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Package: maDB
Version: 1.4.0
Command: D:\biocbld\R-2.3.0\bin\R.exe CMD INSTALL --build maDB_1.4.0.tar.gz
RetCode: 1
Time: 20.0 seconds
Status: ERROR
PackageFile: None

Command output

Using auto-selected zip options ' maDB-HELP=ziponly'

---------- Making package maDB ------------
  adding build stamp to DESCRIPTION
  installing R files
  installing inst files
  installing data files
  installing man source files
  installing indices
  not zipping data
  installing help
 >>> Building/Updating help pages for package 'maDB'
     Formats: text html latex example chm 
  EexprSet-class                    text    html    latex   example chm
  Layout-class                      text    html    latex   example chm
  MAtoG                             text    html    latex   example chm
  MAtoR                             text    html    latex   example chm
  Sample-class                      text    html    latex   example chm
  SignalChannel-class               text    html    latex   example chm
  Similarity-class                  text    html    latex           chm
  arrowProgress                     text    html    latex   example chm
  average                           text    html    latex           chm
  calculateSimilarity               text    html    latex   example chm
  checkForAnnotation                text    html    latex   example chm
     missing link(s):  createDBTable
  createDirs                        text    html    latex   example chm
  createEexprSetFromLimma           text    html    latex   example chm
  createFile                        text    html    latex   example chm
  createJOINQuery                   text    html    latex   example chm
  createSampleFromTable             text    html    latex   example chm
  dbCalculateRegulations            text    html    latex           chm
  dbGetComparisons                  text    html    latex           chm
  dbGetGeneRegulationRanking        text    html    latex           chm
  dbSearchSimilarPattern            text    html    latex   example chm
  deleteExperimentFromDB            text    html    latex           chm
  distance.euclidian                text    html    latex   example chm
  distance.pearson                  text    html    latex   example chm
  distance.pearson.uncentered       text    html    latex   example chm
  distance.spearman                 text    html    latex   example chm
  drawMAPlot                        text    html    latex           chm
  drawVolcanoPlot                   text    html    latex           chm
  format.latex                      text    html    latex   example chm
  getAnnotation                     text    html    latex           chm
  getDBAnnotation                   text    html    latex           chm
  getExpValue                       text    html    latex           chm
  getExperimentDBInfo               text    html    latex           chm
  getMDB                            text    html    latex           chm
  getPK                             text    html    latex   example chm
  getPathFromFile                   text    html    latex   example chm
  getSamplesFromDB                  text    html    latex           chm
  isDecimal                         text    html    latex   example chm
  loadFromDB                        text    html    latex           chm
  mapply                            text    html    latex   example chm                       text    html    latex   example chm
  meanWithoutNA                     text    html    latex   example chm
  medianWithoutNA                   text    html    latex   example chm
  multiGrep                         text    html    latex   example chm
  myGrep                            text    html    latex   example chm
  plotSimilarity                    text    html    latex           chm
  progress                          text    html    latex   example chm
  publishToDB                       text    html    latex   example chm
  replaceAll                        text    html    latex   example chm
  replaces                          text    html    latex   example chm
  smallALL                          text    html    latex           chm
  toEexprSet                        text    html    latex           chm
  updateDBAnnotation                text    html    latex           chm
     missing link(s):  insertIntoTable updateDBTable
  writeFigure                       text    html    latex   example chm
  writeLatexTable                   text    html    latex   example chm
  zipping help files
Microsoft HTML Help Compiler 4.74.8702

Compiling d:\biocbld\work-area\1.8d\madman\Rpacks\R.INSTALL\maDB\chm\maDB.chm

Compile time: 0 minutes, 0 seconds

55	Topics

256	Local links

0	Internet links

1	Graphic

Created d:\biocbld\work-area\1.8d\madman\Rpacks\R.INSTALL\maDB\chm\maDB.chm, 77,693 bytes

Compression decreased file by 115,048 bytes.

  preparing package maDB for lazy loading

Welcome to Bioconductor

    Vignettes contain introductory material. To view, type
    'openVignette()' or start with 'help(Biobase)'. For details
    on reading vignettes, see the openVignette help page.

Error: package 'pgUtils' required by 'maDB' could not be found
Execution halted
make: *** [lazyload] Error 1
*** Installation of maDB failed ***

Removing 'D:/biocbld/R-2.3.0/library/maDB'