Changes in version 1.1.1                        

  - (User-facing) Fixed: Too many warnings from Python's scikit-learn
    were being printed to console (warning about an expected change in
    future scikit-learn version)

                      Changes in version 0.99.339                       

  - seqArchR available on Bioconductor

                       Changes in version 0.99.0                        

New features

  - viz_seqs_acgt_mat() function can now add a legend via new arguments
    add_legend and use_legend.
  - Package name change from archR to seqArchR

Breaking changes

  - (User-facing) Function name archR_set_config() changed to
  - (User-facing) Function name viz_seqs_acgt_mat_from_seqs() changed to
  - (User-facing) Function runArchRUI() that launched a Shiny app is
    moved to a different package coming up in the future