The package provides datasets from different sources via AnnotationHub to use in geneplast pipelines. The datasets have species, phylogenetic trees, and orthology relationships among eukaryotes from different orthologs databases. 0.99.9
Geneplast is designed for large-scale evolutionary plasticity and rooting analysis based on orthologs groups (OG) distribution in a given species tree. This supporting package provides datasets obtained and processed from different orthologs databases for geneplast evolutionary analyses.
Currently, data from the following sources are available:
Each dataset consists of four objects used as input for geneplast:
mapping identifiers from OG and species to proteins/genes.phylo
object representing a phylogenetic tree where the tips’ labels correspond to each species identifiers from cogdata
containing OG identifiers from
with species identifiers from cogdata.Create a new AnnotationHub
connection and query for all geneplast resources.
ah <- AnnotationHub()
meta <- query(ah, "geneplast")
Load the objects into the session using the ID of the chosen dataset.
# Dataset derived from STRING database v11.0
The general procedure for creating previously described objects starts by selecting only eukaryotes from the orthologs database with NCBI taxonomy classification.
We build a graph from taxonomy nodes and locate the root of eukaryotes. Then, we traverse this sub-graph from root to leaves corresponding to the taxonomy identifiers of the species in the database. By selecting the leaves of the resulting sub-graph, we obtain the sspids
Once the species of interest are selected, the orthology information of corresponding proteins is filtered to obtain the cogdata
The cogids
object consists of unique orthologs identifiers from cogdata
Finally, the phyloTree
object is built from TimeTree full eukaryotes phylogenetic tree, which is pruned to show only our species of interest. The missing species are filled using strategies of matching genera and the closest species inferred from NCBI’s tree previously built.
Users are encouraged to use preprocessed datasets from AnnotationHUB
since they’ve already been validated for geneplast
analysis. However, it is possible to build customized datasets from any source of orthology information, provided they follow some requirements. This section presents an example with mock data on how to build the input data objects for geneplast
The minimal input set for running geneplast
are: 1) a data.frame
object cogdata, and 2) a phylo
object phyloTree.
The cogdata
table maps proteins to OGs and species, and must have at least three columns: 1) a protein identifier column protein_id, 2) an OG identifier column cog_id, and a species identifier column ssp_id.
Suppose the user have collected orthology information between proteins from the following species:
species <- data.frame (
label = c("sp01", "sp02", "sp03", "sp04", "sp05", "sp06", "sp07", "sp08", "sp09", "sp10", "sp11", "sp12", "sp13", "sp14", "sp15"),
scientific_name = c("Homo sapiens", "Pan troglodytes", "Gorilla gorilla gorilla", "Macaca mulatta", "Papio anubis", "Rattus norvegicus", "Mus musculus", "Canis lupus familiaris", "Marmosa mexicana", "Monodelphis domestica", "Gallus gallus", "Meleagris gallopavo", "Xenopus tropicalis", "Latimeria chalumnae", "Danio rerio"),
taxon_id = c("9606", "9598", "9595", "9544", "9555", "10116", "10090", "9615", "225402", "13616", "9031", "9103", "8364", "7897", "7955")
#> label scientific_name taxon_id
#> 1 sp01 Homo sapiens 9606
#> 2 sp02 Pan troglodytes 9598
#> 3 sp03 Gorilla gorilla gorilla 9595
#> 4 sp04 Macaca mulatta 9544
#> 5 sp05 Papio anubis 9555
#> 6 sp06 Rattus norvegicus 10116
#> 7 sp07 Mus musculus 10090
#> 8 sp08 Canis lupus familiaris 9615
#> 9 sp09 Marmosa mexicana 225402
#> 10 sp10 Monodelphis domestica 13616
#> 11 sp11 Gallus gallus 9031
#> 12 sp12 Meleagris gallopavo 9103
#> 13 sp13 Xenopus tropicalis 8364
#> 14 sp14 Latimeria chalumnae 7897
#> 15 sp15 Danio rerio 7955
The user’s dataset have 3 orthologous groups identified as: OG1, OG2, and OG3. The proteins whithin each OG are identified by a combination of a species label plus a protein ID (ex.: “spXX.protXx”).
og1 <- expand.grid(cog_id = "OG1",
protein_id = c(
"sp01.prot1a", "sp01.prot1b", "sp01.prot1c", "sp01.prot1d", "sp01.prot1e", "sp01.prot1f", "sp01.prot1g",
"sp02.prot1a", "sp02.prot1b", "sp02.prot1c", "sp02.prot1d", "sp02.prot1e", "sp02.prot1f",
"sp03.prot1a", "sp03.prot1b", "sp03.prot1c",
"sp04.prot1a", "sp04.prot1b", "sp04.prot1c", "sp04.prot1d",
"sp05.prot1a", "sp05.prot1b", "sp05.prot1c", "sp05.prot1d", "sp05.prot1e",
"sp06.prot1a", "sp06.prot1b",
"sp07.prot1a", "sp07.prot1b", "sp07.prot1c",
"sp08.prot1a", "sp08.prot1b",
"sp11.prot1a", "sp11.prot1b", "sp11.prot1c",
"sp12.prot1a", "sp12.prot1b", "sp12.prot1c",
"sp13.prot1a", "sp13.prot1b",
"sp15.prot1a", "sp15.prot1b"
og2 <- expand.grid(cog_id = "OG2",
protein_id = c(
"sp01.prot2a", "sp01.prot2b", "sp01.prot2c", "sp01.prot2d", "sp01.prot2e", "sp01.prot2f",
"sp02.prot2a", "sp02.prot2b", "sp02.prot2c",
"sp03.prot2a", "sp03.prot2b", "sp03.prot2c", "sp03.prot2d",
"sp04.prot2a", "sp04.prot2b", "sp04.prot2c",
"sp05.prot2a", "sp05.prot2b", "sp05.prot2c", "sp05.prot2d",
"sp08.prot2a", "sp08.prot2b"
og3 <- expand.grid(cog_id = "OG3",
protein_id = c(
"sp01.prot3a", "sp01.prot3b", "sp01.prot3c", "sp01.prot3d",
"sp02.prot3a", "sp02.prot3b", "sp02.prot3c",
To build the cogdata object, the user should bind the OGs in a single data.frame
. Furthermore, the required column ssp_id must be added to the data frame. In the current example, this is done by splitting the species label from the protein_id column and replacing it with the corresponding taxon_id value.
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
# Bind OGs into a single object
cogdata <- rbind(og1, og2, og3)
# Create a dictionary to map species labels to taxon IDs
species_taxid_lookup <- species |> dplyr::select(label, taxon_id) |> tibble::deframe()
species_name_lookup <- species |> dplyr::select(taxon_id, scientific_name) |> tibble::deframe()
# Add the required ssp_id column
cogdata[["ssp_id"]] <- species_taxid_lookup[stri_split_fixed(cogdata[["protein_id"]], pattern = ".", n = 2, simplify = T)[,1]]
#> cog_id protein_id ssp_id
#> 1 OG1 sp01.prot1a 9606
#> 2 OG1 sp01.prot1b 9606
#> 3 OG1 sp01.prot1c 9606
#> 4 OG1 sp01.prot1d 9606
#> 5 OG1 sp01.prot1e 9606
#> 6 OG1 sp01.prot1f 9606
For users having OGs from standard outputs from orthology inference methods like OrthoFinder, we provide the make.cogdata()
function to parse a tabular-separated (.tsv) file directly into the cogdata object.
cogdata <- = "path/to/orthogroups.tsv")
To create the phyloTree object, the user can use the make.phyloTree()
function provided by
package. This function has two optional arguments (sspids
and newick
) that define its behavior depending on which one is provided.
Given a list of species’ NCBI Taxonomy IDs sspids
, it builds a phylogenetic tree by merging the TimeTree and NCBI Taxonomy databases:
phyloTree <- = species$taxon_id)
#> -Building eukaryotes tree from sspids...
#> Joining with `by = join_by(taxid)`
#> -Loading full TimeTree species tree...
#> -Searching for missing taxa...
#> -Mapping taxon IDs and scientific names...
#> -NCBI tree created.
#> 1 missing taxa. Looking for the closest available taxa up in the hierarchy. This might take a while...-Grafting missing vertices...
#> -Grafted tree created.
#> -Eukaryotes tree created.
#> Phylogenetic tree with 15 tips and 241 internal nodes.
#> Tip labels:
#> 7955, 8364, 225402, 13616, 9615, 10116, ...
#> Node labels:
#> 2759, 33154, fix_15415, fix_15418, 33208, 6072, ...
#> Rooted; no branch lengths.
Alternatively, the user could provide a newick
file describing the species phylogenetic tree.
Note: the tips’ labels from the custom newick tree should be listed in ‘cogdata’ object to properly perform the analysis.
# Create from a user's predefined newick file
phyloTree <- = "path/to/newick_tree.nwk")
Plot the resulting phylogenetic tree:
phyloTree <- geneplast:::rotatePhyloTree(phyloTree, "9606")
phyloTree$edge.length <- NULL
phyloTree$tip.label <- species_name_lookup[phyloTree$tip.label]
plot(phyloTree, type = "cladogram")
Figure 1. Sample phylogenetic tree built with make.phyloTree()
This section reproduces a case study using STRING, OMA, and OrthoDB annotated datasets.
The following scripts run geneplast rooting analysis and transfer its results to a graph model. For detailed step-by-step instructions, please check the geneplast vignette.
ogr <- groot.preprocess(cogdata=cogdata, phyloTree=phyloTree, spid="9606")
ogr <- groot(ogr, nPermutations=1, verbose=TRUE)
g <- ogr2igraph(ogr, cogdata,, idkey = "ENTREZ")
pal <- brewer.pal(9, "RdYlBu")
color_col <- colorRampPalette(pal)(37) #set a color for each root!
g <- att.setv(g=g, from="Root", to="nodeColor", cols=color_col, na.col = "grey80", breaks = seq(1,37))
g <- att.setv(g = g, from = "SYMBOL", to = "nodeAlias")
E(g)$edgeColor <- "grey80"
V(g)$nodeLineColor <- "grey80"
rdp <- RedPort()
addGraph(rdp, g)
addLegend.color(rdp, colvec=g$legNodeColor$scale, size=15, labvec=g$legNodeColor$legend, title="Roots inferred from geneplast")
g1 <- induced_subgraph(g=g, V(g)$name[V(g)$Apoptosis==1])
g2 <- induced_subgraph(g=g, V(g)$name[V(g)$GenomeStability==1])
myTheme <- list(nestFontSize=25, zoom=80, isNest=TRUE, gscale=65, theme=2)
addGraph(rdp, g1, gcoord=c(25, 50), theme = c(myTheme, nestAlias="Apoptosis"))
addGraph(rdp, g2, gcoord=c(75, 50), theme = c(myTheme, nestAlias="Genome Stability"))
relax(rdp, p1=50, p2=50, p3=50, p4=50, p5= 50, ps = TRUE)
Figure 2. Inferred evolutionary roots of a protein-protein interaction network.
cogdata$cog_id <- paste0("OMA", cogdata$cog_id)
cogids$cog_id <- paste0("OMA", cogids$cog_id)
human_entrez_2_oma_Aug2020 <- read_delim("processed_human.entrez_2_OMA.Aug2020.tsv",
delim = "\t", escape_double = FALSE,
col_names = FALSE, trim_ws = TRUE)
names(human_entrez_2_oma_Aug2020) <- c("protein_id", "gene_id")
cogdata <- cogdata %>% left_join(human_entrez_2_oma_Aug2020)
ogr <- groot.preprocess(cogdata=cogdata, phyloTree=phyloTree, spid="9606")
ogr <- groot(ogr, nPermutations=1, verbose=TRUE)
g <- ogr2igraph(ogr, cogdata,, idkey = "ENTREZ")
pal <- brewer.pal(9, "RdYlBu")
color_col <- colorRampPalette(pal)(37) #set a color for each root!
g <- att.setv(g=g, from="Root", to="nodeColor", cols=color_col, na.col = "grey80", breaks = seq(1,37))
g <- att.setv(g = g, from = "SYMBOL", to = "nodeAlias")
E(g)$edgeColor <- "grey80"
V(g)$nodeLineColor <- "grey80"
# rdp <- RedPort()
# calld(rdp)
addGraph(rdp, g)
addLegend.color(rdp, colvec=g$legNodeColor$scale, size=15, labvec=g$legNodeColor$legend, title="Roots inferred from geneplast")
g1 <- induced_subgraph(g=g, V(g)$name[V(g)$Apoptosis==1])
g2 <- induced_subgraph(g=g, V(g)$name[V(g)$GenomeStability==1])
myTheme <- list(nestFontSize=25, zoom=80, isNest=TRUE, gscale=65, theme=2)
addGraph(rdp, g1, gcoord=c(25, 50), theme = c(myTheme, nestAlias="Apoptosis"))
addGraph(rdp, g2, gcoord=c(75, 50), theme = c(myTheme, nestAlias="Genome Stability"))
relax(rdp, p1=50, p2=50, p3=50, p4=50, p5= 50, ps = TRUE)
cogdata$cog_id <- paste0("ODB", cogdata$cog_id)
cogids$cog_id <- paste0("ODB", cogids$cog_id)
human_entrez_2_odb <- read_delim("odb10v1_genes-human-entrez.tsv",
delim = "\t", escape_double = FALSE,
col_names = FALSE, trim_ws = TRUE)
names(human_entrez_2_odb) <- c("protein_id", "gene_id")
cogdata <- cogdata %>% left_join(human_entrez_2_odb)
ogr <- groot.preprocess(cogdata=cogdata, phyloTree=phyloTree, spid="9606")
ogr <- groot(ogr, nPermutations=1, verbose=TRUE)
g <- ogr2igraph(ogr, cogdata,, idkey = "ENTREZ")
pal <- brewer.pal(9, "RdYlBu")
color_col <- colorRampPalette(pal)(37) #set a color for each root!
g <- att.setv(g=g, from="Root", to="nodeColor", cols=color_col, na.col = "grey80", breaks = seq(1,37))
g <- att.setv(g = g, from = "SYMBOL", to = "nodeAlias")
E(g)$edgeColor <- "grey80"
V(g)$nodeLineColor <- "grey80"
rdp <- RedPort()
addGraph(rdp, g)
addLegend.color(rdp, colvec=g$legNodeColor$scale, size=15, labvec=g$legNodeColor$legend, title="Roots inferred from geneplast")
g1 <- induced_subgraph(g=g, V(g)$name[V(g)$Apoptosis==1])
g2 <- induced_subgraph(g=g, V(g)$name[V(g)$GenomeStability==1])
myTheme <- list(nestFontSize=25, zoom=80, isNest=TRUE, gscale=65, theme=2)
addGraph(rdp, g1, gcoord=c(25, 50), theme = c(myTheme, nestAlias="Apoptosis"))
addGraph(rdp, g2, gcoord=c(75, 50), theme = c(myTheme, nestAlias="Genome Stability"))
relax(rdp, p1=50, p2=50, p3=50, p4=50, p5= 50, ps = TRUE)
This section presents elapsed times (ET) for geneplast rooting analysis of all OG from H. sapiens within different datasets (STRING, OMA, and OrthoDB). We used default values when calling the functions groot.preprocess
and groot
. The elapsed times were calculated by the difference of timestamps using tictoc library.
ah <- AnnotationHub()
meta <- query(ah, "geneplast")
writeLines(paste("geneplast input data loaded from", meta["AH83116"]$title))
tic("total time")
ogr <- groot.preprocess(cogdata=cogdata, phyloTree=phyloTree, spid="9606")
ogr <- groot(ogr)
We performed all runs on a desktop computer with the following specification:
Table 1. Elapsed times for preprocessing and rooting all human orthologs within different datasets.
Dataset ID | Source | Species count | OG count | ET (prep.) | ET (rooting) | ET (total) |
AH83116 | STRING | 476 | 7702 | 6 min 22 sec | 10 min 50 sec | 17 min 12 sec |
AH83117 | OMA | 485 | 19614 | 7 min 46 sec | 26 min 58 sec | 34 min 45 sec |
AH83118 | OrthoDB | 1271 | 10557 | 19 min 3 sec | 13 min 41 sec | 32 min 44 sec |
#> R Under development (unstable) (2024-01-16 r85808)
#> Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
#> Running under: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
#> Matrix products: default
#> BLAS: /home/biocbuild/bbs-3.19-bioc/R/lib/
#> LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lapack/
#> locale:
#> time zone: America/New_York
#> tzcode source: system (glibc)
#> attached base packages:
#> [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
#> other attached packages:
#> [1] geneplast_1.29.0 geneplast.data_0.99.9 dplyr_1.1.4
#> [4] stringi_1.8.3 tibble_3.2.1 BiocStyle_2.31.0
#> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
#> [1] xfun_0.42 bslib_0.6.1 lattice_0.22-5
#> [4] tzdb_0.4.0 vctrs_0.6.5 tools_4.4.0
#> [7] generics_0.1.3 yulab.utils_0.1.4 curl_5.2.0
#> [10] parallel_4.4.0 fansi_1.0.6 RSQLite_2.3.5
#> [13] highr_0.10 blob_1.2.4 pkgconfig_2.0.3
#> [16] data.table_1.15.0 dbplyr_2.4.0 lifecycle_1.0.4
#> [19] compiler_4.4.0 treeio_1.27.0 htmltools_0.5.7
#> [22] snow_0.4-4 sass_0.4.8 yaml_2.3.8
#> [25] lazyeval_0.2.2 pillar_1.9.0 crayon_1.5.2
#> [28] jquerylib_0.1.4 tidyr_1.3.1 cachem_1.0.8
#> [31] magick_2.8.3 nlme_3.1-164 tidyselect_1.2.0
#> [34] digest_0.6.34 purrr_1.0.2 bookdown_0.37
#> [37] fastmap_1.1.1 grid_4.4.0 archive_1.1.7
#> [40] cli_3.6.2 magrittr_2.0.3 utf8_1.2.4
#> [43] ape_5.7-1 readr_2.1.5 withr_3.0.0
#> [46] filelock_1.0.3 bit64_4.0.5 rmarkdown_2.25
#> [49] httr_1.4.7 igraph_2.0.2 bit_4.0.5
#> [52] hms_1.1.3 memoise_2.0.1 evaluate_0.23
#> [55] knitr_1.45 BiocFileCache_2.11.1 rlang_1.1.3
#> [58] Rcpp_1.0.12 glue_1.7.0 tidytree_0.4.6
#> [61] DBI_1.2.2 BiocManager_1.30.22 vroom_1.6.5
#> [64] jsonlite_1.8.8 R6_2.5.1 fs_1.6.3