CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.0 -------------------------- USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o Removed deprecated functions ( and o Removed options for parallel processing in phylo2sbp, with the algorithmic speedups to this function parallel processing is superfluous and not used (even for trees of >45,000 leaves). o Updated introduction to philr-intro vignette. o Added Install instructions (from source) to readme o Added citation info to readme (paper not on bioRxiv) Silverman JS, Washburne A, Mukherjee S, David LA. 2016. A phylogenetic transform enhances analysis of compositional microbiota data. bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/072413 o News file is now parsed by news() function. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.3.0 -------------------------- INTERNAL CHANGES o Fixed confusing difference between gp.rowMeans and g.colMeans (now gp.rowMeans -> g.rowMeans) o Various other bug fixes CHANGES IN VERSION 0.1.4 -------------------------- USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o Introduced new vignette ('philr-intro') based on Global Patterns dataset from phyloseq o which (as well as are now exported! o Internal plotting functions replaced with annotate_balance and new geom_balance which was implemented in the package ggtree. o Resolved anorm vs. enorm bug (previously anorm was calculating the euclidean norm due to subsetting behavior in compositions package). With this, also removed dependency on compositions package and reimplemented closure in philr. INTERNAL o gp.rowMeans and g.colMeans now handle calculation of geometric means for rows and columns respectively. Note 'gp' because rowMeans for rows needs to be calculated with weights. (See reference in the documentation for that function). CHANGES IN VERSION 0.1.3 -------------------------- USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o Weighted / Genralized ILR functions now exported (shiftp, clrp, ilrp, buildilrBasep) o Renamed function blw.mean.descendants to mean_dist_to_tips o and replaced by which (as well as are now vectorized. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.1.0 -------------------------- USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o Basic functions from paper in added o name.balance can now show vote tallies o Philr function now warns if zeroes present o Added convert_to_long function