## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- # source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") # biocLite("TCGAbiolinksGUI", dependencies = TRUE) ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- # source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") # deps <- c("pathview","clusterProfiler","ELMER", "DO.db","GO.db", # "ComplexHeatmap","EDASeq", "TCGAbiolinks") # for(pkg in deps) # if (!pkg %in% installed.packages()) biocLite(pkg, dependencies = TRUE) # deps <- c("devtools","shape","shiny","readr","googleVis", # "shinydashboard","shinyFiles","shinyjs","shinyBS") # for(pkg in deps) # if (!pkg %in% installed.packages()) install.packages(pkg,dependencies = TRUE) # devtools::install_github("tiagochst/ELMER") # devtools::install_github("tiagochst/ELMER.data") # devtools::install_github("BioinformaticsFMRP/TCGAbiolinksGUI") ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- # library(TCGAbiolinksGUI) # TCGAbiolinksGUI() ## ----table2, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warnings=FALSE, results='asis'---- tabl <- " | Menu | Sub-menu | Button | Data input | |---------------------------------|-----------------------------------|------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Clinical analysis | Profile Plot | Select file | A table with at least two categorical columns | | Clinical analysis | Survival Plot | Select file | A table with at least the following columns: days_to_death, days_to_last_followup and one column with a group | | Epigenetic analysis | Differential methylation analysis | Select data (.rda) | A summarizedExperiment object | | Epigenetic analysis | Volcano Plot | Select results | A csv file with the following pattern: DMR_results_GroupCol_group1_group2_pcut_1e-30_meancut_0.55.csv (Where GroupCol, group1, group2 are the names of the columns selected in the DMR steps. | | Epigenetic analysis | Heatmap plot | Select file | A summarizedExperiment object | | Epigenetic analysis | Heatmap plot | Select results | Same as Epigenetic analysis >Volcano Plot > Select results | | Epigenetic analysis | Mean DNA methylation | Select file | A summarizedExperiment object | | Transcriptomic Analysis | Volcano Plot | Select results | A csv file with the following pattern: DEA_results_GroupCol_group1_group2_pcut_1e-30_meancut_0.55.csv (Where GroupCol, group1, group2 are the names of the columns selected in the DEA steps. | | Transcriptomic Analysis | Heatmap plot | Select file | A summarizedExperiment object | | Transcriptomic Analysis | OncoPrint plot | Select MAF file | A MAF file (columns needed: Hugo_Symbol,Tumor_Sample_Barcode,Variant_Type) | | | Transcriptomic Analysis | OncoPrint plot | Select Annotation file | A file with at least the following columns: bcr_patient_barcode | | | Integrative analysis | Starburst plot | DMR result | A csv file with the following pattern: DMR_results_GroupCol_group1_group2_pcut_1e-30_meancut_0.55.csv (Where GroupCol, group1, group2 are the names of the columns selected in the DMR steps. | | Integrative analysis | Starburst plot | DEA result | A csv file with the following pattern: DEA_results_GroupCol_group1_group2_pcut_1e-30_meancut_0.55.csv (Where GroupCol, group1, group2 are the names of the columns selected in the DEA steps. | | Integrative analysis | ELMER | Create mee > Select DNA methylation object | An rda file with a summarized Experiment object | | Integrative analysis | ELMER | Select results > Select expression object | An rda file with the RNAseq data frame | | Integrative analysis | ELMER | Select mee | An rda file with a mee object | | Integrative analysis | ELMER | Select results | An rda file with the results of the ELMER analysis | " cat(tabl) ## ---- include=FALSE------------------------------------------------------ library(TCGAbiolinksGUI) ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ sessionInfo()