Package: affydata Version: 1.24.0 Maintainer: Harris Jaffee MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: AffymetrixDataTestFiles Version: 0.14.0 Maintainer: Henrik Bengtsson MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ALL Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Robert Gentleman MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ALLMLL Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: B. M. Bolstad MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: AmpAffyExample Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Rafael A. Irizarry MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: beta7 Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Jean Yang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: bronchialIL13 Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Vince Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CLL Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Robert Gentleman MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: colonCA Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: W Sylvia Merk MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: davidTiling Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Wolfgang Huber MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ecoliLeucine Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Laurent Gautier MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: estrogen Version: 1.22.0 Maintainer: Wolfgang Huber MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: faahKO Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Colin A. Smith MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: facsDorit Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Florian Hahne MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: fibroEset Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Sylvia Merk MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: gaschYHS Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Vince Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: gatingMLData Version: 2.16.0 Maintainer: J. Spidlen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GGdata Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: VJ Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: golubEsets Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Vince Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: harbChIP Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: VJ Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: HEEBOdata Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Agnes Paquet MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: hgu2beta7 Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: HIVcDNAvantWout03 Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Chris Fraley MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Iyer517 Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Vince Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: kidpack Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Wolfgang Huber MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MAQCsubset Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: VJ Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MEEBOdata Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Agnes Paquet MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ppiData Version: 0.14.0 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ProData Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Xiaochun Li MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SNAData Version: 1.22.0 Maintainer: Denise Scholtens MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SpikeIn Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Rafael A. Irizarry MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SpikeInSubset Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Rafael A. Irizarry MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: stjudem Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Joern Toedling MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: yeastCC Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Sandrine Dudoit MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: yeastExpData Version: 0.22.0 Maintainer: R. Gentleman MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: lungExpression Version: 0.14.0 Maintainer: Robert Scharpf MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: lumiBarnes Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Pan Du MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: hapmap100kxba Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Benilton Carvalho MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pumadata Version: 2.12.0 Maintainer: Richard Pearson MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CCl4 Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Audrey Kauffmann MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Neve2006 Version: 0.14.0 Maintainer: VJ Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: maqcExpression4plex Version: 1.20.0 Maintainer: Benilton Carvalho MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: hapmap100khind Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Benilton Carvalho MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: hapmap500knsp Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Benilton Carvalho MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: hapmap500ksty Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Benilton Carvalho MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: XhybCasneuf Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Tineke Casneuf MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: tinesath1cdf Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Tine Casneuf MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: tinesath1probe Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Tine Casneuf MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MAQCsubsetAFX Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Laurent Gatto MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: yeastGSData Version: 0.14.0 Maintainer: R. Gentleman MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: msdata Version: 0.16.0 Maintainer: Steffen Neumann , Laurent Gatto MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: hapmapsnp5 Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Benilton Carvalho MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: hapmapsnp6 Version: 1.18.0 Maintainer: Benilton Carvalho MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MAQCsubsetILM Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Laurent Gatto MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ccTutorial Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Joern Toedling MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ITALICSData Version: 2.14.0 Maintainer: Guillem Rigaill MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: humanStemCell Version: 0.16.0 Maintainer: R. Gentleman MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: hmyriB36 Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Vincent Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: mvoutData Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: VJ Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: gcspikelite Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Mark Robinson MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: dyebiasexamples Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Philip Lijnzaad MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: TargetSearchData Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Alvaro Cuadros-Inostroza MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: yeastRNASeq Version: 0.14.0 Maintainer: J. Bullard MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: frmaExampleData Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Matthew N. McCall MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: mouse4302barcodevecs Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Matthew N. McCall MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: hgu133plus2barcodevecs Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Matthew N. McCall MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: hgu133abarcodevecs Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Matthew N. McCall MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: charmData Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Martin Aryee MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: leeBamViews Version: 1.12.1 Maintainer: VJ Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: geneLenDataBase Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Nadia Davidson , Anthony Hawkins MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: EatonEtAlChIPseq Version: 0.14.0 Maintainer: Patrick Aboyoun MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DLBCL Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Marcus Dittrich MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: dressCheck Version: 0.14.0 Maintainer: Vincent Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ceuhm3 Version: 0.14.0 Maintainer: VJ Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ceu1kg Version: 0.14.0 Maintainer: VJ Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: gageData Version: 2.14.0 Maintainer: Weijun Luo MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: mosaicsExample Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Dongjun Chung MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RNAinteractMAPK Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Bernd Fischer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: affycompData Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Harris Jaffee MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: simpIntLists Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Kircicegi Korkmaz MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: breastCancerMAINZ Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Markus Schroeder , Benjamin Haibe-Kains MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: breastCancerNKI Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Markus Schroeder , Benjamin Haibe-Kains MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: breastCancerTRANSBIG Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Markus Schroeder , Benjamin Haibe-Kains MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: breastCancerUNT Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Markus Schroeder , Benjamin Haibe-Kains MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: breastCancerUPP Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Markus Schroeder , Benjamin Haibe-Kains MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: breastCancerVDX Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Markus Schroeder , Benjamin Haibe-Kains MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: NCIgraphData Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Laurent Jacob MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GSVAdata Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Robert Castelo MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flowWorkspaceData Version: 2.12.0 Maintainer: Mike Jiang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pasilla Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Alejandro Reyes MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: LiebermanAidenHiC2009 Version: 0.14.0 Maintainer: Felix Klein MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: cheung2010 Version: 0.14.0 Maintainer: Vince Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: yeastNagalakshmi Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PREDAsampledata Version: 0.16.0 Maintainer: Francesco Ferrari MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: iontreeData Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Mingshu Cao MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: minfiData Version: 0.22.0 Maintainer: Kasper Daniel Hansen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: bladderbatch Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Jeffrey T. Leek MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GWASdata Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Stephanie Gogarten , Adrienne Stilp MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: beadarrayExampleData Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Mark Dunning MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: TCGAMethylation450k Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Sean Davis MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: tweeDEseqCountData Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Juan R Gonzalez MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: BeadArrayUseCases Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Mike Smith MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RnaSeqTutorial Version: 0.14.0 Maintainer: Nicolas Delhomme MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: serumStimulation Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Morten Hansen, MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pcaGoPromoter.Hs.hg19 Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Morten Hansen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pcaGoPromoter.Mm.mm9 Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Morten Hansen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pcaGoPromoter.Rn.rn4 Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Morten Hansen, MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: rheumaticConditionWOLLBOLD Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Alejandro Quiroz-Zarate MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: cgdv17 Version: 0.14.0 Maintainer: VJ Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: dsQTL Version: 0.14.0 Maintainer: VJ Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ffpeExampleData Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Levi Waldron MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pasillaBamSubset Version: 0.14.0 Maintainer: H. Pages MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: cnvGSAdata Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Joseph Lugo MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: cancerdata Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Daniel Kosztyla MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: miRNATarget Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Y-h. Taguchi MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Simon G. Coetzee MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PWMEnrich.Dmelanogaster.background Version: 4.10.0 Maintainer: Robert Stojnic MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Mulder2012 Version: 0.16.0 Maintainer: Xin Wang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: waveTilingData Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Kristof De Beuf MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: synapterdata Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Laurent Gatto MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: bsseqData Version: 0.14.0 Maintainer: Kasper Daniel Hansen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: TBX20BamSubset Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: D. Bindreither MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MEDIPSData Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Lukas Chavez MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RMassBankData Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Michael Stravs, Emma Schymanski MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: KEGGdzPathwaysGEO Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Gaurav Bhatti MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pd.atdschip.tiling Version: 0.14.0 Maintainer: Kristof De Beuf MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ChIPXpressData Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: George Wu MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: win, mac-i386 NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: fabiaData Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Sepp Hochreiter MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: stemHypoxia Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Cristobal Fresno MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: LungCancerLines Version: 0.14.0 Maintainer: Cory Barr MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RIPSeekerData Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Alejandro Reyes MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SNAGEEdata Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: David Venet MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pRolocdata Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Laurent Gatto MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RforProteomics Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Laurent Gatto MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: curatedOvarianData Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Levi Waldron MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PathNetData Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Jason B. Smith MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DvDdata Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: J. Saez-Rodriguez MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SomatiCAData Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Mengjie Chen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: parathyroidSE Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Michael Love MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: FANTOM3and4CAGE Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Vanja Haberle MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ARRmData Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Jean-Philippe Fortin MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: cMap2data Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: J. Saez-Rodriguez MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ConnectivityMap Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Paul Shannon MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DREAM4 Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Paul Shannon MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DrugVsDiseasedata Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: J. Saez-Rodriguez MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: HD2013SGI Version: 1.16.0 Maintainer: Bernd Fischer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Hiiragi2013 Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Andrzej Oles MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: antiProfilesData Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Hector Corrada Bravo MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: leukemiasEset Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Sara Aibar MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MMDiffBamSubset Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Gabriele Schweikert MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: prebsdata Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Karolis Uziela MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DeSousa2013 Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Xin Wang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flowFitExampleData Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Davide Rambaldi MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RNAseqData.HNRNPC.bam.chr14 Version: 0.14.0 Maintainer: H. Pages MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: mammaPrintData Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Luigi Marchionni MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: seventyGeneData Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Luigi Marchionni MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: mitoODEdata Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Gregoire Pau MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: LungCancerACvsSCCGEO Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Adi Laurentiu Tarca MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DonaPLLP2013 Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Joseph D. Barry MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: IlluminaDataTestFiles Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Kasper Daniel Hansen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: TargetScoreData Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Yue Li MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: seqCNA.annot Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: David Mosen-Ansorena MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Fletcher2013a Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Mauro Castro MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Fletcher2013b Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Mauro Castro MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: curatedBladderData Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Markus Riester MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Version: 2.0.0 Maintainer: Raymond G. Cavalcante MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: FlowSorted.Blood.450k Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Andrew E Jaffe MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SomaticCancerAlterations Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Julian Gehring MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PWMEnrich.Hsapiens.background Version: 4.10.0 Maintainer: Robert Stojnic MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PWMEnrich.Mmusculus.background Version: 4.10.0 Maintainer: Robert Stojnic MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: JASPAR2014 Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Ge Tan MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ChAMPdata Version: 2.8.1 Maintainer: Yuan Tian MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Illumina450ProbeVariants.db Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Tiffany Morris MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: h5vcData Version: 1.110.0 Maintainer: Paul Theodor Pyl MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: COSMIC.67 Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Julian Gehring MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: curatedCRCData Version: 2.8.0 Maintainer: Princy Parsana MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: HiCDataLymphoblast Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Borbala Mifsud MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ceu1kgv Version: 0.18.0 Maintainer: VJ Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: yri1kgv Version: 0.18.0 Maintainer: VJ Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ChimpHumanBrainData Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Sean Davis MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: healthyFlowData Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Ariful Azad MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: COHCAPanno Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Charles Warden MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Affyhgu133aExpr Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Zhicheng Ji MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Affymoe4302Expr Version: 1.14.0 Maintainer: Zhicheng Ji MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CopyNumber450kData Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Simon Papillon-Cavanagh MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: Deprecated UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DMRcatedata Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Tim Peters MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Affyhgu133A2Expr Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Zhicheng Ji MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Affyhgu133Plus2Expr Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Zhicheng Ji MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: bcellViper Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Mariano Javier Alvarez MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: J Fah Sathirapongsasuti MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: metaMSdata Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Ron Wehrens MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MSBdata Version: 0.14.0 Maintainer: Wolfgang Huber MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: FlowSorted.DLPFC.450k Version: 1.12.0 Maintainer: Andrew E Jaffe MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: HSMMSingleCell Version: 0.110.0 Maintainer: Cole Trapnell MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: blimaTestingData Version: 0.110.0 Maintainer: Vojtech Kulvait MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: KEGGandMetacoreDzPathwaysGEO Version: 0.110.0 Maintainer: Gaurav Bhatti MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: zebrafishRNASeq Version: 0.110.0 Maintainer: Davide Risso MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: msd16s Version: 0.110.0 Maintainer: Joseph N. Paulson MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MUGAExampleData Version: 0.110.0 Maintainer: Daniel Gatti MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pepDat Version: 0.110.0 Maintainer: Renan Sauteraud MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: shinyMethylData Version: 0.110.0 Maintainer: Jean-Philippe Fortin MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GSBenchMark Version: 0.110.0 Maintainer: Bahman Afsari MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: fission Version: 0.110.0 Maintainer: Michael Love MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: airway Version: 0.110.0 Maintainer: Michael Love MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CRCL18 Version: 0.110.0 Maintainer: Claudio Isella MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: HiCDataHumanIMR90 Version: 0.110.0 Maintainer: Nicolas Servant MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RUVnormalizeData Version: 0.110.0 Maintainer: Laurent Jacob MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: TCGAcrcmiRNA Version: 0.110.0 Maintainer: Claudio Isella MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: TCGAcrcmRNA Version: 0.110.0 Maintainer: Claudio Isella MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ListerEtAlBSseq Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Kamal Kishore MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: NGScopyData Version: 0.110.0 Maintainer: Xiaobei Zhao MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: rRDPData Version: 0.110.0 Maintainer: Michael Hahsler MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: derfinderData Version: 0.110.0 Maintainer: Leonardo Collado-Torres MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RRBSdata Version: 0.110.0 Maintainer: Katja Hebestreit MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: seqc Version: 1.10.0 Maintainer: Yang Liao and Wei Shi MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: facopy.annot Version: 0.110.0 Maintainer: David Mosen-Ansorena MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: genomationData Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Vedran Franke MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: geuvPack Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: VJ Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RnaSeqSampleSizeData Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Shilin Zhao MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: WES.1KG.WUGSC Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Yuchao Jiang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: mAPKLData Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Argiris Sakellariou MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Xinan Holly Yang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CardinalWorkflows Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Kylie A. Bemis MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DmelSGI Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Bernd Fischer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: diggitdata Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Mariano Javier Alvarez MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: grndata Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Pau Bellot MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: curatedBreastData Version: 2.4.0 Maintainer: Katie Planey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: rcellminerData Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Augustin Luna , Vinodh Rajapakse MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MethylAidData Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: M. van Iterson MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SVM2CRMdata Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Guidantonio Malagoli Tagliazucchi MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CopyhelpeR Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Thomas Kuilman MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SCLCBam Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Thomas Kuilman MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: gskb Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: Valerie Bares MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RnBeads.hg19 Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: RnBeadsAnnotationCreator MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RnBeads.mm10 Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: RnBeadsAnnotationCreator MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RnBeads.mm9 Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: RnBeadsAnnotationCreator MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RnBeads.rn5 Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: RnBeadsAnnotationCreator MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Lijing Yao MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: AshkenazimSonChr21 Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Who to complain to MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: minionSummaryData Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Mike Smith MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RnBeads.hg38 Version: 1.8.0 Maintainer: RnBeadsAnnotationCreator MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ABAData Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Steffi Grote MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RTCGA.clinical Version: 20151101.6.0 Maintainer: Marcin Kosinski MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RTCGA.mutations Version: 20151101.6.0 Maintainer: Marcin Kosinski MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RTCGA.rnaseq Version: 20151101.6.0 Maintainer: Marcin Kosinski MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: systemPipeRdata Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Thomas Girke MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: mtbls2 Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Steffen Neumann MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: TimerQuant Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Joseph Barry MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: QDNAseq.hg19 Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Daoud Sie MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: QDNAseq.mm10 Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Daoud Sie MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: SNPhoodData Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Christian Arnold MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MEALData Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Carlos Ruiz MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: miRcompData Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Matthew N. McCall MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PGPC Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Felix Klein MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PCHiCdata Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Paula Freire-Pritchett MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: yriMulti Version: 0.6.0 Maintainer: VJ Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: FIs Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Herbert Braselmann MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: furrowSeg Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Joseph Barry MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: JASPAR2016 Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Ge Tan MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: geuvStore2 Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: VJ Carey MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: JctSeqData Version: 1.6.0 Maintainer: Stephen Hartley MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: tofsimsData Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Lorenz Gerber MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: Single.mTEC.Transcriptomes Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Alejandro Reyes MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RTCGA.methylation Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Marcin Kosinski MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RTCGA.miRNASeq Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Marcin Kosinski MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RTCGA.mRNA Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Marcin Kosinski MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RTCGA.PANCAN12 Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Marcin Kosinski MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RTCGA.RPPA Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Marcin Kosinski MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RTCGA.CNV Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Marcin Kosinski MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: tximportData Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Michael Love MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: FlowSorted.CordBlood.450k Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Shan V. Andrews MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GSE62944 Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Bioconductor Package Maintainer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: msqc1 Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Christian Panse MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: prostateCancerCamcap Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Mark Dunning MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: prostateCancerTaylor Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Mark Dunning MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: prostateCancerStockholm Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Mark Dunning MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: prostateCancerGrasso Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Mark Dunning MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: prostateCancerVarambally Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Mark Dunning MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: AneuFinderData Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Aaron Taudt MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: DAPARdata Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Samuel Wieczorek MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CONFESSdata Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Diana LOW MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: GeuvadisTranscriptExpr Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Malgorzata Nowicka MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PasillaTranscriptExpr Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Malgorzata Nowicka MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: QUBICdata Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Yu Zhang MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: etec16s Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Joseph N. Paulson MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: HarmanData Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Jason Ross MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: diffloopdata Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Caleb Lareau MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: EGSEAdata Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Monther Alhamdoosh MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: IHWpaper Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Nikos Ignatiadis MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: msPurityData Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: Thomas N. Lawson MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: curatedMetagenomicData Version: 1.2.1 Maintainer: Lucas Schiffer MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: minfiDataEPIC Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: Kasper Daniel Hansen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: lydata Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: Alex Pickering MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flowQBData Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: Josef Spidlen MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: chromstaRData Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: Aaron Taudt MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: aracne.networks Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: Federico M. Giorgi , Mariano Alvarez MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ccdata Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: Alex Pickering MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: scRNAseq Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: Davide Risso MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: PtH2O2lipids Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: James Collins MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: alpineData Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: Michael Love MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: CellMapperData Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: Brad Nelms MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: HumanAffyData Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: Brad Nelms MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: M3DExampleData Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: Tallulah Andrews MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: KOdata Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: Shana White MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: flowPloidyData Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: Tyler Smith MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: HelloRangesData Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: Michael Lawrence MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: plasFIA Version: 1.4.0 Maintainer: Alexis Delabriere MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: FlowSorted.CordBloodNorway.450k Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: kristina gervin MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: VariantToolsData Version: 1.0.0 Maintainer: Michael Lawrence MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: ChIPexoQualExample Version: 1.0.0 Maintainer: Rene Welch MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: sampleClassifierData Version: 1.0.0 Maintainer: Khadija El Amrani MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: MIGSAdata Version: 1.0.0 Maintainer: Juan C. Rodriguez MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: pathprintGEOData Version: 1.2.0 Maintainer: Sokratis Kariotis MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: biotmleData Version: 1.0.0 Maintainer: Nima Hejazi MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: TCGAWorkflowData Version: 1.0.0 Maintainer: Tiago Chedraoui Silva MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None Package: RITANdata Version: 1.0.0 Maintainer: Michael Zimmermann MaintainerEmail: PackageStatus: OK UnsupportedPlatforms: None NoExamplesOnPlatforms: None ForceInstall: None Alert: None AlertOn: None AlertTo: None