
Functions useful for those doing repetitive analyses with Affymetrix GeneChips.

Bioconductor version: Development (2.8)

Various wrapper functions that have been written to streamline the more common analyses that a core Biostatistician might see.

Author: James W. MacDonald

Maintainer: James W. MacDonald

To install this package, start R and enter:



PDF R Script affycoretools biomaRt Integration
PDF R Script affycoretools Overview

Reference Manual


biocViews ReportWriting, Microarray, OneChannel, GeneExpression
Depends affy, Biobase, GO.db, KEGG.db
Imports biomaRt, limma, GOstats, annotate, annaffy, genefilter, gcrma, splines, xtable, AnnotationDbi
Suggests affydata, hgfocuscdf, rgl
System Requirements
License Artistic-2.0
Depends On Me AgiMicroRna
Imports Me
Suggests Me Agi4x44PreProcess
Version 1.23.1

Package Downloads

Package Source affycoretools_1.23.1.tar.gz
Windows Binary (32- & 64-bit)
MacOS 10.5 (Leopard) binary affycoretools_1.23.1.tgz
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