Function Description
cMAP Bioconductor annotation data package
cMAPCARTAINTERACTION An annotation data file that maps cMAP molecule identifiers to data concerning the interactions between molecules
cMAPCARTAMOLECULE An annotation data file that maps cMAP molecule identifiers to data concerning the molecule
cMAPCARTAPATHWAY An annotation data file that maps cMAP short pathway names to descriptive data about the pathway
cMAPKEGGINTERACTION An annotation data file that maps cMAP molecule identifiers to data concerning the interactions between molecules
cMAPKEGGMOLECULE An annotation data file that maps cMAP molecule identifiers to data concerning the molecule
cMAPKEGGPATHWAY An annotation data file that maps cMAP short pathway names to descriptive data about the pathway
cMAPQC Quality control information for cMAP