Changes in version 2.21.1                        

    o   From Travis-CI to Github Actions

                        Changes in version 2.9.1                        

    o   Minor update to enhance compatibility with R 4.0.0

                        Changes in version 2.8.1                        

    o   Minor fix on documentation

                        Changes in version 2.7.7                        

    o   RNA Seq validation

    o   Random restart on Hill Climbing added to CAPRI algorithm

    o   Minor fixes to algorithms and error model

                        Changes in version 2.7.3                        

    o   Assignment to .GlobalEnv removed

                        Changes in version 2.6.1                        

    o   Last stable releade with bugfix

                        Changes in version 2.4.3                        

    o   New algorithms: Edmonds, Gabow, Chow-Liu and Prim.

    o   New scores: PMI, CPMI, MI

    o   A better bootstrap implementation

                        Changes in version 2.4.2                        

    o   Implementation of maximum spanning tree algorithms.

    o   Implementation of a noise model for cumulative phenomena.

                        Changes in version 2.4.1                        

    o   A better implementation of remove.cycles.

                        Changes in version 2.4.0                        

    o   New statistics available for model confidence via
	cross-validation routines. New algorithms based on Minimum
	Spanning Tree extraction.

                        Changes in version 2.0.0                        

    o   Released in summer 2015 on our GitHUB, will replace the
	Bioconductor version in autumn 2015. This version is parallel,
	includes also the CAPRI algorithm, supports common input
	formats such as GISTIC (for Copy Number Variants), MAF (for
	mutations' annotation), supports TCGA samples editing and
	queries to the CBio portal.  This version comes with new
	plotting capabilities, and a general from-scratch design. It is
	not compatible with previous releases.

                        Changes in version 1.0.0                        

    o   Released in mid 2014 includes CAPRESE algorithm.  It is now
	outdated and no more maintained.