## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, cache = TRUE ) ## ----Data Loading and Preparation--------------------------------------------- library(DeepTarget) data("OntargetM") ## "Below is the OnTargetM object containing a subset of public data downloading from depmap.org" vapply(OntargetM,dim,FUN.VALUE = numeric(2)) ## drug of interest. drug.name <- c('atiprimod','AMG-232','pitavastatin','Ro-4987655','alexidine','RGFP966','dabrafenib','olaparib','CGM097','ibrutinib','palbociclib') ## data preparation for these drugs ## the secondary prism contain the response scores, where columns are cell lines and row names for Broad IDs of the drug. ## First, Obtain the broad ID for these interesting drug. Broad.IDs <- OntargetM$DrugMetadata$broad_id_trimmed[which(OntargetM$DrugMetadata$name %in% drug.name)] ## the drug response has duplicated assays so we have 16 rows returned for 11 drugs. sec.prism.f <- OntargetM$secondary_prism[which ( row.names(OntargetM$secondary_prism) %in% Broad.IDs), ] KO.GES <- OntargetM$avana_CRISPR ## ----Computing a correlation between the every gene crispr KO vs each drug response for all interesting drugs---- List.sim <- NULL; for (i in 1:nrow(sec.prism.f)){ DRS <- as.data.frame(sec.prism.f[i,]) DRS <- t(DRS) row.names(DRS) <- row.names(sec.prism.f)[i] out <- computeCor(row.names(sec.prism.f)[i],DRS,KO.GES) List.sim [[length(List.sim) + 1]] <- out } names(List.sim) <- row.names(sec.prism.f) ## ----Performing Pathway Analysis Based on Drug Meta Data---------------------- metadata <- OntargetM$DrugMetadata Pwy.Enr <- DoPWY(List.sim,metadata) ## ----section.cap="Predicting Similarity Across Known Targeted Genes and All Genes"---- DrugTarcomputeCor <- PredTarget(List.sim,metadata) DrugGeneMaxSim <- PredMaxSim(List.sim,metadata) ## ----section.cap="Computing the Interaction"---------------------------------- d.mt <- OntargetM$mutations_mat d.expr <- OntargetM$expression_20Q4 out.MutantTarget <- NULL; out.LowexpTarget <- NULL; for (i in 1:nrow(sec.prism.f)){ DRS=as.data.frame(sec.prism.f[i,]) DRS <- t(DRS) row.names(DRS) <- row.names(sec.prism.f)[i] ## for mutant Out.M <- DoInteractMutant(DrugTarcomputeCor[i,],d.mt,DRS,KO.GES) TargetMutSpecificity <- data.frame(MaxTgt_Inter_Mut_strength=vapply(Out.M, function(x) x[1],numeric(1)), MaxTgt_Inter_Mut_Pval=vapply(Out.M, function(x) x[2],numeric(1))) out.MutantTarget <- rbind(out.MutantTarget,TargetMutSpecificity) ## for expression. Out.Expr <- DoInteractExp(DrugTarcomputeCor[i,],d.expr,DRS,KO.GES,CutOff= 2) TargetExpSpecificity <- data.frame( MaxTgt_Inter_Exp_strength <- vapply(Out.Expr, function(x) x[1],numeric(1)), MaxTgt_Inter_Exp_Pval <- vapply(Out.Expr, function(x) x[2],numeric(1))) out.LowexpTarget <- rbind (out.LowexpTarget,TargetExpSpecificity) } ## ----Interaction Assessment--------------------------------------------------- Whether_interaction_Ex_based= ifelse( out.LowexpTarget$MaxTgt_Inter_Exp_strength <0 & out.LowexpTarget$MaxTgt_Inter_Exp_Pval <0.2,TRUE,FALSE) predicted_resistance_mut= ifelse( out.MutantTarget$MaxTgt_Inter_Mut_Pval<0.1,TRUE,FALSE) ## ----Preparation for Output--------------------------------------------------- Pred.d <- NULL; Pred.d <- cbind(DrugTarcomputeCor,DrugGeneMaxSim,out.MutantTarget,predicted_resistance_mut) mutant.C <- vapply(Pred.d[,3],function(x)tryCatch(sum(d.mt[x,] ==1),error=function(e){NA}),FUN.VALUE = length(Pred.d[,3])) Pred.d$mutant.C <- mutant.C Low.Exp.C = vapply(Pred.d[,3], function(x)tryCatch(sum(d.expr[x,] < 2),error=function(e){NA}),FUN.VALUE = length(Pred.d[,3])) Pred.d <- cbind(Pred.d, out.LowexpTarget, Whether_interaction_Ex_based,Low.Exp.C) ## ----Identifying Drugs with low primary target expressing cell lines---------- Low.i <- which(Pred.d$Low.Exp.C >5) Pred.d.f <- Pred.d[ Low.i,] Low.Exp.G <- NULL; for (i in 1:nrow(Pred.d.f)){ Gene.i <- Pred.d.f[,3][i] Temp <- tryCatch(names(which(d.expr[Gene.i,]<2)),error=function(e){NA}) Low.Exp.G [[length(Low.Exp.G) + 1]] <- Temp } names(Low.Exp.G) <- Pred.d.f[,3] sim.LowExp <- NULL; sec.prism.f.f <- sec.prism.f[Low.i,] identical (row.names(sec.prism.f.f) ,Pred.d.f[,1]) ## ----Calculating Drug KO Similarities in cell lines with low primary target---- for (i in 1:nrow(Pred.d.f)){ DRS.L= sec.prism.f.f[i,Low.Exp.G[[unlist(Pred.d.f[i,3])]]] DRS.L <- t(as.data.frame(DRS.L)) row.names(DRS.L) <- Pred.d.f[i,1] out <- computeCor(Pred.d.f[i,1],DRS.L,KO.GES) sim.LowExp [[length(sim.LowExp) + 1]] <- out } names(sim.LowExp) <- Pred.d.f[,1] ## ----Finding a primary target------------------------------------------------- ## This drug is unique in this Prediction data object. DOI = 'AMG-232' GOI = 'MDM2' plotCor(DOI,GOI,Pred.d,sec.prism.f,KO.GES,plot=TRUE) ## Interpretation: The graph shows that there is a positive significant ## correlation of MDM2 with drug AMG-232 (Correlation value: 0.54 ## and P val < 0.01) DOI = 'dabrafenib' GOI = 'BRAF' ## this drug has duplicated assay; which is row 4 and 5 in both Pred.d object and drug treatment. ## Here, let's look at the row 5 obtain the drug response for 'dabrafenib' DRS <- as.data.frame(sec.prism.f[5,]) DRS <- t(DRS) ## set the rownames with the Broad ID of the DOI row.names(DRS) <- row.names(sec.prism.f)[5] identical ( Pred.d$DrugID, row.names(sec.prism.f)) ## because the Pred.d and sec.prism.f have the same orders so we plotCor(DOI,GOI,Pred.d[5,],DRS,KO.GES,plot=TRUE) ## Interpretation: The graph shows that there is a positive significant ## correlation of BRAF with drug dabrafenib. (Correlation value(R): 0.58 and P val < 0.01) ## ----Predicting whether the drug specifically targets the wild-type or mutated target forms---- ## preparing the data for mutation from Pred.d dataframe. Pred.d.f <- Pred.d[,c(1:3,12:15)] ## only look at the mutated target forms. Pred.d.f.f <- Pred.d.f[which (Pred.d.f$predicted_resistance_mut==TRUE), ] ## Let's start with CGM097, unique assay in row 3 DOI=Pred.d.f.f$drugName[3] GOI=Pred.d.f.f$MaxTargetName[3] DrugID <- Pred.d.f.f$DrugID[3] DRS=as.data.frame(sec.prism.f[DrugID,]) DRS <- t(DRS) row.names(DRS) <- DrugID # let's take a look at the initial 5 outcomes pertaining to the first drug. DRS[1,1:5] out <- DMB(DOI,GOI,Pred.d.f.f[3,],d.mt,DRS,KO.GES,plot=TRUE) print (out) ## Interpretation: The graph shows CGM097 is likely targeting both the mutant ## form (R=0.81, P val <0.01) and the wild type form (R=0.49, P >0.01) of ## the MDM2 gene. ## For dabrafenib, both assays suggest that BRAF is mutated target forms, we will choose one for visualization. DOI ="dabrafenib" GOI = "BRAF" # because this has two assays in the drug response score matrix, we will visualize one of them. # first check identity. identical ( Pred.d.f$DrugID, row.names(sec.prism.f)) ## we will choose the row 5. DRS <- as.data.frame(sec.prism.f[5,]) DRS <- t(DRS) row.names(DRS) <- row.names(sec.prism.f)[5] out <- DMB(DOI,GOI,Pred.d.f[5,],d.mt,DRS,KO.GES,plot=TRUE) print (out) ## Interpretation: The graph shows dabrafenib is likely targeting the mutant ## form (R=0.66, P val <0.01) rather than the wild type form (R=-0.1, P >0.01) ## of BRAF gene. ## ----Predicting secondary target---------------------------------------------- ## This drug has two assays. # The index is 14 in the order of the interesting drugs. identical (Pred.d$DrugID, row.names(sec.prism.f)) DRS <- as.data.frame(sec.prism.f[14,]) DRS <- t(DRS) row.names(DRS) <- row.names(sec.prism.f)[14] #### DOI="ibrutinib" GOI="BTK" out <- DTR (DOI,GOI,Pred.d[14,],d.expr,DRS,KO.GES,CutOff= 2) print(out) ## ----Predicting secondary target(s) that mediate its response when the primary target is not expressed---- sim.LowExp.Strength=vapply(sim.LowExp, function(x) x[,2],FUN.VALUE = numeric(nrow(sim.LowExp[[1]]))) dim(sim.LowExp.Strength) sim.LowExp.Pval=vapply(sim.LowExp, function(x) x[,1], FUN.VALUE = numeric(nrow(sim.LowExp[[1]]))) head(sim.LowExp.Pval) ## Let's take a look at ibrutinib par(mar=c(4,4,5,2), xpd=TRUE, mfrow=c(1,2)); plotSim(sim.LowExp.Pval[,8],sim.LowExp.Strength[,8],colorRampPalette(c("lightblue",'darkblue')), plot=TRUE) ## ----Conclusion--------------------------------------------------------------- DOI="ibrutinib" GOI="EGFR" out <- DTR (DOI,GOI,Pred.d[14,],d.expr,DRS,KO.GES,CutOff= 2) print (out) ## ----session------------------------------------------------------------------ sessionInfo()