--- title: "*proFIA*: Preprocessing data from flow injection analysis coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry (FIA-HRMS)" author: "Alexis Delabriere and Etienne Thevenot" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Vignette Title} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} bibliography: "proFIA-vignette.bib" output: BiocStyle::html_document --- ```{r global_options, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width=6, fig.height=6, fig.path='figures/') ``` # Context Flow injection analysis (FIA) is becoming more and more used in the context of high-throughput profiling, because of an increased resolution of mass spectrometers (HRMS). The data produced however are complex and affected by matrix effect which makes their processing difficult. The _**proFIA**_ bioconductor package provides the first workflow to process FIA-HRMS raw data and generate the peak table. By taking into account the high resolution and the information of matrix effect available from multiple scans, the algorithms are robust and provide maximum information about ions m/z and intensitie using the full capapbility of modern mass spectrometers. # Workflow ![*proFIA* workflow](workflow_info.png) The first step generates the `proFIAset` object, which will be further processed during the workflow. The object contains initial information about the sample and the classes (when subdirectories for the raw data are present), as well as all results froom the processing (e.g., detected peaks, grouping, etc.). At each step, the data quality can be checked by graphics such as `plotEICs`, or `plotRaw`. For convenience, the 3 processing functions and methods from the workflow (`proFIAset`, `group.FIA`, and `fillPeaks.FIA`) have been wrapped into a single `analyzeAcquisitionFIA` function. The final *dataMatrix* can be exported, as well as the 2 supplementary tables containing the *sampleMetadata* and the *variableMetadata*. Note that the 3 exported '.tsv' files can be directly used in the Galaxy-based [Workflow4metabolomics](http://workflow4metabolomics.org) infrastructure for subsequent statistical analysis and annotation [@Giacomoni2015]. # The _**plasFIA**_ data package A real data set consisting of human plasma spiked with 40 molecules at 3 increasing concentrations was acquired on an Orbitrap mass spectrometer with 2 replicates, in the positive ionization mode (U. Hohenester and C. Junot, [LEMM laboratory](http://ibitecs.cea.fr/drf/ibitecs/english/Pages/units/spi/lemm.aspx), CEA, [MetaboHUB](http://www.metabohub.fr/index.php?lang=en&Itemid=473)). The 10 files are available in the _**plasFIA**_ bioconductor data package, in the mzML format (centroid mode). # Hands-on ## Peak detection with `proFIAset` We first load the two packages containing the software and the dataset: ```{r loading, echo=TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE} # loading the packages library(proFIA) library(plasFIA) ``` ```{r paths} # finding the directory of the raw files path <- system.file(package="plasFIA", "mzML") list.files(path) ``` The first step of the workflow is the **proFIAset** function which takes as input the path to the raw files. This function performs noise model building, followed by m/z strips detection and filtering. The important parameters to keep in mind are: * `noiseEstimation` (logical): shall noise model be constructed to filter signal? (recommended). * `ppm` (numeric): maximum deviation between scans during strips detection. * `parallel` (logical): shall parallel computation be used. Note: 1. As all files need to be processed 2 times, one for noise estimation and one for model estimation, this step is the most time consuming of the workflow. 2. The `ppm` parameter is the most important of the workflow; the package was designed to work optimally for high-resolution data with an accuracy inferior or equal to 5 ppm. ```{r profiaset,fig.show="hide",message=FALSE} # defining the ppm parameter adapted to the Orbitrap Fusion ppm <- 3 # performing the first step of the workflow plasSet <- proFIAset(path, ppm=ppm, parallel=FALSE) ``` The quality of peak detection can be assessed by using the `plotRaw` method to visualize the corresponding areas in the raw data. ```{r raw_plot} # loading the spiked molecules data frame data("plasMols") # plotting the raw region aroung the Diphenhydramine mass signal plasMols[7,] mzrange <- c(plasMols[7,"mass_M+H"]-0.1,plasMols[7,"mass_M+H"]+0.1) plotRaw(plasSet, type="r", sample=3, ylim=mzrange, size=0.6) ``` In the example above, we see that a signal at 256.195 m/z corresponding to the solvent has been correctly discarded by _**proFIA**_. ```{r peaks_plot} # plotting the filter Dipehnhydramine region. plotRaw(plasSet, type="p", sample=3, ylim=mzrange, size=0.6) ``` Peak detection in _**proFIA**_ is based on matched filtering. It therefore relies on a peak model which is tuned on the signals from the most intense ions. The `plotInjectionPeaks` method allows to check visually the consistency of these reconstructed filters. ```{r plot_injection} # plotting the injection peak plotInjectionPeaks(plasSet) ``` ## Peak grouping with `group.FIA` The second step of the workflow consists in matching the signals between the samples. The `group.FIA` methods uses an estimation of the density in the mass dimension. The two important parameters are: * `ppm` (numeric): accuracy of the mass spectrometer; must be inferior or equal to the corresponding value in `proFIAset`, * `fracGroup` (numeric): minimum fraction of samples with detected peaks in at least one class for a group to be created. ```{r group,message=FALSE} # selecting the parameters ppmgroup <- 1 # due to the experimental design, sample fraction was set to 0.2 fracGroup <- 0.2 # grouping plasSet <- group.FIA(plasSet, ppm=ppmgroup, fracGroup=fracGroup) ``` The groups may be visualized using the **plotEICs** function, which take as input a mass and a ppm tolerance, or an index. ```{r plotEICs} # plotting the EICs of the parameters. plotEICs(plasSet,mz=plasMols[4,"mass_M+H"]) ``` At this stage, it is possible to check whether a molecule (i.e., a group) has been detected in the dataset by using the `findMzGroup` method. ```{r find_group} # searching for match group with 2 ppm tolerance lMatch <- findMzGroup(plasSet,plasMols[,"mass_M+H"],tol=3) # index of the 40 molecules which may be used with plotEICs molFound <- data.frame(names=plasMols[,"names"],found=lMatch) head(molFound) # getting the molecules which are not detected plasMols[which(is.na(lMatch)),] ``` We see that molecules 5 and 16 were not found, which is coherent with their chemical classes as they are both Dicarboxylic Acids, which ionizes in negative modes. ## Peak table with `makeDataMatrix` The data matrix (*peak table*) can be built with the `makeDataMatrix` method: ion intensities can be computed either as the areas of the peaks (`maxo=F`) which is considered to be more robust, or as the maximum intensities (`maxo=T`). ```{r datamatrix} # building the data matrix plasSet <- makeDataMatrix(plasSet, maxo=FALSE) ``` ## Imputation with `fillPeaks.WKNN` Imputation of the data matrix is performed by using a weighted k-nearest neighbours approach. A good number for k is half the size of the smaller class. * *k* (numeric): number of neighbours ```{r fillpeaks, warning=FALSE, eval=FALSE} # since there is only 1 replicate, k is set to 1, which should not be the case in a standard experiment. k <- 1 # imputation plasSet <- fillPeaks.WKNN(plasSet, k=k) ``` Here you see a warning because doing 1-Nearest-Neighbour is a bad partice, but for purpose of demonstration and to avoid long computations, we only furnished two sample by classes, which means that 1-Nearest-Neighbour is the best option in this case. ## Running the whole workflow with `analyzeAcquisitionFIA` The whole workflow described previously can be run by a single call to the *analyzeAcquisitionFIA* function: ```{r analyzeAcquisitionFIA, eval=FALSE} # selecting the parameters ppm <- 2 ppmgroup <- 1 fracGroup <- 0.2 k <- 1 # running the whole workflow in a single step plasSet <- analyzeAcquisitionFIA(path, ppm=ppm, ppmgroup=ppmgroup, k=k,fracGroup = fracGroup,parallel=FALSE) ``` ## Export The processed data can be exported either as: + A peak table in a format similar to the XCMS output. + An *ExpressionSet* object (see the [Biobase](http://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/Biobase.html) bioconductor package). + A peak table which may be created using the *exportPeakTable* function. + 3 .tsv tabular files corresponding to the *dataMatrix*, the *sampleMetadata*, and the *variableMetadata*, and which are compatible with the [Workflow4metabolomics](http://workflow4metabolomics.org) format. ```{r export} # Expression Set. eset <- exportExpressionSet(plasSet) eset # Peak Table. peakTable <- exportPeakTable(plasSet) # 3 W4M Tables: dataMatrix <- exportDataMatrix(plasSet) sampleMetadata <- exportSampleMetadata(plasSet) variableMetadata <- exportVariableMetadata(plasSet) ``` ## Examples of downstream statistical analyzes Univariate and multivariate analyzes can be applied to the processed peak table. As an example, we perform a modeling of the spiking dilution with Orthogonal Partial Least Squares, by using the [ropls](http://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/ropls.html) bioconductor package. This allows us to illustrate the efficiency of the matrix effect indicator. ```{r conc} # getting the concentrations of the spiked compounds (log10 scale) data("plasSamples") vconc <- log10(plasSamples[,"concentration_ng_ml"]) ``` ```{r opls, eval=FALSE} # building the OPLS model library(ropls) plasSet.opls <- opls(dataMatrix, vconc, predI = 1, orthoI = NA, log10L = TRUE, crossvalI=5) ``` ```{r opls_eval, echo=FALSE} # building the OPLS model library(ropls) plasSet.opls <- opls(t(dataMatrix), vconc, predI = 1, orthoI = NA, log10L = TRUE, crossvalI=5, plotL = FALSE) layout(matrix(1:4, nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE)) for(typeC in c("permutation", "overview", "outlier", "x-score")) plot(plasSet.opls, typeVc = typeC, parDevNewL = FALSE) ``` We observe that the model significantly explains the majority of the response variance (Q2Y > 0.94, pQ2Y < 5%). The score plot and the observation diagnostic do not evidence any outlier sample (not shown). As expected, the concentration of the samples increases with the predictive scores. Furthermore, the matrix effect contributes to the orthogonal component: this can be observed by plotting the predictive and orthogonal VIP values, and coloring according to the matrix effect metric (inversely proportional to the 'corMean' quality metric of the peak): ```{r matrix_effect_plot} # matrix effec metric MEmetricVn <- 1 - variableMetadata[, "corMean"] nnaVl <- !is.na(MEmetricVn) MEmetricVn <- MEmetricVn[nnaVl] ordVi <- order(MEmetricVn) MEmetricVn <- MEmetricVn[ordVi] # predictive and orthogonal VIP vipVn <- getVipVn(plasSet.opls)[nnaVl][ordVi] orthoVipVn <- getVipVn(plasSet.opls, orthoL = TRUE)[nnaVl][ordVi] # plot colVc <- rev(rainbow(sum(nnaVl), end = 4/6)) plot(vipVn, orthoVipVn, pch = 16, col = colVc, xlab = "VIP_pred", ylab = "VIP_ortho", main = "VIP_ortho vs VIP_pred",lwd=3) # adding black circles around spiked compounds matchVl <- (1:nrow(variableMetadata) %in% lMatch[!is.na(lMatch)])[nnaVl][ordVi] points(vipVn[matchVl], orthoVipVn[matchVl], cex=1.2,pch=1,col="black",lwd=2) legend("topright", legend = c(paste0(c("ME max: ", "ME min: "), round(rev(range(MEmetricVn)), 2)),"Spiked molecules"), pch=c(16,16,1),col = c(rev(colVc[c(1, length(colVc))]),1)) ``` We see that high predictive VIP values correspond to low matrix effect (which is in particular the case for the spiked molecules; the two clusters probably result from the fact that some of the spiked molecules are naturally present in plasma). In contrast, the orthogonal VIP axis correlates with the matrix effect. This illustrates the capacity of proFIA to extract relevant signal from raw data and to provide useful visualization to assess the quality of the data. # Session info Here is the output of `sessionInfo()` on the system on which this document was compiled: ```{r sessionInfo, echo=FALSE} sessionInfo() ```