Version 1.31.1 (2020-11-30)
- Depends on DESeq2 (previously DESeq)

Version 1.1.5: (2013-09-01)

- Added an all-in function runSeqGSEA() for one step analysis
- Modified genpermuteMat() with invoking set.seed() for reproducibility
- Vignette updated

Version 1.1.4: (2013-08-10)

- Updated functions to allow DE-only GSEA analysis. 
- Fixed a few bugs.
- Vignette updated. 

Version 1.1.3: (2013-06-13)

- Sorted out an error due to biomaRt update (thanks to Martin Morgan).

Version 1.1.2: (2013-05-01)

- Updated vignette.

Version 1.1.1: (2013-04-23)

- The methodology paper of the SeqGSEA package published at BMC Bioinformatics (2013, 14(Suppl 5):S16). 
- Added a function writeScores to generate DE/DS and gene scores output. 

Version 1.0.0 & 1.1.0: (2013-04-04)

- SeqGSEA's first release with Bioconductor 2.12.