## ----knitr, echo=FALSE, results="hide"----------------------------------- library("knitr") knit_hooks$set(fig.bg = function(before, options, envir) { if (before) par(bg = options$fig.bg) }) opts_chunk$set(tidy=FALSE,dev="png",fig.show="hide", fig.width=4,fig.height=4.5, message=FALSE, fig.bg='white') ## ----style, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE, results="asis"--------------------------------------- BiocStyle::latex() ## ----loadLibraries, echo=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- library("DESeq2") library(GenomicRanges) library(GenomicFeatures) library(genefilter) library(statmod) library(gdata) library(RColorBrewer) library(genefilter) library(ggplot2) library(gplots) library(cluster) library(clue) library(grid) library(gridExtra) library(Single.mTEC.Transcriptomes) ## ----Figure_plot1_MappingStats, echo=TRUE, fig.width=8, fig.height=12, dev="pdf"-------- data("percentsGG") ggplot( percentsGG, aes(index, percent, fill=type) ) + geom_bar(stat="identity") + facet_grid( batch ~ . ) + theme(axis.title = element_text(size = 18), axis.text = element_text(size=12), legend.text = element_text(size = 12), axis.text.x=element_text(angle=90), legend.position="top") ## ----loadingDxd------------------------------------------------------------------------- data("mTECdxd") numCores=1 ## ----variableFunction, echo=FALSE, eval=TRUE-------------------------------------------- testForVar <- function( countTable, FDR=0.1, minVar=.5, main=""){ normalizedCountTable <- t( t(countTable)/estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix(countTable) ) splitCounts <- split(as.data.frame(countTable), grepl("ERCC", rownames(countTable))) mouseCounts <- splitCounts[["FALSE"]] spikeCounts <- splitCounts[["TRUE"]] mouseNF <- estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix( mouseCounts ) spikeNF <- estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix( spikeCounts ) mouseCounts <- t( t( mouseCounts ) / mouseNF ) spikeCounts <- t( t( spikeCounts ) / spikeNF ) meansSpike <- rowMeans( spikeCounts ) varsSpike <- rowVars( spikeCounts ) cv2Spike <- varsSpike / meansSpike^2 minMeanForFit <- unname( quantile( meansSpike[ which( cv2Spike > .3 ) ], .9 ) ) useForFit <- meansSpike >= minMeanForFit fit <- glmgam.fit( cbind( a0 = 1, a1tilde = 1/meansSpike[useForFit] ), cv2Spike[useForFit] ) xi <- mean( 1 / spikeNF ) a0 <- unname( fit$coefficients["a0"] ) a1 <- unname( fit$coefficients["a1tilde"] - xi ) meansMouse <- rowMeans( mouseCounts ) varsMouse <- rowVars( mouseCounts ) cv2Mouse <- varsMouse / meansMouse^2 psia1theta <- mean( 1 / mouseNF ) + a1 * mean( spikeNF / mouseNF ) minBiolDisp <- minVar^2 m <- ncol( mouseCounts ) cv2th <- a0 + minBiolDisp + a0 * minBiolDisp testDenom <- ( meansMouse * psia1theta + meansMouse^2 * cv2th ) / ( 1 + cv2th/m ) p <- 1 - pchisq( varsMouse * (m-1) / testDenom, m-1 ) padj <- p.adjust(p, method="BH") sig <- padj < FDR deGenes <- names( which( sig ) ) suppressWarnings( plot( NULL, xaxt="n", yaxt="n", bty = 'l', log="xy", xlim = c( 1e-2, 3e5 ), ylim = c( .005, ncol(mouseCounts) ), xlab = "Average normalized read count", ylab = "Squared coefficient of variation (SCV)", cex.lab=1.3, main=main)) axis( 1, 10^(-1:5), c( "0.1", "1", "10", "100", "1000", expression(10^4), expression(10^5) ), cex.axis=1.25) axis( 2, 10^(-2:2), c( "0.01", "0.1", "1", "10", "100"), las=2, cex.axis=1.25) # abline( h=10^(-2:1), v=10^(-1:5), col="#D0D0D0" ) points( meansMouse, cv2Mouse, pch=20, cex=.2, col = ifelse( padj < .1, "#b2182b", "#878787" ) ) points( meansSpike, cv2Spike, pch=20, cex=.8, col="black" ) xg <- 10^seq( -2, 6, length.out=1000 ) lines( xg, (xi+a1)/xg + a0, col="black", lwd=3)#, lty="dashed") lines( xg, psia1theta/xg + a0 + minBiolDisp, col="#67001f", lwd=3 ) return( deGenes ) } ## ----Figure_1C_variableNoMarker, dev="png", fig.height=4.4, fig.width=4.8, dpi=300, dev.args = list(bg = 'white')---- deGenesNone = testForVar( countTable=counts(dxd)[,colData(dxd)$SurfaceMarker == "None"] ) #save(deGenesNone, file="../data/deGenesNone.RData") length(deGenesNone) nrow(dxd) ncol(dxd) table( grepl("ERCC", rownames(dxd)) ) ## ----testForVarNames-------------------------------------------------------------------- cat( sprintf("The number of genes with coefficient of variation larger than 50 percent at FDR of 0.1 is: %s\n", length(deGenesNone)) ) ## ----Figure_a2_variableAll, dev="png", fig.height=4.4, fig.width=4.8, dpi=300, echo=FALSE, dev.args = list(bg = 'white'), eval=FALSE, echo=FALSE---- # deGenes = testForVar( countTable=counts(dxd) ) ## ----Figure_a3_variableSubGroups, dev="png", fig.height=4.4, fig.width=9, dpi=300, dev.args = list(bg = 'white'), eval=FALSE, echo=FALSE---- # par(mfrow=c(1, 2)) # deGenesCeacam1 <- testForVar( counts(dxd)[,colData(dxd)$SurfaceMarker == "Ceacam1"], # main=expression(Ceacam^+ cells~FACS) ) # # deGenesTspan8 <- testForVar( counts(dxd)[,colData(dxd)$SurfaceMarker == "Tspan8"], # main=expression(Tspan^+ cells~FACS)) ## ----echo=FALSE, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # length(deGenesCeacam1) # length(deGenesTspan8) ## ----Figure_1A_trasvsgenes, dev="png", fig.height=4, fig.width=4, units="in", dpi=300, dev.args = list(bg = 'white')---- data("tras") tras <- unique( tras$`gene.ids` ) data("geneNames") data("biotypes") proteinCoding <- names( which( biotype == "protein_coding" ) ) isTRA <- rownames( dxd ) %in% tras & rownames(dxd) %in% proteinCoding isProteinCoding <- rownames(dxd) %in% proteinCoding sum(isProteinCoding) par(mar=c(5, 5, 1, 1)) unselectedCells <- colData(dxd)$SurfaceMarker=="None" sum(unselectedCells) plot( colSums(counts(dxd)[isProteinCoding,unselectedCells] > 0), colSums(counts(dxd)[isTRA,unselectedCells] > 0), pch=19, cex=.7, col="#00000080", # col=lscol, cex.lab=1.3, cex.axis=1.3, xlab="Number of genes detected", ylab="Number of TRA genes detected") ## ----Figure_Supp1_percentageTRAs, dev="png", fig.height=3.5, fig.width=4, dpi=300, dev.args = list(bg = 'white')---- par(mar=c(5, 5, 1, 1)) hist( colSums(counts(dxd)[isTRA,unselectedCells] > 0)/ colSums(counts(dxd)[isProteinCoding,unselectedCells] > 0), col="white", cex.axis=1.4, xlab="", cex.lab=1.4, pch=19, cex=.5, main="", xlim=c(0, .5)) title(xlab="Fraction of detected genes\n classified as TRA", line=4, cex.lab=1.4) ## ----expressingTRANumbers--------------------------------------------------------------- rng <- range( colSums(counts(dxd)[isTRA,unselectedCells] > 0)/ colSums(counts(dxd)[isProteinCoding,unselectedCells] > 0) ) rng <- round(rng*100, 2) summary(rng) sd(rng) cat(sprintf("The proportion of TRAs expressed per cell with respect to the number of protein coding genes ranges from %s to %s percent\n", rng[1], rng[2] ) ) ## ----Figure_1B_saturation, dev="png", fig.height=4, fig.width=4, dpi=300, dev.args = list(bg = 'white')---- detectedTRAs <- 0+( counts(dxd)[isTRA,unselectedCells] > 0 ) cellOrder <- order( colSums(counts(dxd)[isProteinCoding,unselectedCells] > 0) ) cumFreqTRAs <- sapply( seq_along(cellOrder), function(x){ sum(!rowSums( detectedTRAs[,cellOrder[seq_len(x)], drop=FALSE] ) == 0) }) detectedGenes <- 0+( counts(dxd)[isProteinCoding,unselectedCells] > 0 ) cumFreqGenes <- sapply( seq_along(cellOrder), function(x){ sum(!rowSums( detectedGenes[,cellOrder[seq_len(x)], drop=FALSE] ) == 0) }) par(mar=c(5, 6, 2, 1)) plot(cumFreqTRAs/nrow(detectedTRAs), type="l", lwd=4, col="#1b7837", cex.axis=1.4, cex.lab=1.4, ylab="Cumulative fraction\nof genes detected", ylim=c(0, 1), xlab="Number of mature mTECs") lines(cumFreqGenes/nrow(detectedGenes), type="l", lwd=4, col="#762a83") legend(x=10, y=.3, legend=c("TRA-encoding genes", "Protein coding genes"), fill=c("#1b7837", "#762a83"), cex=1.2, bty="n") ## ----tranumbers------------------------------------------------------------------------- cat(sprintf("Total fraction of TRA genes detected: %s", round( max(cumFreqTRAs/nrow(detectedTRAs)),2) ) ) cat(sprintf("Total number of TRA genes: %s", nrow(detectedTRAs) ) ) cat(sprintf("Total fraction of protein coding genes detected: %s\n", round( max(cumFreqGenes/nrow(detectedGenes)), 2) ) ) cat(sprintf("Total number of detected protein coding genes: %s", max(cumFreqGenes))) cat(sprintf("Total number of protein coding genes: %s", nrow(detectedGenes) ) ) ## ----Figure_Supp2_traenrichment, dev="png", fig.height=4, fig.width=4, dpi=300,dev.args=list(bg = 'white')---- background <- rownames(dxd)[!rownames(dxd) %in% deGenesNone] background <- names( which( rowSums( counts(dxd)[background,] > 0 ) != 0 ) ) background <- intersect(background, proteinCoding) foreground <- intersect(deGenesNone, proteinCoding ) allTras <- intersect( tras, proteinCoding ) mat <- rbind( `variable genes`=table( !foreground %in% allTras ), `background`=table( !background %in% allTras ) ) colnames( mat ) <- c("is TRA", "is not TRA") mat[,1]/rowSums(mat) par(mar=c(4, 6, 1, 1)) barplot( mat[,1]/rowSums(mat), names.arg=c("variable", "not-variable"), las=1, col="black", cex.axis=1.2, cex.lab=1.3, cex=1.3, ylab="Fraction of\nTRA-encoding genes") ## ----fishertra-------------------------------------------------------------------------- fisher.test(mat) ## ----prepareFANTOM---------------------------------------------------------------------- data("fantom") data("aireDependentSansom") aireDependent <- aireDependentSansom countTable <- counts(dxd)[,colData(dxd)$SurfaceMarker == "None"] meansFANTOM <- sapply( split(seq_len(ncol(dxdFANTOM)), colData( dxdFANTOM )$tissue), function(x){ rowMeans( counts(dxdFANTOM, normalized=TRUE)[,x, drop=FALSE] ) }) meansFANTOM <- sapply( split( seq_len( nrow(meansFANTOM) ), sapply( strsplit( rownames( meansFANTOM ), "," ), "[[", 1 )), function(x){ colMeans( meansFANTOM[x,,drop=FALSE] ) }) meansFANTOM <- t( meansFANTOM ) cat( sprintf("The total number of tissues used from the FANTOM dataset was:%s\n", length( unique( colnames(meansFANTOM) ) ) ) ) matchedIndexes <- match( geneNames, rownames(meansFANTOM)) stopifnot( rownames(meansFANTOM)[matchedIndexes[!is.na(matchedIndexes)]] == geneNames[!is.na(matchedIndexes)] ) rownames(meansFANTOM)[matchedIndexes[!is.na(matchedIndexes)]] <- names( geneNames[!is.na(matchedIndexes)] ) meansFANTOM <- meansFANTOM[grep("ENS", rownames(meansFANTOM)),] numbersOfTissues <- rowSums( meansFANTOM > 5 ) numbersOfTissues <- numbersOfTissues[names(numbersOfTissues) %in% deGenesNone] aireDependent <- aireDependent[aireDependent %in% deGenesNone] numbersOfCells <- rowSums( countTable[names(numbersOfTissues),] > 0 ) table( numbersOfTissues < 10 ) FifteenPercent <- round( sum(colData(dxd)$SurfaceMarker == "None") * .15 ) tableResults <- table( lessThan10Cells=numbersOfCells < FifteenPercent, isAireDependent=names(numbersOfTissues) %in% aireDependent, isLessThan10Tissues=numbersOfTissues < 10) cat( sprintf("Total number of genes detected in less than 10 tissues: %s\n", sum( tableResults[,,"TRUE"]) ) ) cat(sprintf("From which %s are Aire dependent and %s are Aire-independent\n", colSums( tableResults[,,"TRUE"] )["TRUE"], colSums( tableResults[,,"TRUE"] )["FALSE"] ) ) tableResults["TRUE",,"TRUE"] percentsLessThan15 <- round( tableResults["TRUE",,"TRUE"]/colSums( tableResults[,,"TRUE"] ), 2) cat(sprintf("And %s and %s were detected in less than 15 percent of the cells, respectively\n", percentsLessThan15[2], percentsLessThan15[1])) ## ----prepareFigures, warnings=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- df <- data.frame( numberOfCells=numbersOfCells, numberOfTissues=numbersOfTissues, aireDependent=ifelse( names(numbersOfCells) %in% aireDependent, "Aire-dependent genes", "Aire-independent genes"), TRAs=ifelse( names(numbersOfCells) %in% tras, "TRA", "not TRA" ) ) histogramList <- lapply(c("Aire-independent genes", "Aire-dependent genes"), function(x){ dfAD <- df[df$aireDependent == x,] m <- ggplot( dfAD, aes( x=numberOfCells ) ) m <- m + geom_histogram(colour = "black", fill = "white", binwidth = 5) m <- m + facet_grid( ~ aireDependent ) m <- m + xlab("Mature mTECs with\ngene detection") + ylab("Number of genes") + scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, ncol(countTable)+0), expand=c(.01,0) ) + ylim(0, 600) m <- m + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size=14, colour="black"), panel.border = element_rect(colour = "white", fill=NA), panel.background = element_rect(colour="white", fill="white"), panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), axis.line=element_line(colour="black"), axis.text.y = element_text(size=14, colour="black"), axis.title=element_text(size=14, vjust=.2), strip.text.x = element_text(size = 14), axis.ticks=element_line(colour="black"), strip.background = element_rect(colour="white", fill="white")) m }) names(histogramList) <- c("Aire-independent genes", "Aire-dependent genes") scatterList <- lapply(c("Aire-independent genes", "Aire-dependent genes"), function(x){ dfAD <- df[df$aireDependent == x,] m2 <- ggplot(dfAD, aes(x=numberOfCells,y=numberOfTissues)) + geom_point(colour="#15151540", size=1.2) + facet_grid( ~ aireDependent ) + xlab("Mature mTECs with\n gene detection") + ylab("Tissues with gene detection") + geom_hline(yintercept=10, size=1.1, colour="darkred") + #linetype="dashed") + scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0, max(df$numberOfTissues)+3), expand=c(0,0) ) + scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0, ncol(countTable)+0), expand=c(0.01,0) ) m2 <- m2 + theme( strip.background = element_rect(colour="white", fill="white"), strip.text.x =element_text(size = 14), panel.border = element_rect(colour = "white", fill=NA), axis.line=element_line(colour="black"), axis.text = element_text(size=14, colour="black"), axis.title=element_text(size=14, vjust=.2), legend.position="none", panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.background = element_blank()) m2}) names(scatterList) <- c("Aire-independent genes", "Aire-dependent genes") ## ----Figure_1D1_histogramAire, dev="png", fig.height=3.2, fig.width=3.7, dpi=600, dev.args = list(bg = 'white')---- print( histogramList[["Aire-independent genes"]]) ## ----Figure_1D2_histogramAire, dev="png", fig.height=3.2, fig.width=3.2, dpi=600, dev.args = list(bg = 'white')---- print( histogramList[["Aire-dependent genes"]]) ## ----Figure_1D3_histogramAire, dev="png", fig.height=3.2, fig.width=3.2, dpi=600, dev.args = list(bg = 'white')---- print( scatterList[["Aire-dependent genes"]]) ## ----Figure_1D4_histogramAire, dev="png", fig.height=3.2, fig.width=3.2, dpi=600, dev.args = list(bg = 'white')---- print( scatterList[["Aire-independent genes"]]) ## ----permuts, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------------------- # # library(clue) # library(cluster) # data("scLVM_output") # # defineGeneConsensusClustering <- # function( expressionMatrix=Ycorr, # selectGenes="", nClusters=12, B=40, # prob=0.8, nCores=20, ...){ # mat <- expressionMatrix[rownames(expressionMatrix) %in% selectGenes,] # ce <- cl_ensemble( list=mclapply( seq_len(B), function(dummy){ # subSamples <- sample(colnames(mat), round( ncol(mat) * prob ) ) # pamSub <- pam( mat[,subSamples], nClusters ) # pred <- cl_predict( pamSub, mat[,subSamples], "memberships" ) # as.cl_partition(pred) # }, mc.cores=nCores )) # cons <- cl_consensus( ce ) # ag <- sapply( ce, cl_agreement, y=cons ) # return(list(consensus=cons, aggrementProbabilities=ag)) # } # # nomarkerCellsClustering <- # defineGeneConsensusClustering( # expressionMatrix=Ycorr[,colData(dxd)$SurfaceMarker == "None"], # selectGenes=intersect( deGenesNone, aireDependent ), # nClusters=12, B=1000, # prob=0.8, nCores=10 ) # # save( nomarkerCellsClustering, # file="../data/nomarkerCellsClustering.RData") # ## ----echo=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### definition of heatmap3 function heatmap.3 <- function(x, Rowv = TRUE, Colv = if (symm) "Rowv" else TRUE, distfun = dist, hclustfun = hclust, dendrogram = c("both","row", "column", "none"), symm = FALSE, scale = c("none","row", "column"), na.rm = TRUE, revC = identical(Colv,"Rowv"), add.expr, breaks, symbreaks = max(x < 0, na.rm = TRUE) || scale != "none", col = "heat.colors", colsep, rowsep, sepcolor = "white", sepwidth = c(0.05, 0.05), cellnote, notecex = 1, notecol = "cyan", na.color = par("bg"), trace = c("none", "column","row", "both"), tracecol = "cyan", hline = median(breaks), vline = median(breaks), linecol = tracecol, margins = c(5,5), ColSideColors, RowSideColors, side.height.fraction=0.3, cexRow = 0.2 + 1/log10(nr), cexCol = 0.2 + 1/log10(nc), labRow = NULL, labCol = NULL, key = TRUE, keysize = 1.5, density.info = c("none", "histogram", "density"), denscol = tracecol, symkey = max(x < 0, na.rm = TRUE) || symbreaks, densadj = 0.25, main = NULL, xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, lmat = NULL, lhei = NULL, lwid = NULL, NumColSideColors = 1, NumRowSideColors = 1, KeyValueName="Value",...){ invalid <- function (x) { if (missing(x) || is.null(x) || length(x) == 0) return(TRUE) if (is.list(x)) return(all(sapply(x, invalid))) else if (is.vector(x)) return(all(is.na(x))) else return(FALSE) } x <- as.matrix(x) scale01 <- function(x, low = min(x), high = max(x)) { x <- (x - low)/(high - low) x } retval <- list() scale <- if (symm && missing(scale)) "none" else match.arg(scale) dendrogram <- match.arg(dendrogram) trace <- match.arg(trace) density.info <- match.arg(density.info) if (length(col) == 1 && is.character(col)) col <- get(col, mode = "function") if (!missing(breaks) && (scale != "none")) warning("Using scale=\"row\" or scale=\"column\" when breaks are", "specified can produce unpredictable results.", "Please consider using only one or the other.") if (is.null(Rowv) || is.na(Rowv)) Rowv <- FALSE if (is.null(Colv) || is.na(Colv)) Colv <- FALSE else if (Colv == "Rowv" && !isTRUE(Rowv)) Colv <- FALSE if (length(di <- dim(x)) != 2 || !is.numeric(x)) stop("`x' must be a numeric matrix") nr <- di[1] nc <- di[2] if (nr <= 1 || nc <= 1) stop("`x' must have at least 2 rows and 2 columns") if (!is.numeric(margins) || length(margins) != 2) stop("`margins' must be a numeric vector of length 2") if (missing(cellnote)) cellnote <- matrix("", ncol = ncol(x), nrow = nrow(x)) if (!inherits(Rowv, "dendrogram")) { if (((!isTRUE(Rowv)) || (is.null(Rowv))) && (dendrogram %in% c("both", "row"))) { if (is.logical(Colv) && (Colv)) dendrogram <- "column" else dedrogram <- "none" warning("Discrepancy: Rowv is FALSE, while dendrogram is `", dendrogram, "'. Omitting row dendogram.") } } if (!inherits(Colv, "dendrogram")) { if (((!isTRUE(Colv)) || (is.null(Colv))) && (dendrogram %in% c("both", "column"))) { if (is.logical(Rowv) && (Rowv)) dendrogram <- "row" else dendrogram <- "none" warning("Discrepancy: Colv is FALSE, while dendrogram is `", dendrogram, "'. Omitting column dendogram.") } } if (inherits(Rowv, "dendrogram")) { ddr <- Rowv rowInd <- order.dendrogram(ddr) } else if (is.integer(Rowv)) { hcr <- hclustfun(distfun(x)) ddr <- as.dendrogram(hcr) ddr <- reorder(ddr, Rowv) rowInd <- order.dendrogram(ddr) if (nr != length(rowInd)) stop("row dendrogram ordering gave index of wrong length") } else if (isTRUE(Rowv)) { Rowv <- rowMeans(x, na.rm = na.rm) hcr <- hclustfun(distfun(x)) ddr <- as.dendrogram(hcr) ddr <- reorder(ddr, Rowv) rowInd <- order.dendrogram(ddr) if (nr != length(rowInd)) stop("row dendrogram ordering gave index of wrong length") } else { rowInd <- nr:1 } if (inherits(Colv, "dendrogram")) { ddc <- Colv colInd <- order.dendrogram(ddc) } else if (identical(Colv, "Rowv")) { if (nr != nc) stop("Colv = \"Rowv\" but nrow(x) != ncol(x)") if (exists("ddr")) { ddc <- ddr colInd <- order.dendrogram(ddc) } else colInd <- rowInd } else if (is.integer(Colv)) { hcc <- hclustfun(distfun(if (symm) x else t(x))) ddc <- as.dendrogram(hcc) ddc <- reorder(ddc, Colv) colInd <- order.dendrogram(ddc) if (nc != length(colInd)) stop("column dendrogram ordering gave index of wrong length") } else if (isTRUE(Colv)) { Colv <- colMeans(x, na.rm = na.rm) hcc <- hclustfun(distfun(if (symm) x else t(x))) ddc <- as.dendrogram(hcc) ddc <- reorder(ddc, Colv) colInd <- order.dendrogram(ddc) if (nc != length(colInd)) stop("column dendrogram ordering gave index of wrong length") } else { colInd <- 1:nc } retval$rowInd <- rowInd retval$colInd <- colInd retval$call <- match.call() x <- x[rowInd, colInd] x.unscaled <- x cellnote <- cellnote[rowInd, colInd] if (is.null(labRow)) labRow <- if (is.null(rownames(x))) (1:nr)[rowInd] else rownames(x) else labRow <- labRow[rowInd] if (is.null(labCol)) labCol <- if (is.null(colnames(x))) (1:nc)[colInd] else colnames(x) else labCol <- labCol[colInd] if (scale == "row") { retval$rowMeans <- rm <- rowMeans(x, na.rm = na.rm) x <- sweep(x, 1, rm) retval$rowSDs <- sx <- apply(x, 1, sd, na.rm = na.rm) x <- sweep(x, 1, sx, "/") } else if (scale == "column") { retval$colMeans <- rm <- colMeans(x, na.rm = na.rm) x <- sweep(x, 2, rm) retval$colSDs <- sx <- apply(x, 2, sd, na.rm = na.rm) x <- sweep(x, 2, sx, "/") } if (missing(breaks) || is.null(breaks) || length(breaks) < 1) { if (missing(col) || is.function(col)) breaks <- 16 else breaks <- length(col) + 1 } if (length(breaks) == 1) { if (!symbreaks) breaks <- seq(min(x, na.rm = na.rm), max(x, na.rm = na.rm), length = breaks) else { extreme <- max(abs(x), na.rm = TRUE) breaks <- seq(-extreme, extreme, length = breaks) } } nbr <- length(breaks) ncol <- length(breaks) - 1 if (class(col) == "function") col <- col(ncol) min.breaks <- min(breaks) max.breaks <- max(breaks) x[x < min.breaks] <- min.breaks x[x > max.breaks] <- max.breaks if (missing(lhei) || is.null(lhei)) lhei <- c(keysize, 4) if (missing(lwid) || is.null(lwid)) lwid <- c(keysize, 4) if (missing(lmat) || is.null(lmat)) { lmat <- rbind(4:3, 2:1) if (!( missing(ColSideColors) | is.null(ColSideColors) )) { #if (!is.matrix(ColSideColors)) #stop("'ColSideColors' must be a matrix") if (!is.character(ColSideColors) || nrow(ColSideColors) != nc) stop("'ColSideColors' must be a matrix of nrow(x) rows") lmat <- rbind(lmat[1, ] + 1, c(NA, 1), lmat[2, ] + 1) #lhei <- c(lhei[1], 0.2, lhei[2]) lhei=c(lhei[1], side.height.fraction*NumColSideColors, lhei[2]) } if (!missing(RowSideColors)) { #if (!is.matrix(RowSideColors)) #stop("'RowSideColors' must be a matrix") if (!is.character(RowSideColors) || ncol(RowSideColors) != nr) stop("'RowSideColors' must be a matrix of ncol(x) columns") lmat <- cbind(lmat[, 1] + 1, c(rep(NA, nrow(lmat) - 1), 1), lmat[,2] + 1) #lwid <- c(lwid[1], 0.2, lwid[2]) lwid <- c(lwid[1], side.height.fraction*NumRowSideColors, lwid[2]) } lmat[is.na(lmat)] <- 0 } if (length(lhei) != nrow(lmat)) stop("lhei must have length = nrow(lmat) = ", nrow(lmat)) if (length(lwid) != ncol(lmat)) stop("lwid must have length = ncol(lmat) =", ncol(lmat)) op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) on.exit(par(op)) layout(lmat, widths = lwid, heights = lhei, respect = FALSE) if (!missing(RowSideColors)) { if (!is.matrix(RowSideColors)){ par(mar = c(margins[1], 0, 0, 0.5)) image(rbind(1:nr), col = RowSideColors[rowInd], axes = FALSE ) } else { par(mar = c(margins[1], 0, 0, 0.5)) rsc = t(RowSideColors[,rowInd, drop=FALSE]) rsc.colors = matrix() rsc.names = names(table(rsc)) rsc.i = 1 for (rsc.name in rsc.names) { rsc.colors[rsc.i] = rsc.name rsc[rsc == rsc.name] = rsc.i rsc.i = rsc.i + 1 } rsc = matrix(as.numeric(rsc), nrow = dim(rsc)[1]) image(t(rsc), col = as.vector(rsc.colors), axes = FALSE) if (length(colnames(RowSideColors)) > 0) { axis(1, 0:(dim(rsc)[2] - 1)/(dim(rsc)[2] - 1), colnames(RowSideColors), las = 2, tick = FALSE) } } } if (!( missing(ColSideColors) | is.null(ColSideColors))) { if (!is.matrix(ColSideColors)){ par(mar = c(0.5, 0, 0, margins[2])) image(cbind(1:nc), col = ColSideColors[colInd], axes = FALSE, cex.lab=1.5) } else { par(mar = c(0.5, 0, 0, margins[2])) csc = ColSideColors[colInd, , drop=FALSE] csc.colors = matrix() csc.names = names(table(csc)) csc.i = 1 for (csc.name in csc.names) { csc.colors[csc.i] = csc.name csc[csc == csc.name] = csc.i csc.i = csc.i + 1 } csc = matrix(as.numeric(csc), nrow = dim(csc)[1]) image(csc, col = as.vector(csc.colors), axes = FALSE) if (length(colnames(ColSideColors)) > 0) { axis(2, 0:(dim(csc)[2] - 1)/max(1,(dim(csc)[2] - 1)), colnames(ColSideColors), las = 2, tick = FALSE, cex=1.5, cex.axis=1.5) } } } par(mar = c(margins[1], 0, 0, margins[2])) x <- t(x) cellnote <- t(cellnote) if (revC) { iy <- nr:1 if (exists("ddr")) ddr <- rev(ddr) x <- x[, iy] cellnote <- cellnote[, iy] } else iy <- 1:nr image(1:nc, 1:nr, x, xlim = 0.5 + c(0, nc), ylim = 0.5 + c(0, nr), axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", col = col, breaks = breaks, ...) retval$carpet <- x if (exists("ddr")) retval$rowDendrogram <- ddr if (exists("ddc")) retval$colDendrogram <- ddc retval$breaks <- breaks retval$col <- col if (!invalid(na.color) & any(is.na(x))) { # load library(gplots) mmat <- ifelse(is.na(x), 1, NA) image(1:nc, 1:nr, mmat, axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", col = na.color, add = TRUE) } axis(1, 1:nc, labels = labCol, las = 2, line = -0.5, tick = 0, cex.axis = cexCol) if (!is.null(xlab)) mtext(xlab, side = 1, line = margins[1] - 1, cex=1.2, padj=-.1) axis(4, iy, labels = labRow, las = 2, line = -0.5, tick = 0, cex.axis = cexRow) if (!is.null(ylab)) mtext(ylab, side = 4, line = margins[2] - 1.2, cex=1.2, adj=-.1) if (!missing(add.expr)) eval(substitute(add.expr)) if (!missing(colsep)) for (csep in colsep) rect(xleft = csep + 0.5, ybottom = rep(0, length(csep)), xright = csep + 0.5 + sepwidth[1], ytop = rep(ncol(x) + 1, csep), lty = 1, lwd = 1, col = sepcolor, border = sepcolor) if (!missing(rowsep)) for (rsep in rowsep) rect(xleft = 0, ybottom = (ncol(x) + 1 - rsep) - 0.5, xright = nrow(x) + 1, ytop = (ncol(x) + 1 - rsep) - 0.5 - sepwidth[2], lty = 1, lwd = 1, col = sepcolor, border = sepcolor) min.scale <- min(breaks) max.scale <- max(breaks) x.scaled <- scale01(t(x), min.scale, max.scale) if (trace %in% c("both", "column")) { retval$vline <- vline vline.vals <- scale01(vline, min.scale, max.scale) for (i in colInd) { if (!is.null(vline)) { abline(v = i - 0.5 + vline.vals, col = linecol, lty = 2) } xv <- rep(i, nrow(x.scaled)) + x.scaled[, i] - 0.5 xv <- c(xv[1], xv) yv <- 1:length(xv) - 0.5 lines(x = xv, y = yv, lwd = 1, col = tracecol, type = "s") } } if (trace %in% c("both", "row")) { retval$hline <- hline hline.vals <- scale01(hline, min.scale, max.scale) for (i in rowInd) { if (!is.null(hline)) { abline(h = i + hline, col = linecol, lty = 2) } yv <- rep(i, ncol(x.scaled)) + x.scaled[i, ] - 0.5 yv <- rev(c(yv[1], yv)) xv <- length(yv):1 - 0.5 lines(x = xv, y = yv, lwd = 1, col = tracecol, type = "s") } } if (!missing(cellnote)) text(x = c(row(cellnote)), y = c(col(cellnote)), labels = c(cellnote), col = notecol, cex = notecex) par(mar = c(margins[1], 0, 0, 0)) if (dendrogram %in% c("both", "row")) { plot(ddr, horiz = TRUE, axes = FALSE, yaxs = "i", leaflab = "none") } else plot.new() par(mar = c(0, 0, if (!is.null(main)) 5 else 0, margins[2])) if (dendrogram %in% c("both", "column")) { plot(ddc, axes = FALSE, xaxs = "i", leaflab = "none") } else plot.new() if (!is.null(main)) title(main, cex.main = 1.5 * op[["cex.main"]]) if (key) { par(mar = c(5, 4, 2, 1), cex = 0.75) tmpbreaks <- breaks if (symkey) { max.raw <- max(abs(c(x, breaks)), na.rm = TRUE) min.raw <- -max.raw tmpbreaks[1] <- -max(abs(x), na.rm = TRUE) tmpbreaks[length(tmpbreaks)] <- max(abs(x), na.rm = TRUE) } else { min.raw <- min(x, na.rm = TRUE) max.raw <- max(x, na.rm = TRUE) } z <- seq(min.raw, max.raw, length = length(col)) image(z = matrix(z, ncol = 1), col = col, breaks = tmpbreaks, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n") par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1)) lv <- pretty(breaks) xv <- scale01(as.numeric(lv), min.raw, max.raw) axis(3, at = xv, labels = lv, cex.axis=1.5, padj=.4) if (scale == "row") mtext(side = 1, "Row Z-Score", line = 2) else if (scale == "column") mtext(side = 1, "Column Z-Score", line = 2) else mtext(side = 1, KeyValueName, line = 2, cex=1.2) if (density.info == "density") { dens <- density(x, adjust = densadj, na.rm = TRUE) omit <- dens$x < min(breaks) | dens$x > max(breaks) dens$x <- dens$x[-omit] dens$y <- dens$y[-omit] dens$x <- scale01(dens$x, min.raw, max.raw) lines(dens$x, dens$y/max(dens$y) * 0.95, col = denscol, lwd = 1) axis(2, at = pretty(dens$y)/max(dens$y) * 0.95, pretty(dens$y)) title("Color Key\nand Density Plot") par(cex = 0.5) mtext(side = 2, "Density", line = 2) } else if (density.info == "histogram") { h <- hist(x, plot = FALSE, breaks = breaks) hx <- scale01(breaks, min.raw, max.raw) hy <- c(h$counts, h$counts[length(h$counts)]) lines(hx, hy/max(hy) * 0.95, lwd = 1, type = "s", col = denscol) axis(2, at = pretty(hy)/max(hy) * 0.95, pretty(hy)) title("Color Key\nand Histogram") par(cex = 0.5) mtext(side = 2, "Count", line = 2) } else title("") } else plot.new() retval$colorTable <- data.frame(low = retval$breaks[-length(retval$breaks)], high = retval$breaks[-1], color = retval$col) invisible(retval) } ## ----Figure_2A_geneGeneCor_NoMarkCells, dev="png", fig.height=6, fig.width=6, dpi=600, dev.args = list(bg = 'white')---- library(clue) library(cluster) data("nomarkerCellsClustering") data("scLVM_output") data("corMatsNoMarker") #source( file.path( # system.file(package="Single.mTec.Transcriptomes"), # "extfunction", "heatmap3.R" ) ) nClusters <- 12 colClusters <- brewer.pal(9, "Set1") colClusters[9] <- colClusters[3] colClusters[3] <- "black" colClusters[10] <- "darkgray" colClusters[11] <- "#000078" colClusters[12] <- "#AA0078" nonAssignedCluster <- 10 specialSort <- function(cons=nomarkerCellsClustering[["consensus"]], sendLast=10){ rt <- sort( cl_class_ids(cons) ) wLast <- rt == sendLast c( rt[!wLast], rt[wLast]) } specialOrder <- function(cons=nomarkerCellsClustering[["consensus"]], sendLast=10){ or <- order(cl_class_ids(cons)) rt <- sort( cl_class_ids(cons) ) wLast <- rt == sendLast c( or[!wLast], or[wLast]) } geneGeneCorHeatmap <- function( cons=allCellsClustering[["consensus"]], corMat=corMatSp, expressionMatrix=Ycorr, selectGenes=intersect(deGenes, aireDependent), colorClusters=""){ mat <- expressionMatrix[rownames(expressionMatrix) %in% selectGenes,] or <- rownames(mat)[specialOrder( cl_class_ids(cons), nonAssignedCluster)] orderRows <- specialSort( cl_class_ids(cons), nonAssignedCluster) corMat <- corMat[rownames(corMat) %in% rownames(mat), colnames(corMat) %in% rownames(mat)] rowCols <- matrix( colClusters[orderRows], nrow=1 ) br <- seq(-1, 1, length.out=101) ** 3 cols <- colorRampPalette( brewer.pal(9, "RdBu"), interpolate="spline", space="Lab")(100) heatmap.3( corMat[or,or], symm=TRUE, Colv=FALSE, Rowv=FALSE, dendrogram="none", trace="none", breaks=br, col=cols, RowSideColors=rowCols, ColSideColors=NULL, labCol=rep("", nrow(corMat) ), labRow=rep("", nrow(corMat) ), margins = c(4,4), KeyValueName="Spearman\nCorrelation", keysize=1.5, xlab="Aire dependent genes", ylab="\t\tAire dependent genes", NumColSideColors=1.8, NumRowSideColors=1.2) } par(xpd=TRUE) geneGeneCorHeatmap(cons=nomarkerCellsClustering[["consensus"]], corMat=corMatSpNoMarker, expressionMatrix=Ycorr[,colData(dxd)$SurfaceMarker == "None"], selectGenes=intersect( deGenesNone, aireDependent ), colorClusters=colClusters) freqs <- rle( specialSort( cl_class_ids(nomarkerCellsClustering[["consensus"]]), nonAssignedCluster) )$lengths freqs <- c(0, freqs) freqs <- cumsum( freqs ) / max(cumsum(freqs)) freqs <- 1-freqs freqs <- sapply( seq_len(length(freqs)-1), function(x){ (freqs[x] + freqs[x+1])/2 }) freqs <- ( freqs-.125 ) / 1.085 text(LETTERS[seq_len(nClusters)], x=.12, y=(freqs), cex=1.5) length(intersect( deGenesNone, aireDependent ) ) ## ----Figure_2B_geneExpr_NoMarkCells, dev="png", fig.height=6, fig.width=6, dpi=300, dev.args = list(bg = 'white')---- colTspanRNA <- "#b2df8a" geneExprHeatmap <- function(cons=allCellsClustering[["consensus"]], corMat=corMatSp, expressionMatrix=Ycorr, selectGenes=intersect(deGenes, aireDependent), colorClusters="", ylab="\t\tAire dependent genes"){ mat <- expressionMatrix[rownames(expressionMatrix) %in% selectGenes,] or <- rownames(mat)[specialOrder( cl_class_ids(cons), nonAssignedCluster)] orderRows <- specialSort( cl_class_ids(cons), nonAssignedCluster) cols2 <- colorRampPalette( brewer.pal(9, name="Blues"), interpolate="spline", space="Lab")(100) br2 <- seq(0.01, 5, length.out=101) mat <- expressionMatrix[rownames(expressionMatrix) %in% selectGenes,] rowCols <- matrix( colClusters[orderRows], nrow=1 ) colCols1 <- matrix( ifelse( colData(dxd)[colnames(mat),]$SurfaceMarker == "Tspan8", "#c51b7d", "white"), ncol=1) colCols2 <- matrix( ifelse( colData(dxd)[colnames(mat),]$SurfaceMarker == "Ceacam1", "#6a3d9a", "white"), ncol=1) colCols= cbind(colCols1, colCols2) colnames(colCols) <- c("Tspan8 +", "Ceacam1 +") if(all(colCols == "white")){ colCols=NULL ranks <- rank( counts(dxd, normalized=TRUE)[ names( geneNames[geneNames %in% "Tspan8"] ), colnames(mat)], ties.method="min") cols <- colorRampPalette(c("white", colTspanRNA))(length(unique(ranks))) names(cols) <- as.character( sort(unique( ranks ) )) colCols <- matrix( cols[as.character(ranks)], ncol=1) mat <- mat[,order( ranks )] colCols <- colCols[order(ranks),, drop=FALSE] } heatmap.3( mat[or,], symm=FALSE, Colv=FALSE, Rowv=FALSE, dendrogram="none", trace="none", breaks=br2, col=cols2, RowSideColors=rowCols, ColSideColors=colCols, labCol=rep("", nrow(mat) ), labRow=rep("", nrow(mat) ), margins=c(4,4), keysize=1.45, NumColSideColors=1.2, NumRowSideColors=1.2, KeyValueName="Expression level\n(log10)", xlab="Cells ordered by Tspan8 expression", ylab=ylab) } genesForClustering <- intersect( deGenesNone, aireDependent ) genesForClustering <- rownames(Ycorr)[rownames(Ycorr) %in% genesForClustering ] geneClusters <- split(genesForClustering, cl_class_ids( nomarkerCellsClustering[["consensus"]] )) geneClusters <- c( geneClusters[-nonAssignedCluster], geneClusters[nonAssignedCluster]) grep(names( geneNames[geneNames %in% "Tspan8"] ),geneClusters) par(xpd=TRUE) geneExprHeatmap(cons=nomarkerCellsClustering[["consensus"]], corMat=corMatSpNoMarker, expressionMatrix=Ycorr[,colData(dxd)$SurfaceMarker == "None"], selectGenes=intersect(deGenesNone, aireDependent) ) legend( x=.3, y=1.01, legend="Tspan8 mRNA detected", fill=colTspanRNA, cex=1.3, bty="n") freqs <- rle( specialSort( cl_class_ids(nomarkerCellsClustering[["consensus"]]) ) )$lengths freqs <- c(0, freqs) freqs <- cumsum( freqs ) / max(cumsum(freqs)) freqs <- 1-freqs freqs <- sapply( seq_len(length(freqs)-1), function(x){ (freqs[x] + freqs[x+1])/2 }) freqs <- ( freqs-.135 ) / 1.155 text(LETTERS[seq_len(nClusters)], x=.12, y=(freqs), cex=1.5) ## ----Figure_R3_sansomcor, dev="png", fig.height=5, fig.width=12, dpi=300, dev.args = list(bg = 'white'), warning=FALSE---- data("corMatsSansom") data("deGenesSansom") geneClustersDESansom <- lapply( geneClusters, function(x){ intersect( x, rownames(corMatSp) ) }) matToUse <- corMatSp densities <- lapply( seq_along(geneClusters), function(x){ inClust <- rownames(matToUse) %in% geneClustersDESansom[[x]] as.numeric(matToUse[inClust,inClust][upper.tri(matToUse[inClust,inClust])]) }) backgroundDensity <- sample( unlist(geneClustersDESansom), 500 ) inBack <- rownames(matToUse) %in% backgroundDensity backgroundDensity <- as.numeric(matToUse[inBack,inBack][upper.tri(matToUse[inBack,inBack])]) densitiesComp <- list() for(i in seq_along(densities)){ densities[[i]] <- densities[[i]][!is.na(densities[[i]])] densitiesComp[[i]] <- backgroundDensity } t.test(unlist(densities[1:11]), backgroundDensity) pvals <- sapply( seq_along(geneClusters), function(i){ t.test( densities[[i]], densitiesComp[[i]], alternative="greater")$p.value }) significant <- which( p.adjust( pvals, method="BH") < 0.05 ) LETTERS[significant] significant significant <- 1:12 library(geneplotter) dfDensities <- do.call(rbind, lapply(significant, function(i){ dfDensities <- data.frame( correlations=c( densities[[i]], densitiesComp[[i]] ), between=rep( c("within cluster", "background"), time=c(length(densities[[i]]), length(densitiesComp[[i]]) ) )) dfDensities <- dfDensities[!is.nan(dfDensities$correlations),] dfDensities$cluster <- LETTERS[i] dfDensities }) ) ggplot( dfDensities, aes(correlations, colour=between)) + stat_ecdf(lwd=1.2) + facet_wrap(~cluster) + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, .49), ylim=c(.5, 1.01)) ## ----correlatedWith--------------------------------------------------------------------- expressionMat <- as.matrix(Ycorr[,colData(dxd)$SurfaceMarker=="None"]) whichCluster <- grep( names( geneNames[geneNames %in% "Tspan8"] ), geneClusters ) cat(sprintf("Tspan8 belonged to cluster %s\n", whichCluster)) maxCorTspan8 <- which.max( sapply(seq_len(nClusters), function(i){ cor( expressionMat[names( geneNames[geneNames %in% "Tspan8"] ),], colMeans( expressionMat[geneClusters[[i]],]) , method="spearman") }) ) maxCorTspan8 cat(sprintf("Tspan8 displayed the highest correlation with Cluster %s\n", maxCorTspan8)) ## ----Tspan8EX--------------------------------------------------------------------------- expressingTspan8 <- counts(dxd)[names(geneNames[geneNames %in% "Tspan8"]), colData(dxd)$SurfaceMarker == "None"] > 0 sum( expressingTspan8 ) table( expressingTspan8 )[["TRUE"]]/sum(table(expressingTspan8)) expressingCeacam1 <- counts(dxd)[names(geneNames[geneNames %in% "Ceacam1"]), colData(dxd)$SurfaceMarker == "None"] > 0 sum( expressingCeacam1 ) table( expressingCeacam1 )[["TRUE"]]/sum(table(expressingCeacam1)) ## ----Tspan8CoexpressionDef-------------------------------------------------------------- dxdUnselected <- dxd[,colData( dxd )$SurfaceMarker == "None"] rowwilcoxtests <- function(x, fac){ sp <- split( seq_len(ncol(x)), fac ) true <- sp[["TRUE"]] false <- sp[["FALSE"]] rs <- ( mclapply( seq_len(nrow(x)), function(i){ wt <- wilcox.test( x[i,true], x[i,false] ) c(meanA=mean(x[i,true]), meanB=mean(x[i,false]), pval=wt$p.value) }, mc.cores=numCores) ) as.data.frame( do.call(rbind, rs) ) } deGenesNoneCorrected <- deGenesNone[deGenesNone %in% rownames(Ycorr)] getCoexpressionGroup <- function(gene){ cellGroups <- counts(dxdUnselected, normalized=TRUE)[gene,] > 0 res <- rowwilcoxtests( x= as.matrix(Ycorr[deGenesNoneCorrected, colData(dxd)$SurfaceMarker=="None"] ), fac=cellGroups ) indFilter <- apply( counts(dxdUnselected, normalized=TRUE)[deGenesNoneCorrected,], 1, function(x){ mean(x[x != 0]) }) > 150 & rowSums(counts(dxdUnselected)[deGenesNoneCorrected,] > 0) > 5 res$pval[!indFilter] <- NA coexpressionGroup <- deGenesNoneCorrected[which(p.adjust( res$pval, method="BH" ) < 0.1 & res$meanA - res$meanB > 0)] return(coexpressionGroup) } gene <- names( geneNames[geneNames %in% "Tspan8"] ) names(gene) <- "Tspan8" tspan8CoexpressionGroup <- getCoexpressionGroup(gene) cat( sprintf("Number of differentially expressed genes at a FDR of .05: %s\n", length(tspan8CoexpressionGroup)-1) ) coexpressedAndAireDependent <- tspan8CoexpressionGroup[tspan8CoexpressionGroup %in% aireDependent] mat <- rbind( table( geneClusters[[whichCluster]] %in% coexpressedAndAireDependent ), table( unlist(geneClusters[!seq_len(nClusters) %in% whichCluster] ) %in% coexpressedAndAireDependent ))[,2:1] fisher.test(mat) dfPrint <- data.frame( `ensembl_gene_name`=tspan8CoexpressionGroup, `gene_name`=geneNames[tspan8CoexpressionGroup], `aire_dependent`=as.numeric(tspan8CoexpressionGroup %in% aireDependent), `cluster_2`=as.numeric( tspan8CoexpressionGroup %in% geneClusters[[whichCluster]]) ) write.table(dfPrint, quote=FALSE, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, file="figure/tspan8CoexpressionGroup.txt") ## ----Figure_Supp3_tspan8enrichment, dev="png", fig.height=4, fig.width=4, dpi=300,dev.args=list(bg = 'white')---- par(mar=c(4, 6, 1, 1)) barplot( mat[,1]/rowSums(mat), names.arg=c("Cluster B", "All others"), las=1, col="black", cex.axis=1.2, cex.lab=1.3, cex=1.3, ylab="Fraction of genes") ## ----tspan8Consistency------------------------------------------------------------------ getFoldChangesForViolin <- function(gene, coexpressedGenes){ cellGroups <- counts(dxdUnselected, normalized=TRUE)[gene,] > 0 cellGroups <- split( names(cellGroups), cellGroups) outGroup <- rowMeans( Ycorr[deGenesNoneCorrected, cellGroups[["FALSE"]]] ) inGroupSelected <- rowMeans( Ycorr[deGenesNoneCorrected, colData(dxd)$SurfaceMarker==names(gene)] ) names(outGroup) <- deGenesNoneCorrected names(inGroupSelected) <- deGenesNoneCorrected geneIndexes <- deGenesNoneCorrected %in% coexpressedGenes l2fc <- (inGroupSelected - outGroup)/log10(2) toRet <- list() toRet[["coexpressed"]] <- l2fc[geneIndexes] toRet[["background"]] <- l2fc[!geneIndexes] toRet } foldChangesTRApos <- list() foldChangesTRApos[["Tspan8"]] <- getFoldChangesForViolin( gene, tspan8CoexpressionGroup) getFoldChangesForScatter <- function(gene, coexpressedGenes){ cellGroups <- counts(dxdUnselected, normalized=TRUE)[gene,] > 0 cellGroups <- split( names(cellGroups), cellGroups) outGroup <- rowMeans( Ycorr[deGenesNoneCorrected, cellGroups[["FALSE"]]] ) inGroup <- rowMeans( Ycorr[deGenesNoneCorrected, cellGroups[["TRUE"]]] ) inGroupSelected <- rowMeans( Ycorr[deGenesNoneCorrected, colData(dxd)$SurfaceMarker==names(gene)] ) names(outGroup) <- deGenesNoneCorrected names(inGroupSelected) <- deGenesNoneCorrected names(inGroup) <- deGenesNoneCorrected toRet <- list() toRet[["preenriched"]] <- (inGroupSelected - outGroup)/log10(2) toRet[["unselected"]] <- (inGroup - outGroup)/log10(2) toRet } foldChangesAll <- list() foldChangesAll[["Tspan8"]] <- getFoldChangesForScatter(gene, tspan8CoexpressionGroup) havePosFoldChange <- table( foldChangesTRApos[["Tspan8"]][["coexpressed"]] > 0 ) cat(sprintf("%s percent (%s out of %s) of the up-regulated genes based on the unselected mTECs have a consistent fold change in the Tspan8+ cells\n", round( havePosFoldChange["TRUE"] / sum( havePosFoldChange ), 2 ) * 100, havePosFoldChange["TRUE"], sum(havePosFoldChange))) ## ----Figure_3B_tspan8Heatmap, dev="png", fig.height=4.6, fig.width=4.5, dpi=300, dev.args = list(bg = 'white')---- library(matrixStats) colTspanPos <- "#33a02c" makeHeatmapForGene <- function(gene, coexpressionGroup, colPos, colRNA, enrichMethod, legendLabs){ cellsToUse <- colData(dxd)$SurfaceMarker %in% c("None", names(gene)) goodOrder <- order( counts(dxd, normalized=TRUE)[gene,cellsToUse] ) colPca <- ifelse( colData(dxd)[cellsToUse,"SurfaceMarker"] == names(gene), colPos, "white") nonZero <- counts(dxd, normalized=TRUE)[gene,cellsToUse] > 0 colPca2 <- rep("white", sum(cellsToUse)) colPca2[nonZero] <- colRNA cols <- colorRampPalette( brewer.pal(11, name="RdBu"), interpolate="spline", space="Lab")(100) expr <- as.matrix(Ycorr[coexpressionGroup,cellsToUse] / log10(2)) rowCols <- ifelse( rownames(expr) %in% aireDependent, "black", "white" ) br <- seq( min(expr), 4, length.out=101 ) rowCols <- matrix(rowCols, nrow=1) colCols <- matrix(colPca[goodOrder], ncol=1) colCols <- as.matrix(cbind(colPca, colPca2))[goodOrder,] colnames(colCols) <- NULL heatmapMatrix <- (expr[,goodOrder] - rowMedians(expr[,goodOrder])) / rowSds(expr[,goodOrder]) br <- seq(-4, 4, length.out=101) par(xpd=TRUE) heatmap.3( heatmapMatrix, trace="none", ColSideColors=colCols, Colv=FALSE, col=cols, dendrogram="none", labCol=rep("", ncol(expr)), labRow=rep("", nrow(expr) ), RowSideColor=rowCols, margins = c(4,4), KeyValueName="Expression\n(Z-score)", keysize=1.9, NumColSideColors=2, NumRowSideColors=1.2, breaks=br, xlab=sprintf("Cells ordered by\n%s expression", names(gene)), ylab=sprintf("Genes co-expressed with \n%s in single mature mTECs", names(gene)) ) legend( x=.15, y=1.01, legend=legendLabs, fill=c(colRNA, colPos), cex=1.1, bty="n") legend( x=-.3, y=.6, legend="Aire\ndependent\ngenes", fill="black", cex=1.2, bty="n") } makeHeatmapForGene(gene, tspan8CoexpressionGroup, colTspanPos, colTspanRNA, legendLabs=c("Tspan8 mRNA detected", expression(Tspan8^"pos"~(FACS)))) ## ----Ceacam1Cor------------------------------------------------------------------------- nonZeros=!counts(dxd)[names( geneNames[geneNames %in% "Ceacam1"] ), colData(dxd)$SurfaceMarker == "None"] == 0 nonZeros <- colData(dxd)$SurfaceMarker == "None" & counts(dxd)[names( geneNames[geneNames %in% "Ceacam1"]),] != 0 cor.test( as.numeric(Ycorr[names(geneNames[geneNames %in% "Ceacam1"]),nonZeros][1,]), colMeans( Ycorr[geneClusters[[whichCluster]],nonZeros]), method="spearman" ) ## ----ceacam1CoexpressionDef------------------------------------------------------------- gene <- names( geneNames[geneNames %in% "Ceacam1"] ) names(gene) <- "Ceacam1" ceacam1CoexpressionGroup <- getCoexpressionGroup(gene) table( ceacam1CoexpressionGroup %in% aireDependent ) cat( sprintf("Number of differentially expressed genes at a FDR of .1: %s\n", length(ceacam1CoexpressionGroup) -1) ) cat(sprintf("The number of genes overlapping between co-expression groups is %s\n", table( ceacam1CoexpressionGroup %in% tspan8CoexpressionGroup )["TRUE"])) percentageOverlap <- table( ceacam1CoexpressionGroup %in% tspan8CoexpressionGroup )[["TRUE"]] / length( ceacam1CoexpressionGroup ) cat(sprintf("In percentage of Ceacam1 genes %s\n", round( percentageOverlap * 100, 2))) mat <- rbind( table(ceacam1CoexpressionGroup %in% tspan8CoexpressionGroup), table( deGenesNone[!deGenesNone %in% ceacam1CoexpressionGroup] %in% tspan8CoexpressionGroup ) )[,2:1] rownames( mat ) <- c("coexpressed", "not coexpressed") colnames( mat ) <- c("overlaps with Tspan8", "does not overlap") fisher.test( mat ) mat[1,] /sum(mat[1,]) table( ceacam1CoexpressionGroup %in% tspan8CoexpressionGroup ) table( ceacam1CoexpressionGroup %in% tspan8CoexpressionGroup )[["FALSE"]] / length( ceacam1CoexpressionGroup ) table( tspan8CoexpressionGroup %in% ceacam1CoexpressionGroup ) table( tspan8CoexpressionGroup %in% ceacam1CoexpressionGroup )[["FALSE"]] / length(tspan8CoexpressionGroup) length( union( tspan8CoexpressionGroup, ceacam1CoexpressionGroup ) ) ceacam1Aire <- ceacam1CoexpressionGroup[ceacam1CoexpressionGroup %in% aireDependent] mat <- rbind( table( geneClusters[[whichCluster]] %in% ceacam1Aire ), table( unlist(geneClusters[!seq_len(nClusters) %in% whichCluster] ) %in% ceacam1Aire ))[,2:1] fisher.test(mat, alternative="greater") dfPrint <- data.frame( `ensembl_gene_name`=ceacam1CoexpressionGroup, `gene_name`=geneNames[ceacam1CoexpressionGroup], `aire_dependent`=as.numeric(ceacam1CoexpressionGroup %in% aireDependent), `cluster_2`=as.numeric( ceacam1CoexpressionGroup %in% geneClusters[[whichCluster]]) ) write.table(dfPrint, quote=FALSE, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, file="figure/ceacam1CoexpressionGroup.txt") ## ----Figure_3C_ceacam1Density, dev="pdf", fig.height=4, fig.width=4.2, dev.args = list(bg = 'white')---- foldChangesTRApos[["Ceacam1"]] <- getFoldChangesForViolin( gene, ceacam1CoexpressionGroup) foldChangesAll[["Ceacam1"]] <- getFoldChangesForScatter(gene, ceacam1CoexpressionGroup) havePosFoldChange <- table( foldChangesTRApos[["Ceacam1"]][["coexpressed"]] > 0 ) cat(sprintf("%s percent (%s out of %s) of the up-regulated genes based on the unselected mTECs have a consistent fold change in the Ceacam1+ cells\n", round( havePosFoldChange["TRUE"] / (sum(havePosFoldChange)), 2 ) * 100, havePosFoldChange["TRUE"], (sum(havePosFoldChange)))) ## ----Figure_3C_ceacam1Heatmap, dev="png", fig.height=4.6, fig.width=4.5, dpi=300, dev.args = list(bg = 'white')---- colCeacamPos <- "#c51b7d" colCeacamRNA <- "#edbad8" makeHeatmapForGene(gene, ceacam1CoexpressionGroup, colCeacamPos, colCeacamRNA, legendLabs=c("Ceacam1 mRNA detected", expression(Ceacam1^"pos"~(FACS)))) ## ----Figure_3D_klk5Heatmap, dev="png", fig.height=4.6, fig.width=4.5, dpi=300, dev.args = list(bg = 'white')---- gene <- names( geneNames[geneNames %in% "Klk5"] ) names(gene) <- "Klk5" cellGroups <- counts(dxdUnselected, normalized=TRUE)[gene,] > 0 #dxdUnselected2 <- estimateSizeFactors(dxdUnselected[deGenesNone,]) cat( sprintf("The number of unselected mTECs detecting the expression of Klk5 is %s\n", table(cellGroups)["TRUE"] )) klk5CoexpressionGroup <- getCoexpressionGroup(gene) wCluster <- grep( names( geneNames[geneNames %in% "Klk5"] ), geneClusters) wCluster matKlk <- rbind( table( geneClusters[[wCluster]] %in% klk5CoexpressionGroup ), table( unlist(geneClusters[-wCluster]) %in% klk5CoexpressionGroup ) )[,2:1] matKlk fisher.test( matKlk ) foldChangesTRApos[["Klk5"]] <- getFoldChangesForViolin( gene, klk5CoexpressionGroup) foldChangesAll[["Klk5"]] <- getFoldChangesForScatter(gene, klk5CoexpressionGroup) havePosFoldChange <- table( foldChangesTRApos[["Klk5"]][["coexpressed"]] > 0 ) table( klk5CoexpressionGroup %in% aireDependent ) cat(sprintf("%s percent (%s out of %s) of the up-regulated genes based on the unselected mTECs have a consistent fold change in the Klk5+ cells\n", round( havePosFoldChange["TRUE"] / (sum(havePosFoldChange)), 2 ) * 100, havePosFoldChange["TRUE"], (sum(havePosFoldChange)))) colKlkRNA <- "#cab2d6" colKlkPos <- "#6a3d9a" makeHeatmapForGene(gene, klk5CoexpressionGroup, colKlkPos, colKlkRNA, legendLabs=c("Klk5 mRNA detected", expression(Klk5^"pos"~(qPCR)))) dfPrint <- data.frame( `ensembl_gene_name`=klk5CoexpressionGroup, `gene_name`=geneNames[klk5CoexpressionGroup], `aire_dependent`=as.numeric(klk5CoexpressionGroup %in% aireDependent), `cluster_4`=as.numeric( klk5CoexpressionGroup %in% geneClusters[[whichCluster]]) ) write.table(dfPrint, quote=FALSE, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, file="figure/klk5CoexpressionGroup.txt") ## ----Figure_Supp5_klk4, dev="png", fig.height=4, fig.width=4, dpi=300,dev.args=list(bg = 'white')---- par(mar=c(4, 6, 1, 1)) barplot( mat[,1]/rowSums(mat), names.arg=c("Cluster D", "All others"), las=1, col="black", cex.axis=1.2, cex.lab=1.3, cex=1.3, ylab="Fraction of genes") ## ----defineViolinFunction--------------------------------------------------------------- dfValidations <- data.frame( marker= rep( names(foldChangesTRApos), sapply(foldChangesTRApos, function(x) length(unlist(x)))), gene = unlist( lapply(foldChangesTRApos, function(x){ rep(names(x), listLen(x)) }) ), foldChange=unlist(foldChangesTRApos) ) dfValidations$gene <- relevel(dfValidations$gene, 2) dfValidations$marker <- relevel( dfValidations$marker, 3) levels( dfValidations$gene ) <- c("Co-expressed", "All others") #print( ggplot( dfValidations, aes(x=gene, y=foldChange, fill=gene)) + # geom_violin() + # geom_boxplot(width=0.15, outlier.shape=NA, notch=.2) + # facet_grid(~marker) + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-3, 5)) + # geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 0, col="#ff00ff60", lwd=1.3) + # theme(legend.position="top", legend.title=element_blank(), # strip.text.x = element_text(size = 12, face="bold"), # axis.ticks.x = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_blank(), # axis.ticks.y = element_line(colour="black"), # legend.text=element_text(size=13), # axis.line = element_blank(), # legend.key = element_blank(), # axis.text.y = element_text(size=12, colour="black"), # axis.title=element_text(size=14), # panel.background = element_rect(fill='white', colour='white'), # panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black", fill=NA), # axis.line = element_line(colour = "black")) + #ylab("Log fold change (base 2) between #TRA enriched cells (FACS or qPCR) #and TRA negative cells (unselected)") + xlab("") + # scale_fill_manual( values = c("#fc8d62", "#b3b3b3") ) ) plotViolin <- function(geneName="Tspan8", ylab="Tspan8 expression (log2 fold)\nflow cytometry TRA+ vs\nunselected TRA-"){ dfOp <- dfValidations[dfValidations$marker == geneName,] print( ggplot( dfOp, aes(x=gene, y=foldChange, fill=gene)) + geom_violin() + geom_boxplot(width=0.15, outlier.shape=NA, notch=.2) + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-3, 5)) + geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 0, col="#ff00ff60", lwd=1.3) + theme(legend.position="none", legend.title=element_blank(), strip.text.x = element_text(size = 12, face="bold"), axis.ticks.x = element_line(colour="black"), axis.text.x = element_text(size=14, colour="black", angle=25, hjust=1), axis.ticks.y = element_line(colour="black"), legend.text=element_text(size=13), legend.key = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_text(size=13, colour="black"), axis.title=element_text(size=14), panel.background = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.border = element_rect(colour = "white", fill=NA), axis.line = element_line(colour = "black")) + ylab(ylab) + xlab("") + scale_fill_manual( values = c("#fc8d62", "#b3b3b3") ) ) } ## ----Figure_3A1_violinPlotValidation, fig.height=3.5, fig.width=3, dev="pdf", dev.args = list(bg = 'white'), warning=FALSE---- plotViolin() ## ----Figure_3A2_violinPlotValidation, fig.height=3.5, fig.width=3, dev="pdf", dev.args = list(bg = 'white'), warning=FALSE---- plotViolin(geneName="Ceacam1", ylab="Ceacam1 expression (log2 fold)\nflow cytometry TRA+ vs\nunselected TRA-") ## ----Figure_3A3_violinPlotValidation, fig.height=3.5, fig.width=3, dev="pdf", dev.args = list(bg = 'white'), warning=FALSE---- plotViolin(geneName="Klk5", ylab="Klk5 expression (log2 fold)\nqPCR TRA+ vs\nunselected TRA-") ## ----violinPvals------------------------------------------------------------------------ sapply(names(foldChangesTRApos), function(x){ t.test( foldChangesTRApos[[x]][["coexpressed"]], foldChangesTRApos[["background"]]) }) ## ----Figure_Supp4_violinPlotValidation, fig.height=9, fig.width=9, dpi=300, dev="png", dev.args = list(bg = 'white'), warning=FALSE---- coexpressionGroupList <- list( tspan8=tspan8CoexpressionGroup, ceacam1=ceacam1CoexpressionGroup, klk5=klk5CoexpressionGroup ) save(coexpressionGroupList, file="../data/coexpressionGroupList.RData") foldChangesDf <- lapply( foldChangesAll, function(x){ as.data.frame(do.call(cbind, x)) } ) names(foldChangesDf) <- names(foldChangesAll) for(x in seq_along( foldChangesDf )){ foldChangesDf[[x]]$marker <- names(foldChangesDf)[x] } stopifnot( all( names(coexpressionGroupList) == tolower(names( foldChangesDf)))) for(x in seq_along( foldChangesDf )){ foldChangesDf[[x]]$marker <- names(foldChangesDf)[x] foldChangesDf[[x]]$coexpressed <- rownames(foldChangesDf[[x]]) %in% coexpressionGroupList[[x]] } foldChangesDf <-do.call(rbind, foldChangesDf) foldChangesDf$marker <- relevel(factor( foldChangesDf$marker ), 3) foldChangesDf$coexpressed <- factor( foldChangesDf$coexpressed ) levels( foldChangesDf$coexpressed ) <- c("rest of the genes", "co-expressed") #png("prueba.png", res=300, width=9, height=9, units="in") print( ggplot( foldChangesDf, aes(x=preenriched, y=unselected)) + geom_point(shape=19, size=1, colour="#00000070") + # stat_density2d(geom="tile", aes(fill = ..density..), contour = FALSE) + facet_grid(coexpressed~marker) + theme(legend.position="none", legend.title=element_blank(), strip.text = element_text(size = 14, face="bold"), axis.ticks.x = element_line(colour="black"), axis.text.x = element_text(size=16, colour="black"), axis.ticks.y = element_line(colour="black"), legend.text=element_blank(), # legend.key = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_text(size=16, colour="black"), axis.title=element_text(size=16),# panel.background = element_blank(), panel.background = element_rect(fill='white', colour='black'), panel.border = element_rect(colour = "black", fill=NA), axis.line = element_line(colour = "black")) + ylim(c(-5, 5)) + xlim(c(-4.9,4.9)) + xlab("Log fold change (base 2) between TRA enriched cells (TRA or qPCR) and TRA negative cells (unselected)") + ylab("Log fold change (base 2) between TRA positive cells (unselected) and TRA negative cells (unselected)") + geom_abline(intercept=0, slope=0, col="red") + geom_vline(xintercept=0, col="red") + coord_fixed() ) #dev.off() ## ----coexpressedTRAornot---------------------------------------------------------------- back <- table(isTRA) lapply(coexpressionGroupList, function(x){ fore <- table( x %in% rownames(dxd)[isTRA] ) fisher.test( rbind( fore, back - fore)[,2:1]) }) ## ----Figure_4A_PCA, dev="png", fig.height=5.8, fig.width=5.8, dpi=300, dev.args = list(bg = 'white')---- tspan8 <- names( geneNames[geneNames %in% "Tspan8"] ) ceacam1 <- names( geneNames[geneNames %in% "Ceacam1"] ) genesForPca <- union( tspan8CoexpressionGroup, ceacam1CoexpressionGroup ) cellsForPca <- names( which( colSums( counts( dxd, normalized=TRUE )[c(tspan8, ceacam1),] ) >= 0 ) ) length( cellsForPca ) dataForPca <- Ycorr[rownames(Ycorr) %in% genesForPca,cellsForPca] pr <- prcomp(t(dataForPca)) colUnselected <- "#b1592850" colors <- c(colUnselected, colCeacamPos, colTspanPos, colKlkPos) names(colors) <- c("None", "Ceacam1", "Tspan8", "Klk5") colsForPca <- colors[as.character(colData(dxd)[rownames(pr$x),"SurfaceMarker"])] spCellNames <- split( colnames(dataForPca), colData(dxd)[cellsForPca,"SurfaceMarker"]) par(mar=c(5, 4.8, 7, 1), xpd=FALSE) plot( pr$x[spCellNames[["None"]],"PC1"], pr$x[spCellNames[["None"]],"PC2"], col=colors["None"], pch=19, cex=1.2, ylim=c(-10, 10), asp=1, cex.axis=1.45, cex.lab=1.5, xlab="Principal component 1", ylab="Principal component 2") points( pr$x[spCellNames[["Tspan8"]],"PC1"], pr$x[spCellNames[["Tspan8"]],"PC2"], col=colors["Tspan8"], pch=19, cex=1.2) points( pr$x[spCellNames[["Ceacam1"]],"PC1"], pr$x[spCellNames[["Ceacam1"]],"PC2"], col=colors["Ceacam1"], pch=19, cex=1.2) points( pr$x[spCellNames[["Klk5"]],"PC1"], pr$x[spCellNames[["Klk5"]],"PC2"], col=colors["Klk5"], pch=19, cex=1.2) abline(v=10, lwd=3, col="#1a1a1a", lty="dashed") legend( x=-10, y=28, legend=c(expression(Tspan8^"pos"~cells~(FACS)), expression(Ceacam1^"pos"~cells~(FACS)), expression(Klk5^"pos"~cells~(qPCR)), "Unselected cells"), fill=c(colTspanPos, colCeacamPos, colKlkPos, colUnselected), xpd=TRUE, cex=1.3, horiz=FALSE, bty="n") ## ----tspanExpr-------------------------------------------------------------------------- cor( as.vector(as.matrix(dataForPca[tspan8,cellsForPca])), pr$x[,"PC1"], method="spearman") cor( as.vector(as.matrix(dataForPca[ceacam1,cellsForPca])), pr$x[,"PC1"], method="spearman") klk5 <- names( geneNames[geneNames %in% "Klk5"] ) ## ----moreThanPC------------------------------------------------------------------------- more10InPC1 <- sapply( split( pr$x[,"PC1"] > 10, as.character(colData(dxd)[rownames(pr$x),"SurfaceMarker"] )), table) if(is.na(more10InPC1[["Klk5"]]["TRUE"])){ more10InPC1[["Klk5"]]["TRUE"] <- 0 } more10InPC1 <- do.call(cbind, more10InPC1) round( more10InPC1["TRUE",] / colSums(more10InPC1), 2) ## ----Figure_Supp6_coexpressionHeatmapAll, dev="png", fig.height=5.2, fig.width=6.2, dpi=300, dev.args = list(bg = 'white')---- plotPCAHeatmap <- function(whichCells=colData(dxd)$SurfaceMarker!="None", showMarkers=FALSE){ pr <- prcomp(t(dataForPca)) expr <- asinh( counts(dxd, normalized=TRUE) ) expr <- ( expr - rowMedians(expr) )/ rowSds(expr) expr <- expr[rownames(dataForPca),whichCells] colors["None"] <- "white" colors["Tspan8"] <- colTspanRNA colors["Ceacam1"] <- colCeacamRNA colMiddle <- "#fdbf6f" colRows <- ifelse( rownames(expr) %in% tspan8CoexpressionGroup, colors["Tspan8"], "black" ) colRows <- ifelse( rownames(expr) %in% ceacam1CoexpressionGroup, colors["Ceacam1"], colRows ) colRows <- ifelse( rownames(expr) %in% intersect( tspan8CoexpressionGroup, ceacam1CoexpressionGroup ), colMiddle, colRows) colRows <- matrix(colRows, nrow=1) colors["None"] <- "white" colors["Tspan8"] <- colTspanPos colors["Ceacam1"] <- colCeacamPos br <- seq(-4, 4, length.out=101) cols <- colorRampPalette( brewer.pal(9, "RdBu"), interpolate="spline", space="Lab")(100) colCols1 <- colors[as.character(colData(dxd)[colnames(expr),"SurfaceMarker"])] colCols2 <- rep("white", ncol(expr)) nonZeros <- counts(dxd)[ names( geneNames[geneNames %in% "Tspan8"] ), colnames(expr)] > 0 rankOrder <- order( expr[names( geneNames[geneNames %in% "Tspan8"] ), nonZeros] ) colCols2[nonZeros][rankOrder] <- colorRampPalette( c("white", colors["Tspan8"]))(sum(nonZeros)) colCols3 <- rep("white", ncol(expr)) nonZeros <- counts(dxd)[ names( geneNames[geneNames %in% "Ceacam1"] ), colnames(expr)] > 0 rankOrder <- order( expr[names( geneNames[geneNames %in% "Ceacam1"] ), nonZeros] ) colCols3[nonZeros][rankOrder] <- colorRampPalette( c("white", colors["Ceacam1"]))(sum(nonZeros)) if( showMarkers ){ colCols <- cbind( colCols1, colCols2, colCols3) colnames(colCols) <- c("Surface Marker", "Tspan8 expression", "Ceacam1 expression") }else{ colCols <- cbind( colCols2, colCols3) colnames(colCols) <- c("Tspan8 expression", "Ceacam1 expression") } pr$x <- pr$x[colnames(expr),] par(xpd=TRUE) heatmap.3( expr[rev(order(colRows[1,])),order( pr$x[,"PC1"] )], trace="none", col=cols, dendrogram="none", labCol=rep("", ncol(expr)), labRow=rep("", nrow(expr) ), ColSideColors=colCols[order(pr$x[,"PC1"]),], RowSideColors=colRows[,rev(order( colRows[1,]) ), drop=FALSE], Rowv=FALSE, Colv=FALSE, NumColSideColors=2.5, breaks=br, margins = c(4,4), KeyValueName="Expression\n(Z-scores)", keysize=1.7, NumRowSideColors=1.1, xlab="Cells ordered by\nprincipal component 1", ylab="Co-expressed genes in mature mTECs\n") if( showMarkers ){ legend( x=.45, y=1.1, legend=c(expression(Tspan8^"pos"~(FACS)), expression(Ceacam1^"pos"~(FACS)), expression(Klk5^"pos"~(qPCR))), fill=c(colTspanPos, colCeacamPos, colKlkPos), cex=1.2, bty="n") } legend( x=-.1, y=.4, title="co-expressed\nwith:", legend=c("Tspan8", "Ceacam1", "both"), fill=c(colTspanRNA, colCeacamRNA, colMiddle), cex=1.2, bty="n") } ## ----onlyMarkedCells-------------------------------------------------------------------- expr <- asinh( counts(dxd, normalized=TRUE) ) expr <- ( expr - rowMedians(expr) )/ rowSds(expr) expr <- expr[rownames(dataForPca), !colData(dxd)$SurfaceMarker %in% c( "None", "Klk5")] factorForSplit <- rep("", nrow(expr) ) factorForSplit[rownames(expr) %in% tspan8CoexpressionGroup] <- "Tspan8" factorForSplit[rownames(expr) %in% ceacam1CoexpressionGroup] <- "Ceacam1" factorForSplit[rownames(expr) %in% intersect( tspan8CoexpressionGroup, ceacam1CoexpressionGroup)] <- "Both" meanExpressionPerGroup <- lapply( split( as.data.frame(expr), factorForSplit), function(x){ colMeans(x) }) sapply( c(`ceacam1`=ceacam1, tspan8=`tspan8`), function(y){ sapply( meanExpressionPerGroup, function(x){ nonZeros <- rep(TRUE, ncol(expr)) # nonZeros <- expr[y,] != 0 cor( expr[y,nonZeros], x[nonZeros], method="spearman") }) }) sapply( c( `ceacam1`=ceacam1, `tspan8`=tspan8), function(y){ nonZeros <- rep(TRUE, ncol(expr)) # nonZeros <- expr[y,] != 0 cor( colMeans(expr)[nonZeros], expr[y,nonZeros], method="spearman") }) ## ----Ceacam1NoCor----------------------------------------------------------------------- expr <- asinh( counts(dxd, normalized=TRUE) ) expr <- ( expr - rowMedians(expr) )/ rowSds(expr) expr <- expr[rownames(dataForPca),colData(dxd)$SurfaceMarker=="Ceacam1"] factorForSplit <- rep("", nrow(expr) ) factorForSplit[rownames(expr) %in% tspan8CoexpressionGroup] <- "Tspan8" factorForSplit[rownames(expr) %in% ceacam1CoexpressionGroup] <- "Ceacam1" factorForSplit[rownames(expr) %in% intersect( ceacam1CoexpressionGroup, tspan8CoexpressionGroup)] <- "Both" meanExpressionPerGroup <- lapply( split( as.data.frame(expr), factorForSplit), function(x){ colMeans(x) }) sapply( c(`ceacam1`=ceacam1, tspan8=`tspan8`), function(y){ sapply( meanExpressionPerGroup, function(x){ nonZeros <- rep(TRUE, ncol(expr)) # nonZeros <- expr[y,] != 0 cor( expr[y,nonZeros], x[nonZeros], method="spearman") }) }) sapply( c( `ceacam1`=ceacam1, `tspan8`=tspan8), function(y){ nonZeros <- rep(TRUE, ncol(expr)) # nonZeros <- expr[tspan8,] != 0 cor( colMeans(expr)[nonZeros], expr[y,nonZeros], method="spearman") }) ## ----Figure_4B_coexpressionHeatmapCeacam1, dev="png", fig.height=5.2, fig.width=6.2, dpi=300, dev.args = list(bg = 'white')---- plotPCAHeatmap(colData(dxd)$SurfaceMarker=="Ceacam1") ## ----eval=FALSE, echo=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # # data("gseaReactome") # deGenesTspan8Coding <- deGenesTspan8[deGenesTspan8 %in% proteinCoding] # deGenesCeacam1Coding <- deGenesTspan8[deGenesCeacam1 %in% proteinCoding] # # testTspan8 <- testForReactome( # foreground=deGenesTspan8Coding, # background=proteinCoding[!proteinCoding %in% deGenesTspan8Coding], # processesDF=processesDF, # uniprots=uniprots, # geneName=geneNames, # cores=numCores # ) # # testTspan8 <- testTspan8[which(testTspan8$padj < 0.05),] # testTspan8$geneNames # # # testCeacam1 <- testForReactome( # foreground=deGenesCeacam1Coding, # background=proteinCoding[!proteinCoding %in% deGenesCeacam1Coding], # processesDF=processesDF, # uniprots=uniprots, # geneName=geneNames, # cores=numCores # ) # # testCeacam1 <- testCeacam1[which(testCeacam1$padj < 0.05),] # testCeacam1$geneNames # ## ----whichKLK--------------------------------------------------------------------------- geneClusterNames <- sapply( geneClusters, function(x){ geneNames[names( geneNames ) %in% x] }) ## ----loadMouseAnnotation---------------------------------------------------------------- #library(GenomicFeatures) #transcriptDb <- loadDb( system.file("extdata", # "Mus_musculus.GRCm38.75.primary_assembly.sqlite", # package="Single.mTec.Transcriptomes") ) #exonsByGene <- exonsBy( transcriptDb, "gene" ) #save(geneRanges, file="../data/geneRanges.RData") #geneRanges <- unlist( range( exonsByGene ) ) #geneRanges <- keepSeqlevels(geneRanges, paste0( c(1:19, "X"))) data("geneRanges") dn <- geneRanges[names(geneRanges) %in% names( which( biotype == "protein_coding" ) ),] ## ----eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # dnAire <- dn[names(dn) %in% aireDependentSansom] # dnTested <- dn[names(dn) %in% deGenesNone] # # permutationsForCluster <- function( groupSize, numPerm=1000){ # distancePermuted <- mclapply( seq_len(numPerm), function(x){ # sampleGenes <- sample(seq_len(length(dn)), groupSize ) # median( # distanceToNearest( dn[sampleGenes] )@elementMetadata$distance, # na.rm=TRUE) # }, mc.cores=10) # unlist( distancePermuted ) # } # # numberOfPermutations <- 1000 # # permsAllClusters <- lapply( seq_len(length(geneClusters)), function(i){ # permutationsForCluster( length(geneClusters[[i]]), numberOfPermutations ) # }) # # realAllClusters <- sapply(seq_len(length(geneClusters)), function(i){ # median( distanceToNearest( # dn[names(dn) %in% geneClusters[[i]],])@elementMetadata$distance, # na.rm=TRUE ) # }) # # names( permsAllClusters ) <- LETTERS[seq_len(length(permsAllClusters))] # names( realAllClusters ) <- LETTERS[seq_len(length(permsAllClusters))] # # permsAllClusters <- permsAllClusters[!names(permsAllClusters) %in% "L"] # realAllClusters <- realAllClusters[!names(realAllClusters) %in% "L"] # # save(permsAllClusters, realAllClusters, # file="../data/permutationResults.RData") # ## ----loadPerm--------------------------------------------------------------------------- names(colClusters) <- LETTERS[1:12] data("permutationResults") numberOfPermutations <- 1000 pvals <- sapply( names(permsAllClusters), function(x){ sum( realAllClusters[x] > permsAllClusters[[x]] ) }) / numberOfPermutations p.adjust(pvals, method="BH") sum( p.adjust( pvals, method="BH") < 0.1 ) adjusted <- p.adjust( pvals, method="BH" ) < 0.1 names(permsAllClusters)[adjusted] ## ----Figure_Supp6_clusterPval, dev="png", fig.height=9, fig.width=11, dpi=300, dev.args = list(bg = 'white')---- par(mfrow=c(3, 4), mar=c(5, 5, 2, 2)) for( i in names(permsAllClusters) ){ coexpressedCoordinates <- dn[names(dn) %in% geneClusters[[i]]] distancePermuted <- permsAllClusters[[i]] xmin <- min(distancePermuted, realAllClusters[i]) xmax <- max(distancePermuted, realAllClusters[i]) hist( distancePermuted, 15, xlab="Expected genomic distance (Mb)", cex.lab=1.4, #main="", cex.axis=1.8, xaxt="n", xlim=c(xmin, xmax), main=paste("Group", i ), cex.main=1.8) sq <- seq(0, 20000000, 1000000) axis(1, at=sq, label=sq/1000000, cex.axis=1.7) md <- realAllClusters[i] abline( v=md, col=colClusters[i], lwd=4) } ## ----Figure_Supp7_karyograms, fig.height=5.5, fig.width=4.3, dev="pdf", dev.args = list(bg = 'white', onefile=TRUE), warning=FALSE---- names( geneClusters ) <- LETTERS[1:12] library(ggbio) for(x in names(permsAllClusters)){ coexpressedCoordinates <- dn[names(dn) %in% geneClusters[[x]]] kr <- autoplot(coexpressedCoordinates, layout="karyogram", col=colClusters[x], fill=colClusters[x]) + theme( panel.background = element_blank(), strip.text.y = element_text(size = 16), axis.text.x = element_text(size=14, colour="black") ) print(kr) } ## ----Figure_5A_karyogram, fig.height=5.5, fig.width=4.3, dev.args=list(bg='white'), dev="pdf", warning=FALSE---- clusterNumber <- LETTERS[wCluster] coexpressedCoordinates <- geneRanges[names(geneRanges) %in% geneClusters[[clusterNumber]]] dn2 <- GRanges("7", IRanges(start=18474583, end=18656725)) dn4 <- GRanges("9", IRanges(start=14860210, end=14903949)) library(ggbio) print( autoplot(coexpressedCoordinates, layout="karyogram", col=colClusters[clusterNumber], fill=colClusters[clusterNumber]) + theme( panel.background = element_blank(), strip.text.y = element_text(size = 16), axis.text.x = element_text(size=14, colour="black") ) ) ## ----Figure_5B_expectedGenomicDistance, dev="pdf", fig.height=4, fig.width=4.3, dev.args = list(bg = 'white')---- i <- clusterNumber distancePermuted <- permsAllClusters[[i]] xmin <- min(distancePermuted, realAllClusters[i]) xmax <- max(distancePermuted, realAllClusters[i]) par(mar=c(4.2, 4.5, 1, 1)) hist( distancePermuted, 30, xlab="Expected genomic distance (Mb)", cex.lab=1.4, #main="", cex.axis=1.8, xaxt="n", xlim=c(xmin, xmax), main="", cex.main=1.8) sq <- seq(0, 20000000, 1000000) axis(1, at=sq, label=sq/1000000, cex.axis=1.7) md <- realAllClusters[i] abline( v=md, col=colClusters[i], lwd=4) ## ----Figure_Supp10_unrelated, fig.height=4, fig.width=6.5, dev="pdf", dev.args = list(bg = 'white')---- library(Gviz) colVector <- rep(colClusters, sapply(geneClusters, length) ) names(colVector) <- unlist(geneClusters) range <- dn2 data("geneNames") length(unlist(geneClusters[1:11])) / length(unlist(geneClusters)) sum( unlist(geneClusters[1:11]) %in% tras )/ sum( unlist(geneClusters) %in% tras ) makePlotForRegion <- function(range, left=100000, right=100000, colClusterNumber=NULL){ start(range) <- start( range ) - left end(range) <- end( range ) + right geneRanges <- geneRanges[names( geneRanges ) %in% proteinCoding] overlap <- findOverlaps( range, geneRanges, ignore.strand=TRUE ) toPlot <- geneRanges[names(geneRanges[subjectHits(overlap)])] toPlot <- keepSeqlevels( toPlot, as.character(1:19)) ch <- unique( as.character(seqnames(toPlot)) ) if( !is.null(colClusterNumber)){ cols <- ifelse( names(toPlot) %in% geneClusters[[colClusterNumber]], colClusters[[colClusterNumber]], "white") }else{ cols <- colVector[names( toPlot )] cols[is.na(cols)] <- "white" } labels <- sprintf( "%s (%s)", geneNames[names(toPlot)], as.character(strand(toPlot))) plotTracks( list( GeneRegionTrack( toPlot, symbol=labels, name=paste("chr", ch)), GenomeAxisTrack()), showId=TRUE, geneSymbol=TRUE, fill=cols, fontsize=20, fontcolor="black", detailsBorder.col="black", col.line="black", col="black", sizes=c(5, 1)) } dn2 <- GRanges("6", IRanges(start=122447296,end=122714633)) makePlotForRegion(dn2, left=1000, right=1500, colClusterNumber=clusterNumber) ## ----Figure_Supp9_related, fig.height=4, fig.width=6.5, dev="pdf", dev.args = list(bg = 'white')---- dn2 <- GRanges("3", IRanges(start=107923453,end=107999678)) makePlotForRegion(dn2, left=1000, right=1500, colClusterNumber=clusterNumber) ## ----Figure_Supp8_related, fig.height=4, fig.width=6.5, dev="pdf", dev.args = list(bg = 'white')---- dn2 <- GRanges("2", IRanges(start=154049564,end=154479003)) makePlotForRegion(dn2, left=100, right=100, colClusterNumber=clusterNumber) ## ----Figure_5C_Klkloci, fig.height=5, fig.width=7, dev="pdf", dev.args = list(bg = 'white')---- dn5 <- GRanges("7", IRanges(start=43690418,end=44229617)) makePlotForRegion(dn5, left=20000, right=3500, colClusterNumber=clusterNumber) ## ----Figure_5D_KlkExpression, dev="png", fig.height=5.5, fig.width=5.8, dpi=300, dev.args = list(bg = 'white')---- range <- dn5 start(range) <- start( range ) - 20000 end(range) <- end( range ) + 3500 overlap <- findOverlaps( range, geneRanges, ignore.strand=TRUE ) toPlot <- geneRanges[names(geneRanges[subjectHits(overlap)])] toPlot <- toPlot[names( toPlot ) %in% proteinCoding,] coexpressedCoordinates <- geneRanges[names( toPlot ),] coexpressedCoordinates <- sort( coexpressedCoordinates, ignore.strand=TRUE ) klkGenes <- names(coexpressedCoordinates) library(pheatmap) cellOrder <- names( sort(counts(dxd,normalized=TRUE)[gene, colData(dxd)$SurfaceMarker %in% c("Klk5", "None")], decreasing=TRUE) ) annotationGenes <- data.frame( kmeans=1*klkGenes %in% geneClusters[[clusterNumber]], wilcox=1*klkGenes %in% klk5CoexpressionGroup, aireDependent= 1*(klkGenes %in% aireDependent), row.names=klkGenes) klkMat <- asinh( counts(dxd, normalized=TRUE)[klkGenes,cellOrder]) klkMat <- ( klkMat - rowMedians(klkMat) ) / rowSds(klkMat) klkMat <- pmin(klkMat, 3) colsKlk <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "Blues"))(50) colsKlk <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "RdBu"))(50) annotationCells <- data.frame( droplevels(colData(dxd)[colnames(klkMat),"SurfaceMarker"])) rownames(annotationCells) <- colnames(klkMat) colnames(annotationCells) <- "cell" ann_colors <- list(cell=c( Klk5=colClusters[[clusterNumber]], None="lightgray") ) pheatmap(( t(klkMat) )*1, col=colsKlk, cluster_rows=FALSE, cluster_cols=FALSE, labels_row="", labels_col=geneNames[klkGenes], annotation_row=annotationCells, annotation_colors=ann_colors, breaks = seq(-3, 3, length.out=51), legend=TRUE, fontsize = 12) ## ----Figure_Supp11_KlkExpression, dev="pdf", fig.height=5.5, fig.width=9, dev.args = list(bg = 'white')---- cellGroups <- split( names(cellGroups), cellGroups) klkMat <- klkMat[,!colnames(klkMat) %in% cellGroups[["TRUE"]]] cellSplit <- split(colnames(klkMat), droplevels(colData(dxd)[colnames(klkMat),"SurfaceMarker"])) klkPercentages <- apply( klkMat, 1, function(x){ c(None=sum( x[cellSplit[["None"]]] > 0 ), Klk5=sum( x[cellSplit[["Klk5"]]] > 0 )) }) klkPercentages["None",] <- klkPercentages["None",] / length(cellSplit[["None"]]) klkPercentages["Klk5",] <- klkPercentages["Klk5",] / length(cellSplit[["Klk5"]]) dfKlkFractions <- data.frame( fraction=as.vector(klkPercentages), cell=rep(rownames(klkPercentages), ncol(klkPercentages)), gene=factor( rep(geneNames[colnames(klkPercentages)], each=nrow(klkPercentages)), levels=geneNames[colnames(klkPercentages)])) levels(dfKlkFractions$cell) <- c("Klk5 pos (qPCR)", "Klk5 neg (ad hoc)") print(ggplot( dfKlkFractions, aes( x=gene, y=fraction, fill=cell, stat="bar")) + geom_bar(stat="identity") + facet_grid(cell~.) + ylab("fraction of cells") + xlab("") + theme( axis.text.x=element_text(size=12, color="black", angle=90, hjust = 1, vjust=0 ) ) ) ## ----KlkRange--------------------------------------------------------------------------- dfKlk <- as.data.frame( geneRanges[names( geneNames[grepl("Klk", geneNames )] ),] ) dfKlk <- dfKlk[dfKlk$seqnames == 7,] nms <- sapply( geneClusterNames, function(x){ sum(grepl("Klk", x)) }) names(nms) <- LETTERS[as.numeric(names(nms))] nms ## ----printTable------------------------------------------------------------------------- clusterInfo <- data.frame( `ensemblID`=unlist( geneClusters ), `geneNames`=geneNames[unlist( geneClusters )], `clusterNumber`=rep(names(geneClusters), sapply(geneClusters, length) ), `clusterColor`=rep(colClusters, sapply(geneClusters, length) ) ) rownames( clusterInfo ) <- NULL write.table( clusterInfo, sep="\t", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=TRUE, file="figure/Table_Supp1_CoexpressionGroupsTable.txt" ) ## ----atacStart-------------------------------------------------------------------------- data("geneNamesHuman") data("biotypesHuman") data(muc1Coexpression) data(cea1Coexpression) data(dxdATAC) dxdCEACAM5 <- dxdATAC[,colData(dxdATAC)$TRA == "CEACAM5"] colData(dxdCEACAM5) <- droplevels(colData(dxdCEACAM5)) dxdCEACAM5 <- estimateSizeFactors(dxdCEACAM5) dxdCEACAM5 <- estimateDispersions(dxdCEACAM5) dxdCEACAM5 <- nbinomWaldTest(dxdCEACAM5) CEACAM5Group <- as.character( cea1Coexpression$SYMBOL[ cea1Coexpression$`adj.P.Val` < 0.1 & cea1Coexpression$logFC > 2] ) CEACAM5Group <- names( geneNames[geneNames %in% CEACAM5Group] ) dxdMUC1 <- dxdATAC[,colData(dxdATAC)$TRA == "MUC1"] colData(dxdMUC1) <- droplevels(colData(dxdMUC1)) dxdMUC1 <- estimateSizeFactors(dxdMUC1) dxdMUC1 <- estimateDispersions(dxdMUC1) dxdMUC1 <- nbinomWaldTest(dxdMUC1) MUC1Group <- as.character( muc1Coexpression$SYMBOL[ muc1Coexpression$`adj.P.Val` < 0.1 & muc1Coexpression$logFC > 2] ) MUC1Group <- names( geneNames[geneNames %in% MUC1Group] ) length(CEACAM5Group) length(MUC1Group) ## ----humanGroups------------------------------------------------------------------------ t.test( results(dxdCEACAM5)$log2FoldChange[rownames(dxdCEACAM5) %in% CEACAM5Group], results(dxdCEACAM5)$log2FoldChange, alternative="greater") t.test( results(dxdMUC1)$log2FoldChange[rownames(dxdMUC1) %in% MUC1Group], results(dxdMUC1)$log2FoldChange, alternative="greater") ## ----defineAtacViolin------------------------------------------------------------------- dim(results(dxdCEACAM5)) dim(results(dxdMUC1)) df <- data.frame( signal = c( results(dxdCEACAM5)$log2FoldChange, results(dxdMUC1)$log2FoldChange), group = rep(c("CEACAM5", "MUC1"), each=dim(results(dxdMUC1))[1]), genes = c( ifelse( rownames(dxdCEACAM5) %in% CEACAM5Group, "Co-expressed", "All others"), ifelse( rownames(dxdMUC1) %in% MUC1Group, "Co-expressed", "All others") )) df$genes <- relevel( df$genes, 2 ) atacViolin <- function(gene, ylab="", ylim=c(-2, 2)){ dfOp <- df[df$group == gene,] p <- ggplot(dfOp, aes(factor(genes), signal, fill=genes)) p <- p + geom_violin() + geom_boxplot(width=.4, notch=.2, outlier.shape=NA) + # facet_grid(~group) + scale_y_continuous(limits = ylim) + geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 0, col="#ff00ff60", lwd=1.3) + theme(legend.position="none", legend.title=element_blank(), strip.text.x = element_text(size = 12, face="bold"), axis.ticks.x = element_blank(), axis.text.x = element_text(size=14, colour="black", angle=25, hjust=1), axis.ticks.y = element_line(colour="black"), legend.text=element_text(size=13), legend.key = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_text(size=14, colour="black"), axis.title=element_text(size=14), axis.line=element_line(colour="black"), panel.background = element_rect(colour="white", fill="white"), panel.border = element_rect(colour = "white", fill=NA), panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank()) + xlab("") + ylab(ylab) + scale_fill_manual( values = c("#af8dc3", "#7fbf7b") ) p } ## ----Figure_6A1_Atacseq, fig.height=3.3, fig.width=2.8, dev="pdf", dev.args = list(bg = 'white'), warning=FALSE---- #pdf("prueba.pdf", height=3.3, width=2.8) atacViolin("CEACAM5", "Promoter accesibility\n(log2 fold)\nCEACAM5+ vs CEACAM5-") #dev.off() ## ----Figure_6A2_Atacseq, fig.height=3.3, fig.width=2.8, dev="pdf", dev.args = list(bg = 'white'), warning=FALSE---- atacViolin("MUC1", "Promoter accesibility\n(log2 fold)\nMUC+ vs MUC-", c(-1.1, 1.1)) ## ----sessioninfo------------------------------------------------------------------------ sessionInfo()