- c("YBR017C","YDL126C","YDL127W") gocategory <- "CC" depthmat <- GetDepthMat(genes.list,gocategory) print(depthmat)

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