### R code from vignette source 'ASSIGN.vignette.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: style-Sweave

### code chunk number 2: setup

tempdir <- "tempdir"

### code chunk number 3: datasets-and-labels (eval = FALSE)
## data(trainingData1)
## data(testData1)
## data(geneList1)
## trainingLabel1 <- list(control = list(bcat=1:10, e2f3=1:10,
##                                       myc=1:10, ras=1:10, src=1:10),
##                                       bcat = 11:19, e2f3 = 20:28, myc= 29:38,
##                                       ras = 39:48, src = 49:55)
## testLabel1 <- rep(c("Adeno", "Squamous"), c(53,58))

### code chunk number 4: all-in-one-assign-wrapper-example1 (eval = FALSE)
## dir.create(file.path(tempdir,"wrapper_example1"))
## assign.wrapper(trainingData=trainingData1, testData=testData1,
##                trainingLabel=trainingLabel1, testLabel=testLabel1,
##                geneList=NULL, n_sigGene=rep(200,5), adaptive_B=TRUE,
##                adaptive_S=FALSE, mixture_beta=TRUE,
##                outputDir=file.path(tempdir,"wrapper_example1"),
##                iter=2000, burn_in=1000)

### code chunk number 5: all-in-one-assign-wrapper-example2 (eval = FALSE)
## dir.create(file.path(tempdir,"wrapper_example2"))
## assign.wrapper(trainingData=trainingData1, testData=testData1,
##                trainingLabel=trainingLabel1, testLabel=NULL,
##                geneList=geneList1, n_sigGene=NULL, adaptive_B=TRUE,
##                adaptive_S=FALSE, mixture_beta=TRUE,
##                outputDir=file.path(tempdir,"wrapper_example2"),
##                iter=2000, burn_in=1000)

### code chunk number 6: all-in-one-assign-wrapper-example3 (eval = FALSE)
## dir.create(file.path(tempdir,"wrapper_example3"))
## assign.wrapper(trainingData=NULL, testData=testData1,
##                trainingLabel=NULL, testLabel=NULL,
##                geneList=geneList1, n_sigGene=NULL, adaptive_B=TRUE,
##                adaptive_S=TRUE, mixture_beta=TRUE,
##                outputDir=file.path(tempdir,"wrapper_example3"),
##                iter=2000, burn_in=1000)

### code chunk number 7: assign-preprocess-function (eval = FALSE)
## # training dataset is available;
## # the gene list of pathway signature is NOT available
## processed.data <- assign.preprocess(trainingData=trainingData1,
##                                     testData=testData1,
##                                     trainingLabel=trainingLabel1,
##                                     geneList=NULL, n_sigGene=rep(200,5))

### code chunk number 8: assign-preprocess-function (eval = FALSE)
## # training dataset is available;
## # the gene list of pathway signature is available
## processed.data <- assign.preprocess(trainingData=trainingData1,
##                                     testData=testData1,
##                                     trainingLabel=trainingLabel1,
##                                     geneList=geneList1)

### code chunk number 9: assign-preprocess-function (eval = FALSE)
## # training dataset is NOT available;
## # the gene list of pathway signature is available
## processed.data <- assign.preprocess(trainingData=NULL,
##                                     testData=testData1,
##                                     trainingLabel=NULL,
##                                     geneList=geneList1)

### code chunk number 10: assign-mcmc-function (eval = FALSE)
## mcmc.chain <- assign.mcmc(Y=processed.data$testData_sub,
##                           Bg = processed.data$B_vector,
##                           X=processed.data$S_matrix,
##                           Delta_prior_p = processed.data$Pi_matrix,
##                           iter = 2000, adaptive_B=TRUE,
##                           adaptive_S=FALSE, mixture_beta=TRUE)

### code chunk number 11: assign-convergence-function (eval = FALSE)
## trace.plot <- assign.convergence(test=mcmc.chain, burn_in=0, iter=2000,
##                                  parameter="B", whichGene=1,
##                                  whichSample=NA, whichPath=NA)

### code chunk number 12: assign-summary-function (eval = FALSE)
## mcmc.pos.mean <- assign.summary(test=mcmc.chain, burn_in=1000,
##                                 iter=2000, adaptive_B=TRUE,
##                                 adaptive_S=FALSE, mixture_beta=TRUE)

### code chunk number 13: assign-cv-output-function (eval = FALSE)
## # For cross-validation, Y in the assign.mcmc function
## # should be specified as processed.data$trainingData_sub.
## assign.cv.output(processed.data=processed.data,
##                  mcmc.pos.mean.trainingData=mcmc.pos.mean,
##                  trainingData=trainingData1,
##                  trainingLabel=trainingLabel1, adaptive_B=FALSE,
##                  adaptive_S=FALSE, mixture_beta=TRUE,
##                  outputDir=tempdir)

### code chunk number 14: assign-output-function (eval = FALSE)
## assign.output(processed.data=processed.data,
##               mcmc.pos.mean.testData=mcmc.pos.mean,
##               trainingData=trainingData1, testData=testData1,
##               trainingLabel=trainingLabel1,
##               testLabel=testLabel1, geneList=NULL,
##               adaptive_B=TRUE, adaptive_S=FALSE,
##               mixture_beta=TRUE, outputDir=tempdir)

### code chunk number 15: anchor-exclude-example (eval = FALSE)
## dir.create(file.path(tempdir, "anchor_exclude_example"))
## anchorList = list(bcat="224321_at",
##                   e2f3="202589_at",
##                   myc="221891_x_at",
##                   ras="201820_at",
##                   src="224567_x_at")
## excludeList = list(bcat="1555340_x_at",
##                    e2f3="1555340_x_at",
##                    myc="1555340_x_at",
##                    ras="204748_at",
##                    src="1555339_at")
## assign.wrapper(trainingData=trainingData1, testData=testData1,
##                trainingLabel=trainingLabel1, testLabel=NULL,
##                geneList=geneList1, n_sigGene=NULL, adaptive_B=TRUE,
##                adaptive_S=TRUE, mixture_beta=TRUE,
##                outputDir=file.path(tempdir, "anchor_exclude_example"),
##                anchorGenes=anchorList, excludeGenes=excludeList,
##                iter=2000, burn_in=1000)

### code chunk number 16: anchor-exclude-example1 (eval = FALSE)
## dir.create(file.path(tempdir, "optimization_example"))
## setwd(file.path(tempdir, "optimization_example"))
## testData <- read.table("https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/62447/ASSIGN/icbp_Rsubread_tpmlog.txt", sep='\t',
##                        row.names=1, header=1)
## corData <- read.table("https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/62447/ASSIGN/proteomics.txt", sep='\t', row.names=1, header=1)

### code chunk number 17: anchor-exclude-example2 (eval = FALSE)
## #this is a list of pathways and columns in the correlation data that will
## #be used for correlation
## corList <- list(akt=c("Akt","PDK1","PDK1p241"))

### code chunk number 18: anchor-exclude-example3 (eval = FALSE)
## #run the batch correction procedure between the test and training data
## combat.data <- ComBat.step2(testData, pcaPlots = TRUE)
## #run the default optimization procedure
## optimization_results <- optimizeGFRN(combat.data, corData, corList, run="akt")

### code chunk number 19: seeInfo