
Methods to Find the Gene Expression Modules that Represent the Drivers of Kauffman's Attractor Landscape

Bioconductor version: Development (2.8)

This package contains the functions to find the gene expression modules that represent the drivers of Kauffman's attractor landscape. The modules are the core attractor pathways that discriminate between different cell types of groups of interest. Each pathway has a set of synexpression groups, which show transcriptionally-coordinated changes in gene expression.

Author: Jessica Mar

Maintainer: Jessica Mar

To install this package, start R and enter:



PDF R Script Tutorial on How to Use the Functions in the \texttt{attract

Reference Manual


biocViews Statistics, GeneExpression
Depends R, AnnotationDbi, KEGG.db, limma, cluster, GOstats, graphics, methods, stats
Imports Biobase, AnnotationDbi, KEGG.db, limma, cluster, GOstats, graphics, methods, stats
Suggests illuminaHumanv1.db
System Requirements
License LGPL (>= 2.0)
Depends On Me
Imports Me
Suggests Me
Version 1.3.1

Package Downloads

Package Source attract_1.3.1.tar.gz
Windows Binary (32- & 64-bit)
MacOS 10.5 (Leopard) binary attract_1.3.1.tgz
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Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center