--- title: "NBAMSeq: Negative Binomial Additive Model for RNA-Seq Data" author: "Xu Ren and Pei Fen Kuan" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_document: highlight: pygments toc: true bibliography: reference.bib vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Negative Binomial Additive Model for RNA-Seq Data} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, echo = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(comment = "", message=FALSE, warning = FALSE) ``` ## Installation To install and load NBAMSeq ```{r eval = FALSE} if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("NBAMSeq", version = "3.9") ``` ```{r} library(NBAMSeq) ``` ## Introduction High-throughput sequencing experiments followed by differential expression analysis is a widely used approach to detect genomic biomarkers. A fundamental step in differential expression analysis is to model the association between gene counts and covariates of interest. NBAMSeq is a flexible statistical model based on the generalized additive model and allows for information sharing across genes in variance estimation. Specifically, we model the logarithm of mean gene counts as sums of smooth functions with the smoothing parameters and coefficients estimated simultaneously by a nested iteration. The variance is estimated by the Bayesian shrinkage approach to fully exploit the information across all genes. The workflow of NBAMSeq contains three main steps: * Step 1: Data input using `NBAMSeqDataSet`; * Step 2: Differential expression (DE) analysis using `NBAMSeq` function; * Step 3: Pulling out DE results using `results` function. Here we illustrate each of these steps respectively. ## Data input Users are expected to provide three parts of input, i.e. `countData`, `colData`, and `design`. `countData` is a matrix of gene counts generated by RNASeq experiments. ```{r} ## An example of countData n = 50 ## n stands for number of genes m = 20 ## m stands for sample size countData = matrix(rnbinom(n*m, mu=100, size=1/3), ncol = m) + 1 mode(countData) = "integer" colnames(countData) = paste0("sample", 1:m) rownames(countData) = paste0("gene", 1:n) head(countData) ``` `colData` is a data frame which contains the covariates of samples. The sample order in `colData` should match the sample order in `countData`. ```{r} ## An example of colData pheno = runif(m, 20, 80) var1 = rnorm(m) var2 = rnorm(m) var3 = rnorm(m) var4 = as.factor(sample(c(0,1,2), m, replace = TRUE)) colData = data.frame(pheno = pheno, var1 = var1, var2 = var2, var3 = var3, var4 = var4) rownames(colData) = paste0("sample", 1:m) head(colData) ``` `design` is a formula which specifies how to model the samples. Compared with other packages performing DE analysis including DESeq2 [@love2014moderated], edgeR [@robinson2010edger], NBPSeq [@di2015nbpseq] and BBSeq [@zhou2011powerful], NBAMSeq supports the nonlinear model of covariates via mgcv [@wood2015package]. To indicate the nonlinear covariate in the model, users are expected to use `s(variable_name)` in the `design` formula. In our example, if we would like to model `pheno` as a nonlinear covariate, the `design` formula should be: ```{r} design = ~ s(pheno) + var1 + var2 + var3 + var4 ``` Several notes should be made regarding the `design` formula: * multiple nonlinear covariates are supported, e.g. `design = ~ s(pheno) + s(var1) + var2 + var3 + var4`; * the nonlinear covariate cannot be a discrete variable, e.g. `design = ~ s(pheno) + var1 + var2 + var3 + s(var4)` as `var4` is a factor, and it makes no sense to model a factor as nonlinear; * at least one nonlinear covariate should be provided in `design`. If all covariates are assumed to have linear effect on gene count, use DESeq2 [@love2014moderated], edgeR [@robinson2010edger], NBPSeq [@di2015nbpseq] or BBSeq [@zhou2011powerful] instead. e.g. `design = ~ pheno + var1 + var2 + var3 + var4` is not supported in NBAMSeq; * design matrix is not supported. We then construct the `NBAMSeqDataSet` using `countData`, `colData`, and `design`: ```{r} gsd = NBAMSeqDataSet(countData = countData, colData = colData, design = design) gsd ``` ## Differential expression analysis Differential expression analysis can be performed by `NBAMSeq` function: ```{r} gsd = NBAMSeq(gsd) ``` Several other arguments in `NBAMSeq` function are available for users to customize the analysis. * `gamma` argument can be used to control the smoothness of the nonlinear function. Higher `gamma` means the nonlinear function will be more smooth. See the `gamma` argument of [gam](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/mgcv/html/gam.html) function in mgcv [@wood2015package] for details. Default `gamma` is 2; * `parallel` is either `TRUE` or `FALSE` indicating whether parallel should be used. e.g. Run `NBAMSeq` with `parallel = TRUE`: ```{r eval=TRUE} library(BiocParallel) gsd = NBAMSeq(gsd, parallel = TRUE) ``` ## Pulling out DE results Results of DE analysis can be pulled out by `results` function. For continuous covariates, the `name` argument should be specified indicating the covariate of interest. For nonlinear continuous covariates, base mean, effective degrees of freedom (edf), test statistics, p-value, and adjusted p-value will be returned. ```{r} res1 = results(gsd, name = "pheno") head(res1) ``` For linear continuous covariates, base mean, estimated coefficient, standard error, test statistics, p-value, and adjusted p-value will be returned. ```{r} res2 = results(gsd, name = "var1") head(res2) ``` For discrete covariates, the `contrast` argument should be specified. e.g. `contrast = c("var4", "2", "0")` means comparing level 2 vs. level 0 in `var4`. ```{r} res3 = results(gsd, contrast = c("var4", "2", "0")) head(res3) ``` ## Visualization We suggest two approaches to visualize the nonlinear associations. The first approach is to plot the smooth components of a fitted negative binomial additive model by `plot.gam` function in mgcv [@wood2015package]. This can be done by calling `makeplot` function and passing in `NBAMSeqDataSet` object. Users are expected to provide the phenotype of interest in `phenoname` argument and gene of interest in `genename` argument. ```{r} ## assuming we are interested in the nonlinear relationship between gene10's ## expression and "pheno" makeplot(gsd, phenoname = "pheno", genename = "gene10", main = "gene10") ``` In addition, to explore the nonlinear association of covariates, it is also instructive to look at log normalized counts vs. variable scatter plot. Below we show how to produce such plot. ```{r} ## here we explore the most significant nonlinear association res1 = res1[order(res1$pvalue),] topgene = rownames(res1)[1] sf = getsf(gsd) ## get the estimated size factors ## divide raw count by size factors to obtain normalized counts countnorm = t(t(countData)/sf) head(res1) ``` ```{r} library(ggplot2) setTitle = topgene df = data.frame(pheno = pheno, logcount = log2(countnorm[topgene,]+1)) ggplot(df, aes(x=pheno, y=logcount))+geom_point(shape=19,size=1)+ geom_smooth(method='loess')+xlab("pheno")+ylab("log(normcount + 1)")+ annotate("text", x = max(df$pheno)-5, y = max(df$logcount)-1, label = paste0("edf: ", signif(res1[topgene,"edf"],digits = 4)))+ ggtitle(setTitle)+ theme(text = element_text(size=10), plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) ``` ## Session info ```{r sessionInfo} sessionInfo() ``` ## References