More about celaya2
Hostname: | celaya2 |
OS: | OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan |
Arch: | x86_64 |
Platform: | x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 |
R version: | 3.6.1 (2019-07-05) -- "Action of the Toes"
C compiler
R variable (VAR) | Value ('R CMD config <VAR>' output) |
CC | b'clang\n' |
CFLAGS | b'-Wall -g -O2\n' |
CPICFLAGS | b'-fPIC\n' |
CPP | b'clang -E\n' |
Please refer to 'R CMD config -h' for the meaning of these variables |
Compiler version ('b'clang\n' --version' output):
/bin/sh: bclang\n: command not found
C++ compiler
R variable (VAR) | Value ('R CMD config <VAR>' output) |
CXX | b'clang++ -std=gnu++11\n' |
CXXFLAGS | b'-Wall -g -O2\n' |
CXXCPP | b'clang++ -std=gnu++11 -E\n' |
Please refer to 'R CMD config -h' for the meaning of these variables |
Compiler version ('b'clang++ -std=gnu++11\n' --version' output):
/bin/sh: bclang++ -std=gnu++11\n: command not found
C++98 compiler
R variable (VAR) | Value ('R CMD config <VAR>' output) |
CXX98 | b'clang++\n' |
CXX98FLAGS | b'-Wall -g -O2\n' |
CXX98PICFLAGS | b'-fPIC\n' |
CXX98STD | b'-std=gnu++98\n' |
Please refer to 'R CMD config -h' for the meaning of these variables |
Compiler version ('b'clang++\n' --version' output):
/bin/sh: bclang++\n: command not found
C++11 compiler
R variable (VAR) | Value ('R CMD config <VAR>' output) |
CXX11 | b'clang++\n' |
CXX11FLAGS | b'-Wall -g -O2\n' |
CXX11PICFLAGS | b'-fPIC\n' |
CXX11STD | b'-std=gnu++11\n' |
Please refer to 'R CMD config -h' for the meaning of these variables |
Compiler version ('b'clang++\n' --version' output):
/bin/sh: bclang++\n: command not found
C++14 compiler
R variable (VAR) | Value ('R CMD config <VAR>' output) |
CXX14 | b'clang++\n' |
CXX14FLAGS | b'-Wall -g -O2\n' |
CXX14PICFLAGS | b'-fPIC\n' |
CXX14STD | b'-std=gnu++14\n' |
Please refer to 'R CMD config -h' for the meaning of these variables |
Compiler version ('b'clang++\n' --version' output):
/bin/sh: bclang++\n: command not found
Fortran 77 compiler
R variable (VAR) | Value ('R CMD config <VAR>' output) |
F77 | b'gfortran\n' |
FFLAGS | b'-Wall -g -O2\n' |
FLIBS | b'-L/usr/local/gfortran/lib/gcc/x86_64-apple-darwin15/6.1.0 -L/usr/local/gfortran/lib -lgfortran -lquadmath -lm\n' |
FPICFLAGS | b'-fPIC\n' |
Please refer to 'R CMD config -h' for the meaning of these variables |
Compiler version ('b'gfortran\n' --version' output):
/bin/sh: bgfortran\n: command not found
Fortran 9x compiler
R variable (VAR) | Value ('R CMD config <VAR>' output) |
FC | b'gfortran\n' |
FCFLAGS | b'-Wall -g -O2\n' |
Please refer to 'R CMD config -h' for the meaning of these variables |
Compiler version ('b'gfortran\n' --version' output):
/bin/sh: bgfortran\n: command not found
More information might be added in the future...