--- title: Deploying custom panels in the `iSEE` interface author: - name: Kevin Rue-Albrecht affiliation: - &id4 Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, University of Oxford, Headington, Oxford OX3 7FY, UK. email: kevin.rue-albrecht@kennedy.ox.ac.uk - name: Federico Marini affiliation: - &id1 Institute of Medical Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Informatics (IMBEI), Mainz - Center for Thrombosis and Hemostasis (CTH), Mainz email: marinif@uni-mainz.de - name: Charlotte Soneson affiliation: - &id3 Institute of Molecular Life Sciences, University of Zurich - SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics email: charlottesoneson@gmail.com - name: Aaron Lun affiliation: - &id2 Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, University of Cambridge email: infinite.monkeys.with.keyboards@gmail.com date: "`r BiocStyle::doc_date()`" package: "`r BiocStyle::pkg_ver('iSEE')`" output: BiocStyle::html_document: toc_float: true vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{4. Deploying custom panels} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} %\VignettePackage{iSEE} %\VignetteKeywords{GeneExpression, RNASeq, Sequencing, Visualization, QualityControl, GUI} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} editor_options: chunk_output_type: console bibliography: iSEE.bib --- **Compiled date**: `r Sys.Date()` **Last edited**: 2018-03-08 **License**: `r packageDescription("iSEE")[["License"]]` ```{r setup, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", error = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE ) stopifnot(requireNamespace("htmltools")) htmltools::tagList(rmarkdown::html_dependency_font_awesome()) sce <- readRDS('sce.rds') ``` # Background Users can define their own plots or tables to include in the `iSEE` interface [@kra2018iSEE]. These custom panels are intended to receive subsets of rows and/or columns from other transmitting panels in the interface. The values in the custom panels are recomputed "on the fly" by user-defined functions using the transmitted subset. This provides a flexible and convenient framework for lightweight interactive analysis during data exploration. For example, selection of a particular subset of samples can be transmitted to a custom plot panel that performs dimensionality reduction on that subset. Alternatively, the subset can be transmitted to a custom table that performs a differential expression analysis between that subset and all other samples. # Defining custom functions ## Minimum requirements Recalculations in custom panels are performed using user-defined functions that are supplied to the `iSEE()` call. The only requirements are that the function must accept: - A `SummarizedExperiment` object or its derivatives as the first argument. And, if `iSEE(..., customSendAll=FALSE)` (the default): - A vector of row names as the _second_ argument, specifying the rows that are currently selected in the transmitting _row-based_ panel. This may be `NULL` if no transmitting panel was selected or if no active selection is available. - A vector of column names as the _third_ argument, specifying the columns that are currently selected in the transmitting _column-based_ panel. This may be `NULL` if no transmitting panel was selected or if no active selection is available. Conversely, `iSEE(..., customSendAll=TRUE)` transmits _all_ selections - active and saved - from the transmitting panel. This feature is described in further detail [below](#customSendAll). The output of the function should be: - A `ggplot` object, for functions used in _custom plot panels_. - A `data.frame`, for functions used in _custom table panels_. ## Example of custom plot panel To demonstrate the use of _custom plot panels_, we define an example function `CUSTOM_PCA` below. This takes a subset of features and cells in a `SingleCellExperiment` object, performs a principal components analysis (PCA) using that subset with `runPCA`, and creates a plot of the first two principal components with `plotPCA` [@mccarthy2017scater]. ```{r CUSTOM_PCA} library(scater) CUSTOM_PCA <- function(se, rows, columns, colour_by=NULL, scale_features=TRUE) { if (!is.null(columns)) { kept <- se[, columns] } else { return( ggplot() + theme_void() + geom_text( aes(x, y, label=label), data.frame(x=0, y=0, label="No column data selected."), size=5) ) } scale_features <- as.logical(scale_features) kept <- runPCA(kept, feature_set=rows, scale_features=scale_features) plotPCA(kept, colour_by=colour_by) } ``` As mentioned above, `rows` and `columns` may be `NULL` if no selection was made in the respective transmitting panels. How these should be treated is up to the user-defined function. In the `CUSTOM_PCA` example above, an empty _ggplot_ is returned if there is no selection on the columns, while the default `runPCA` behaviour is used if `feature_set=NULL`. ## Example of custom table panel To demonstrate the use of _custom table panels_, we define an example function `CUSTOM_SUMMARY` below. This takes a subset of features and cells in a `SingleCellExperiment` object, and creates data-frame that details the `mean`, `variance` and count of samples with expression above a given cut-off within the selection. ```{r CUSTOM_SUMMARY} CUSTOM_SUMMARY <- function(se, ri, ci, assay="logcounts", min_exprs=0) { if (is.null(ri)) { ri <- rownames(se) } if (is.null(ci)) { ci <- colnames(se) } assayMatrix <- assay(se, assay)[ri, ci, drop=FALSE] data.frame( Mean = rowMeans(assayMatrix), Var = rowVars(assayMatrix), Sum = rowSums(assayMatrix), n_detected = rowSums(assayMatrix > min_exprs), row.names = ri ) } ``` Note that in the `CUSTOM_SUMMARY` example above, if either `rows` or `columns` are `NULL`, all rows or columns are used, respectively. ## Additional arguments Users of custom panels can specify additional arguments via a text box that accepts multi-line inputs. This is automatically converted into named arguments before being passed to the custom function. Each line corresponds to one argument:value pair, separated by the first space (ignoring whitespace at the start of the line). For example, consider the `CUSTOM_PCA` function. If a user were to type: ``` colour_by Nanog scale_features FALSE ``` ... in the text box, this would pass `colour_by="Nanog"` and `scale_features="TRUE"` to `CUSTOM_PCA`. Note that all additional arguments are passed as character strings for the sake of security. It is the responsibility of the custom function to perform any necessary type checks and conversions (hence the `as.logical` in `CUSTOM_PCA`). Similarly, additional arguments can be passed to the `CUSTOM_SUMMARY` function above. For instance: ``` assay counts min_exprs 5 ``` ## Example use Using the `sce` object that we generated `r Biocpkg("iSEE", vignette="basic.html", label="earlier")`, we will add some fields for examining the mean-variance relationship across features: ```{r mean_log-var_log} rowData(sce)$mean_log <- rowMeans(logcounts(sce)) rowData(sce)$var_log <- apply(logcounts(sce), 1, var) ``` We will then set up an `iSEE` instance with four panels - a reduced dimension plot, a row data plot, a custom plot, and a custom table. Note how both custom panels initially receives a column selection from the reduced dimension plot and a row selection from the row data plot. We also set the initial function to the name of `CUSTOM_PCA` in `customDataFun`, and the initial arguments to the values described above. ```{r app} library(iSEE) reddim <- redDimPlotDefaults(sce, 1) rowdat <- rowDataPlotDefaults(sce, 1) rowdat$XAxis <- "Row data" rowdat$XAxisRowData <- "mean_log" rowdat$YAxis <- "var_log" cdp <- customDataPlotDefaults(sce, 1) cdp$Function <- "CUSTOM_PCA" cdp$Arguments <- "colour_by Nanog\nscale_features FALSE" cdp$ColumnSource <- "Reduced dimension plot 1" cdp$RowSource <- "Row data plot 1" cst <- customStatTableDefaults(sce, 1) cst$Function <- "CUSTOM_SUMMARY" cst$Arguments <- "assay logcounts\nmin_exprs 1" cst$ColumnSource <- "Reduced dimension plot 1" cst$RowSource <- "Row data plot 1" app <- iSEE( sce, redDimArgs=reddim, rowDataArgs=rowdat, customDataArgs=cdp, customStatArgs=cst, initialPanels=DataFrame( Name=c( "Reduced dimension plot 1", "Row data plot 1", "Custom data plot 1", "Custom statistics table 1"), Width=c(4, 4, 4, 12)), customDataFun=list(CUSTOM_PCA=CUSTOM_PCA), customStatFun=list(CUSTOM_SUMMARY=CUSTOM_SUMMARY) ) ``` # Setting `customSendAll=TRUE` {#customSendAll} By default, `iSEE` only passes the "active" point selection from the transmitting panel to your custom function. Users can set `customSendAll=TRUE` to obtain _all_ selections - active and saved - from the transmitting panel. This takes the form of a list with two elements: - `active`, a vector of names specifying the points in the active selection. - `saved`, a list of vectors of names specifying the points in each saved selection. It is possible for `active` to be `NULL` or `saved` to contain no elements. This occurs if there are no active and/or saved selections, or if no transmitter has been selected. This is a powerful system that allows users to compute statistics of interests for multiple selections simultaneously. For example, we can write a function that computes log-fold changes between the samples in the active selection and samples in each saved selection. (It would be trivial to extend this to obtain actual differential expression statistics, e.g., using `scran::findMarkers()` or functions from packages like `r Biocpkg("limma")`.) ```{r} CUSTOM_DIFFEXP <- function(se, ri, ci, assay="logcounts") { ri <- ri$active if (is.null(ri)) { # ignoring saved gene selections for now. ri <- rownames(se) } if (is.null(ci$active) || length(ci$saved)==0L) { return(data.frame(row.names=character(0), LogFC=integer(0))) # dummy value. } assayMatrix <- assay(se, assay)[ri, , drop=FALSE] active <- rowMeans(assayMatrix[,ci$active,drop=FALSE]) lfcs <- vector("list", length(ci$saved)) for (i in seq_along(lfcs)) { saved <- rowMeans(assayMatrix[,ci$saved[[i]],drop=FALSE]) lfcs[[i]] <- active - saved } names(lfcs) <- sprintf("LogFC/%i", seq_along(lfcs)) output <- do.call(data.frame, lfcs) rownames(output) <- ri output } ``` We also re-use these statistics to visualize some of the genes with the largest log-fold changes: ```{r} CUSTOM_HEAT <- function(se, ri, ci, assay="logcounts") { everything <- CUSTOM_DIFFEXP(se, ri, ci, assay=assay) if (nrow(everything) == 0L) { return(ggplot()) # empty ggplot if no genes reported. } everything <- as.matrix(everything) top <- head(order(rowMeans(abs(everything)), decreasing=TRUE), 50) topFC <- everything[top, , drop=FALSE] dimnames(topFC) <- list(gene=rownames(topFC), contrast=colnames(topFC)) dfFC <- reshape2::melt(topFC) ggplot(dfFC, aes(contrast, gene)) + geom_raster(aes(fill = value)) } ``` We test this out as shown below. In particular, we set `customSendAll=TRUE` to pass both the active and saved selections to each custom panel. Note that each saved selection is also the active selection when it is first generated, hence the log-fold changes of zero in the last column of the heat map until a new active selection is drawn. ```{r} cdp2 <- customDataPlotDefaults(sce, 1) cdp2$Function <- "CUSTOM_HEAT" cdp2$Arguments <- "assay logcounts" cdp2$ColumnSource <- "Reduced dimension plot 1" cdp2$RowSource <- "Row data plot 1" cst2 <- customStatTableDefaults(sce, 1) cst2$Function <- "CUSTOM_DIFFEXP" cst2$Arguments <- "assay logcounts" cst2$ColumnSource <- "Reduced dimension plot 1" cst2$RowSource <- "Row data plot 1" app <- iSEE( sce, redDimArgs=reddim, rowDataArgs=rowdat, customDataArgs=cdp2, customStatArgs=cst2, initialPanels=DataFrame( Name=c( "Reduced dimension plot 1", "Row data plot 1", "Custom data plot 1", "Custom statistics table 1"), Width=c(4, 4, 4, 12)), customDataFun=list(CUSTOM_HEAT=CUSTOM_HEAT), customStatFun=list(CUSTOM_DIFFEXP=CUSTOM_DIFFEXP), customSendAll=TRUE ) ``` # Caching for greater efficiency True R wizards can take advantage of the pass-by-reference activity of environments to cache results throughout the lifetime of the app. This can be used to avoid repeating time-consuming steps that are not affected by changes in certain parameters. For example, we could cache the output of `runPCA` to avoid repeating the PCA if only `colour_by` changes. We demonstrate this functionality below using a function that computes log-fold changes for the selected features in one subset of samples compared to the others. For any given column selection, we compute log-fold changes for all features and cache the results in the `caching` environment. This allows us to avoid recomputing these values if only the row selection changes. ```{r CUSTOM_LFC} caching <- new.env() CUSTOM_LFC <- function(se, rows, columns) { if (is.null(columns)) { return(data.frame(logFC=numeric(0))) } if (!identical(caching$columns, columns)) { caching$columns <- columns in.subset <- rowMeans(logcounts(sce)[,columns]) out.subset <- rowMeans(logcounts(sce)[,setdiff(colnames(sce), columns)]) caching$logFC <- setNames(in.subset - out.subset, rownames(sce)) } lfc <- caching$logFC if (!is.null(rows)) { out <- data.frame(logFC=lfc[rows], row.names=rows) } else { out <- data.frame(logFC=lfc, row.names=rownames(se)) } out } ``` We then set up an `iSEE` instance with three panels - a reduced dimension plot, a row data plot and a custom statistics table. This is much the same as described for the custom plot panel. ```{r app2} cst <- customStatTableDefaults(sce, 1) cst$Function <- "CUSTOM_LFC" cst$ColumnSource <- "Reduced dimension plot 1" cst$RowSource <- "Row data plot 1" app2 <- iSEE(sce, redDimArgs=reddim, rowDataArgs=rowdat, customStatArgs=cst, initialPanels=DataFrame(Name=c("Reduced dimension plot 1", "Row data plot 1", "Custom statistics table 1")), customStatFun=list(CUSTOM_LFC=CUSTOM_LFC)) ``` # Session Info {.unnumbered} ```{r sessioninfo} sessionInfo() # devtools::session_info() ``` # References {.unnumbered}