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GBCC2025: Joint Galaxy/Bioconductor Conference
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A short course on
Computational and Statistical Aspects of Microarray Analysis

University of Milan
May 26-30, 2003

Anestis Antoniadis
Robert Gentleman

Lecture notes

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Introduction to Genome Biology DNA Microarray Data, Oligonucleotide Arrays Microarray Experiments Some Things Every Biologist Should Know About Machine Learning Classification in Microarray Experiments
R/S Programming Techniques Introduction to Bioconductor Distances and Expression Measures Penalized logistic regression and classification of microarray data Dimension Reduction Techniques For Classification
Wavelets and Gene Selection by Multiple Testing Penalized Logistic Regression and Classification of Microarray Data Dimension Reduction Techniques For Classification
Some Statistical Methods for the Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes

Lab materials

Lab1 Bioconductor Basics
Lab2a Bioinformatics (anotation package)
Lab2b An Introduction to Some Graphics in Bioconductor
Lab3a Introduction to Bioconductor's marray Packages
Lab3b Introduction to the affy package
Lab4 Differential Gene Expression
Lab5 Cluster Analysis Using R and Bioconductor
Lab6 Classification Using R and Bioconductor
Lab7 Analyzing Microarray Data: From Images to List of Candidate Genes
Lab8 Application of Machine Learning to Microarray Data, SVM and friends
Lab9 Lab 9: An Introduction to Wavelets
Lab10 EFDR: Some Statistical Methods for the Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes
Lab11 Lab 11: Penalized Logistic Regression
Lab12 Lab 12: Dimension reduction in R