
Provides plotting capabilities for R graph objects

Bioconductor version: Development (2.8)

Interfaces R with the AT and T graphviz library for plotting R graph objects from the graph package. Users on all platforms must install graphviz; see the README file, available in the source distribution of this file, for details.

Author: Jeff Gentry, Li Long , Robert Gentleman, Seth Falcon, Florian Hahne , Deepayan Sarkar, Kasper Hansen

Maintainer: Kasper Hansen

To install this package, start R and enter:



PDF R Script A New Interface to Plot Graphs Using Rgraphviz
PDF R Script How To Plot A Graph Using Rgraphviz

Reference Manual


biocViews GraphsAndNetworks
Depends R, methods, utils, graph, grid
Imports graph, graphics, grDevices, grid, methods, utils
System Requirements Graphviz version >= 2.2
License Artistic-2.0
Depends On Me BioMVCClass, KEGGgraph, TDARACNE, biocGraph, hyperdraw, nem, pathRender
Imports Me DEGraph, GeneAnswers, apComplex, biocGraph, nem
Suggests Me BiocCaseStudies, Category, DEGraph, GOstats, MLP, RBGL, RpsiXML, Rtreemix, SPIA, SRAdb, altcdfenvs, flowCore, geneplotter, globaltest, oneChannelGUI, pkgDepTools, safe, topGO
Version 1.29.0

Package Downloads

Package Source Rgraphviz_1.29.0.tar.gz
Windows Binary Rgraphviz_1.29.0.zip (32-bit only)
MacOS 10.5 (Leopard) binary Rgraphviz_1.29.0.tgz
Package Downloads Report Download Stats

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