############################################################################## ############################################################################## ### ### Running command: ### ### /home/biocbuild/R/R/bin/R CMD check --install=check:wppi.install-out.txt --library=/home/biocbuild/R/R/site-library --no-vignettes --timings wppi_1.14.0.tar.gz ### ############################################################################## ############################################################################## * using log directory ‘/home/biocbuild/bbs-3.20-bioc/meat/wppi.Rcheck’ * using R version 4.4.2 (2024-10-31) * using platform: aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu * R was compiled by aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc (GCC) 14.2.0 GNU Fortran (GCC) 12.3.1 (openEuler 12.3.1-36.oe2403) * running under: openEuler 24.03 (LTS) * using session charset: UTF-8 * using option ‘--no-vignettes’ * checking for file ‘wppi/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK * checking extension type ... Package * this is package ‘wppi’ version ‘1.14.0’ * package encoding: UTF-8 * checking package namespace information ... OK * checking package dependencies ... OK * checking if this is a source package ... OK * checking if there is a namespace ... OK * checking for hidden files and directories ... OK * checking for portable file names ... OK * checking for sufficient/correct file permissions ... OK * checking whether package ‘wppi’ can be installed ... OK * checking installed package size ... OK * checking package directory ... OK * checking ‘build’ directory ... OK * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... NOTE License stub is invalid DCF. * checking top-level files ... OK * checking for left-over files ... OK * checking index information ... OK * checking package subdirectories ... OK * checking code files for non-ASCII characters ... OK * checking R files for syntax errors ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded ... OK * checking whether the package can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK * checking whether the package can be unloaded cleanly ... OK * checking whether the namespace can be loaded with stated dependencies ... OK * checking whether the namespace can be unloaded cleanly ... OK * checking loading without being on the library search path ... OK * checking whether startup messages can be suppressed ... NOTE [2025-02-28 12:12:59] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] Reading JSON from `/home/biocbuild/.cache/OmnipathR/cache.json` (encoding: UTF-8). [2025-02-28 12:12:59] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] JSON validation successful: TRUE [2025-02-28 12:12:59] [INFO] [OmnipathR] Initialized cache: `/home/biocbuild/.cache/OmnipathR`. [2025-02-28 12:12:59] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] Running on a build server, wiping cache. [2025-02-28 12:12:59] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] Cache is at `/home/biocbuild/.cache/OmnipathR`. [2025-02-28 12:12:59] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] Contains 1 files. [2025-02-28 12:12:59] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] Cache is locked: FALSE. [2025-02-28 12:12:59] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] Reading JSON from `/home/biocbuild/.cache/OmnipathR/cache.json` (encoding: UTF-8). [2025-02-28 12:12:59] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] JSON validation successful: TRUE [2025-02-28 12:12:59] [SUCCESS] [OmnipathR] Removing all cache contents from `/home/biocbuild/.cache/OmnipathR`. [2025-02-28 12:12:59] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] Pandoc version: `2.12`. [2025-02-28 12:12:59] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] Reading JSON from `/home/biocbuild/R/R-4.4.2/site-library/OmnipathR/db/db_def.json` (encoding: UTF-8). [2025-02-28 12:12:59] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] JSON validation successful: TRUE [2025-02-28 12:12:59] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] Reading JSON from `/home/biocbuild/R/R-4.4.2/site-library/OmnipathR/internal/magic_bytes.json` (encoding: UTF-8). [2025-02-28 12:12:59] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] JSON validation successful: TRUE [2025-02-28 12:12:59] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] Reading JSON from `/home/biocbuild/R/R-4.4.2/site-library/OmnipathR/internal/urls.json` (encoding: UTF-8). [2025-02-28 12:12:59] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] JSON validation successful: TRUE [2025-02-28 12:12:59] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] Reading JSON from `/home/biocbuild/R/R-4.4.2/site-library/OmnipathR/internal/id_types.json` (encoding: UTF-8). [2025-02-28 12:12:59] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] JSON validation successful: TRUE [2025-02-28 12:12:59] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] Cache locked: FALSE It looks like this package (or a package it requires) has a startup message which cannot be suppressed: see ?packageStartupMessage. * checking dependencies in R code ... OK * checking S3 generic/method consistency ... OK * checking replacement functions ... OK * checking foreign function calls ... OK * checking R code for possible problems ... NOTE [2025-02-28 12:13:20] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] Reading JSON from `/home/biocbuild/.cache/OmnipathR/cache.json` (encoding: UTF-8). [2025-02-28 12:13:20] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] JSON validation successful: TRUE [2025-02-28 12:13:20] [INFO] [OmnipathR] Initialized cache: `/home/biocbuild/.cache/OmnipathR`. [2025-02-28 12:13:20] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] Running on a build server, wiping cache. [2025-02-28 12:13:20] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] Cache is at `/home/biocbuild/.cache/OmnipathR`. [2025-02-28 12:13:20] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] Contains 1 files. [2025-02-28 12:13:20] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] Cache is locked: FALSE. [2025-02-28 12:13:20] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] Reading JSON from `/home/biocbuild/.cache/OmnipathR/cache.json` (encoding: UTF-8). [2025-02-28 12:13:20] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] JSON validation successful: TRUE [2025-02-28 12:13:20] [SUCCESS] [OmnipathR] Removing all cache contents from `/home/biocbuild/.cache/OmnipathR`. [2025-02-28 12:13:20] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] Pandoc version: `2.12`. [2025-02-28 12:13:20] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] Reading JSON from `/home/biocbuild/R/R-4.4.2/site-library/OmnipathR/db/db_def.json` (encoding: UTF-8). [2025-02-28 12:13:20] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] JSON validation successful: TRUE [2025-02-28 12:13:20] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] Reading JSON from `/home/biocbuild/R/R-4.4.2/site-library/OmnipathR/internal/magic_bytes.json` (encoding: UTF-8). [2025-02-28 12:13:20] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] JSON validation successful: TRUE [2025-02-28 12:13:20] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] Reading JSON from `/home/biocbuild/R/R-4.4.2/site-library/OmnipathR/internal/urls.json` (encoding: UTF-8). [2025-02-28 12:13:20] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] JSON validation successful: TRUE [2025-02-28 12:13:20] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] Reading JSON from `/home/biocbuild/R/R-4.4.2/site-library/OmnipathR/internal/id_types.json` (encoding: UTF-8). [2025-02-28 12:13:20] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] JSON validation successful: TRUE [2025-02-28 12:13:20] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] Cache locked: FALSE * checking Rd files ... OK * checking Rd metadata ... OK * checking Rd cross-references ... OK * checking for missing documentation entries ... OK * checking for code/documentation mismatches ... OK * checking Rd \usage sections ... OK * checking Rd contents ... OK * checking for unstated dependencies in examples ... OK * checking files in ‘vignettes’ ... OK * checking examples ... ERROR Running examples in ‘wppi-Ex.R’ failed The error most likely occurred in: > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv") > ### Name: common_neighbors > ### Title: Shared neighbors of connected vertices > ### Aliases: common_neighbors > > ### ** Examples > > graph_op <- graph_from_op(wppi_omnipath_data()) Warning in (function (...) : 'function (...) { .Deprecated("post_translational") post_translational(...) }' is deprecated. Use 'post_translational' instead. See help("Deprecated") [2025-02-28 12:13:55] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] Arguments for OmniPath query: [entity_types=protein,query_type=interactions] [2025-02-28 12:13:55] [INFO] [OmnipathR] Loading database `Ensembl and OMA organism names`. [2025-02-28 12:13:55] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] Reading JSON from `/home/biocbuild/.cache/OmnipathR/cache.json` (encoding: UTF-8). [2025-02-28 12:13:55] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] JSON validation successful: TRUE [2025-02-28 12:13:55] [INFO] [OmnipathR] Looking up in cache `https://www.ensembl.org/info/about/species.html`: key=7332486db7400730697234bad76ca0c8e4d00799, no version available. [2025-02-28 12:13:55] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] Reading JSON from `/home/biocbuild/.cache/OmnipathR/cache.json` (encoding: UTF-8). [2025-02-28 12:13:55] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] JSON validation successful: TRUE [2025-02-28 12:13:55] [INFO] [OmnipathR] Created new version for cache record 7332486db7400730697234bad76ca0c8e4d00799: version 1. [2025-02-28 12:13:55] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] Cache file path: /home/biocbuild/.cache/OmnipathR/7332486db7400730697234bad76ca0c8e4d00799-1.html [2025-02-28 12:13:55] [INFO] [OmnipathR] Retrieving URL: `https://www.ensembl.org/info/about/species.html` [2025-02-28 12:13:55] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] Attempt 1/3: `https://www.ensembl.org/info/about/species.html` [2025-02-28 12:16:57] [WARN] [OmnipathR] HTTP 404 [2025-02-28 12:16:57] [WARN] [OmnipathR] Failed to download `https://www.ensembl.org/info/about/species.html` (attempt 1/3); error: HTTP 404 [2025-02-28 12:17:02] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] Attempt 2/3: `https://www.ensembl.org/info/about/species.html` [2025-02-28 12:20:04] [WARN] [OmnipathR] HTTP 404 [2025-02-28 12:20:04] [WARN] [OmnipathR] Failed to download `https://www.ensembl.org/info/about/species.html` (attempt 2/3); error: HTTP 404 [2025-02-28 12:20:09] [TRACE] [OmnipathR] Attempt 3/3: `https://www.ensembl.org/info/about/species.html` [2025-02-28 12:23:10] [WARN] [OmnipathR] HTTP 404 [2025-02-28 12:23:10] [ERROR] [OmnipathR] Failed to download `https://www.ensembl.org/info/about/species.html` (attempt 3/3); error: HTTP 404 Error in `map_int()`: ℹ In index: 1. Caused by error in `map_int()`: ℹ In index: 1. Caused by error: ! HTTP 404 Backtrace: ▆ 1. ├─wppi::graph_from_op(wppi_omnipath_data()) 2. │ └─op_data %>% ... 3. ├─dplyr::select(., -c(source_genesymbol, target_genesymbol)) 4. ├─wppi::wppi_omnipath_data() 5. │ └─... %>% select(seq(10)) 6. ├─dplyr::select(., seq(10)) 7. ├─rlang::exec(., !!!omnipath_param) 8. ├─OmnipathR (local) ``(entity_type = "protein") 9. │ └─OmnipathR::post_translational(...) 10. │ ├─rlang::exec(omnipath_query, !!!args) 11. │ └─OmnipathR (local) ``(...) 12. │ └─environment() %>% as.list %>% c(list(...)) %>% ... 13. ├─OmnipathR:::omnipath_check_param(.) 14. │ └─param$organisms %<>% map_int(ncbi_taxid) 15. ├─purrr::map_int(., ncbi_taxid) 16. │ └─purrr:::map_("integer", .x, .f, ..., .progress = .progress) 17. │ ├─purrr:::with_indexed_errors(...) 18. │ │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...) 19. │ ├─purrr:::call_with_cleanup(...) 20. │ └─OmnipathR (local) .f(.x[[i]], ...) 21. │ └─name %>% map_int(taxon_name, "ncbi") %>% as.integer 22. ├─purrr::map_int(., taxon_name, "ncbi") 23. │ └─purrr:::map_("integer", .x, .f, ..., .progress = .progress) 24. │ ├─purrr:::with_indexed_errors(...) 25. │ │ └─base::withCallingHandlers(...) 26. │ ├─purrr:::call_with_cleanup(...) 27. │ └─OmnipathR (local) .f(.x[[i]], ...) 28. │ ├─... %>% if_null_len0(NA) 29. │ └─OmnipathR::get_db("organisms") 30. │ └─OmnipathR::load_db(key, param = param) 31. │ ├─rlang::exec(loader, !!!param) 32. │ └─OmnipathR (local) ``() 33. │ ├─... %>% ... 34. │ └─OmnipathR::ensembl_organisms() 35. │ ├─... %>% ... 36. │ └─OmnipathR::ensembl_organisms_raw() 37. │ └─... %>% html_table() 38. ├─OmnipathR:::if_null_len0(., NA) 39. │ └─value1 %>% is_empty_2 %>% if (value2) value1 40. ├─OmnipathR:::is_empty_2(.) 41. │ └─value %>% ... 42. ├─dplyr::first(.) 43. │ └─dplyr::nth(x, 1L, order_by = order_by, default = default, na_rm = na_rm) 44. │ └─vctrs::vec_size(x) 45. ├─dplyr::pull(., name_type) 46. ├─dplyr::filter(., if_any(ends_with("_l"), ~.x == name)) 47. ├─dplyr::select(., -latin_name.x, -latin_name.y) 48. ├─dplyr::mutate(...) 49. ├─dplyr::full_join(...) 50. ├─dplyr::mutate(...) 51. ├─dplyr::select(...) 52. ├─rvest::html_table(.) 53. ├─rvest::html_element(., "table") 54. ├─xml2::read_html(.) 55. ├─OmnipathR:::download_to_cache(., req_headers = user_agent()) 56. │ └─OmnipathR:::download_base(...) 57. │ └─base::stop(result) 58. └─purrr (local) ``(``) 59. └─cli::cli_abort(...) 60. └─rlang::abort(...) Execution halted * checking for unstated dependencies in vignettes ... OK * checking package vignettes ... OK * checking running R code from vignettes ... SKIPPED * checking re-building of vignette outputs ... SKIPPED * checking PDF version of manual ... OK * DONE Status: 1 ERROR, 3 NOTEs See ‘/home/biocbuild/bbs-3.20-bioc/meat/wppi.Rcheck/00check.log’ for details.