CHANGES IN VERSION 3.1.9 ------------------------ o bug fixed of simplify method for compareCluster object <2016-08-17, Mon> + use semData parameter according to the change of GOSemSim CHANGES IN VERSION 3.1.8 ------------------------ o method for compareClusterResult <2016-09-29, Thu> o geneID and geneInCategory methods <2016-09-19, Mon> CHANGES IN VERSION 3.1.7 ------------------------ o [, [[, head, tail, dim methods for compareClusterResult <2016-08-28, Sun> o fixed R-devel check <2016-08-16, Tue> CHANGES IN VERSION 3.1.6 ------------------------ o update vignette <2016-08-16, Tue> o browseKEGG <2016-08-15, Mon> o unit test <2016-08-15, Mon> CHANGES IN VERSION 3.1.5 ------------------------ o move enrichMeSH & gseMeSH to meshes <2016-08-11, Thu> CHANGES IN VERSION 3.1.4 ------------------------ o MeSH term enrichment analysis (enrichMeSH and gseMeSH) <2016-07-28, Thu> CHANGES IN VERSION 3.1.3 ------------------------ o export download_KEGG <2016-07-25, Mon> o according to the changes of GOSemSim and DOSE <2016-07-05, Tue> CHANGES IN VERSION 3.1.2 ------------------------ o 'by' parameter for GSEA analysis <2016-07-04, Mon> o duplicated KEGG path id for KEGG orthology, only use ko <2016-06-28, Tue> + e.g. map00010 and ko00010 + + CHANGES IN VERSION 3.1.1 ------------------------ o getGOLevel and dropGO support using a vector of GO level <2016-05-20, Fri> +!msg/clusterprofiler/zNYHLI6RpJI/1u4XRKfNAQAJ o use byte compiler <2016-05-18, Wed> o CHANGES IN VERSION 3.0.0 ------------------------ o BioC 3.3 released <2016-05-05, Thu> CHANGES IN VERSION 2.99.2 ------------------------ o add keyType parameter in enrichKEGG, enrichMKEGG, gseKEGG and gseMKEGG <2016-05-03, Tue> o search_kegg_species function <2016-05-03, Tue> o bitr_kegg function <2016-05-03, Tue> CHANGES IN VERSION 2.99.1 ------------------------ o go2ont function <2016-04-28, Thu> + o go2term function <2016-04-21, Thu> o export buildGOmap <2016-04-08, Fri> o fixed enrichDAVID according to <2016-04-08, Fri> CHANGES IN VERSION 2.99.0 ------------------------ o version bump, ready to release version 3. <2016-03-29, Tue> + KEGG pathway and module support all species listed in KEGG website. + GO supports all species that have OrgDb which can be accessed online by AnnotationHub + User's defined/customized annotation is supported via enricher & GSEA CHANGES IN VERSION 2.5.6 ------------------------ o write my own code to parse KEGG REST instead of using KEGGREST package <2016-03-10, Thu> + due to the issue of KEGGREST can't work with network of HTTP proxy with password + see: CHANGES IN VERSION 2.5.5 ------------------------ o maxGSSize paramter <2016-03-9, Wed> o update show method of compareClusterResult <2016-03-06, Sun> o fixed R check <2016-03-06, Sun> o update ReactomePA citation info <2016-02-17, Wed> CHANGES IN VERSION 2.5.4 ------------------------ o add use_internal_data=FALSE parameter in gseKEGG <2016-01-19, Tue> o fixed bug in simplify for organism extracted from OrgDb is not consistent to GOSemSim. <2016-01-05, Tue> o update vignette <2015-12-29, Tue> o re-designed internal function <2015-12-20, Sun> CHANGES IN VERSION 2.5.3 ------------------------ o enrichMKEGG and gseMKEGG functions to support enrichment analysis of KEGG Module <2015-12-03, Thu> + see CHANGES IN VERSION 2.5.2 ------------------------ o facet with compareCluster result <2015-11-03, Tue> + see CHANGES IN VERSION 2.5.1 ------------------------ o read.gmt function for parsing gmt file for enricher and GSEA <2015-10-28, Wed> o gofilter to filt result at specific GO level <2015-10-23, Fri> o simplify function <2015-10-21, Wed> + see CHANGES IN VERSION 2.5.0 ------------------------ o BioC 3.3 branch CHANGES IN VERSION 2.3.8 ------------------------ o dropGO function <2015-09-24, Thu> + see o use_internal_data = TRUE in enrichKEGG example to speedup compilation of vignette and prevent error when online is not available <2015-09-23, Wed> CHANGES IN VERSION 2.3.7 ------------------------ o bug fixed in sorting pvalue of compareClusterResult. <2015-09-16, Wed> For compareCluster(fun=groupGO), there is no pvalue, use Count for sorting o use_internal_data= TRUE in enrichKEGG and gseKEGG demonstrated in vignette due to the issue <2015-08-26, Wed> CHANGES IN VERSION 2.3.6 ------------------------ o merge_result function <2015-07-15, Wed> o add citation of ChIPseeker <2015-07-09, Thu> o add 'Functional analysis of NGS data' section in vignette <2015-06-29, Mon> o update vignette <2015-06-24, Wed> CHANGES IN VERSION 2.3.5 ------------------------ o import dotplot from DOSE <2015-06-21, Sun> CHANGES IN VERSION 2.3.4 ------------------------ o bug fixed in getGeneSet.GO <2015-06-16, Tue> CHANGES IN VERSION 2.3.3 ------------------------ o convert vignette from Rnw to Rmd format <2015-05-17, Sun> CHANGES IN VERSION 2.3.2 ------------------------ o bug fixed of build_Anno <2015-05-07, Thu> o add plotGOgraph function <2015-05-05, Tue> CHANGES IN VERSION 2.3.1 ------------------------ o remove import RDAVIDWebService <2015-04-29, Wed> o update buildGOmap <2015-04-29, Wed> o remove import KEGG.db <2015-04-29, Wed> CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.14 ------------------------ o [enrichDAVID] report NA in qvalue column when it fail to calculate instead of throw error <2015-03-10, Fri> CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.13 ------------------------ o update vignette <2015-03-07, Tue> CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.12 ------------------------ o user input is now supported with enricher and GSEA function <2015-04-01, Wed> o change use_internal_data parameter to ... according to the change of DOSE <2015-04-01, Wed> CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.11 ------------------------ o add example of bitr in vignette <2015-03-31, Tue> CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.10 ------------------------ o idType and bitr function for translating biological ID. <2015-03-20, Fri> CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.9 ------------------------ o throw stop msg when gene can not be mapped by DAVID <2015-03-12, Thu> o add return NULL when DAVID fail (no enrichment found or wrong ID type) <2015-03-11, Wed> CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.8 ------------------------ o implement enrichDAVID <2015-03-07, Fri> CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.7 ------------------------ o set includeAll = TRUE by default <2015-03-03, Tue> o added an includeAll option in plot(compareCluster) <2015-02-26, Thu> refer to: o fixed typo in groupGO <2015-02-26, Thu> CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.6 ------------------------ o add DOSE citation <2015-02-13, Fri> CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.5 ------------------------ o gseKEGG is also use online KEGG data by default. <2015-02-11, Wed> o change 'use.KEGG.db' parameter to 'use_internal_data', that can be used when I implement GO analysis with user specific annotation data <2015-02-11, Wed> CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.4 ------------------------ o update vignette <2015-02-11, Wed> o support formula like x ~ y + z, contributed by Giovanni Dall'Olio <2015-02-11, Wed> o add example of formula interface <2015-02-11, Wed> o formula interface for compareCluster contributed by Giovanni Dall'Olio <2015-02-11, Wed> CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.3 ------------------------ o update vignettes <2015-01-28, Wed> o fully support of using online version of KEGG in enrichKEGG, using online version is now by default of enrichKEGG <2015-01-28, Wed> o update CITATION <2015-01-28, Wed> CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.2 ------------------------ o support downloading latest KEGG annotation data <2015-01-27, Tue> o update vignette to use BiocStyle <2015-01-27, Tue> CHANGES IN VERSION 2.1.1 ------------------------ o add BugReports URL <2014-12-17, Wed> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.99.0 ------------------------ o set version to 1.99.0 and will release version 2.0.0 in next BioConductor release. <2014-09-03, Wed> + In version 2.0.0, the package was extended to support about 20 species for both of GO and KEGG analyses. + support gene set enrichment analysis algorithm for both of GO and KEGG. + support enrichMap visualization. o support about 20 species of KEGG analyses. <2014-09-03, Wed> o update man file to indicate that enrichGO is now support more than 20 species <2014-09-03, Wed> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.13.3 ------------------------ o add keepGOlevel, keepGOterm, excludeGOlevel, excludeGOterm, not exported yet <2014-08-28, Thu> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.13.2 ------------------------ o implement gseGO and gseKEGG for gene set enrichment analysis <2014-07-31, Thu> o import enrichMap from DOSE <2014-07-31, Thu> o add corresponding section in vignettes <2014-07-31, Thu> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.13.1 ------------------------ o update man files according to the change of roxygen2 (ver 4.0.0) <2014-05-16, Fri> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.11.3 ------------------------ o now plotting compareClusterResult support scale the dot size by geneRatio, and it is now setting as default. <2014-01-14, Tue> o The original default parameter by="percentage" is now changing to "rowPercentage" <2014-01-14, Tue> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.11.2 ------------------------ o remove viewKEGG function <2013-11-12, Tue> o In vignette, illustrates how to visualize KEGG pathway using use pathview package. <2013-11-12, Tue> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.9.4 ------------------------ o bug fixed of readGff, add default parameter fill=TRUE in read.table function <2013-07-09, Mon> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.9.3 ------------------------ o extend enrichGO to support 20 species <2013-07-09, Mon> o update vignettes. <2013-07-09, Mon> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.9.1 ------------------------ o enrichGO and enrichKEGG support rat organism <2013-05-20, Mon> o change some code according to DOSE <2013-03-27, Wed> o modify enrichGO and enrichKEGG according to the change of enrich.internal, remove qvalueCutoff parameter, add pAdjustMethod, add universe paramter for user to specify background. <2013-05-29, Wed> o add function viewKEGG for visualizing KEGG pathway and update vignette. <2013-06-14, Fri> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.7.1 ------------------------ o support GO enrichment analysis for organism celegans <2013-01-22, Fri> o add compress parameter in buildGOmap <2013-01-16, Wed> o import ggtitle from ggplot2 <2012-09-07, Fri> o update codes of plot functions accompaning with ggplot2 (version 0.9.2) <2012-09-06, Thu> o bug fixed of buildGOmap due to the empty GO annotation query from biomaRt <2012-07-18, Wed> Changes IN VERSION 1.5.0 ------------------------ o bump up version to 1.5.0 for BioC 2.11 devel o add URL in DESCRIPTION o update citation and add biocView GeneSetEnrichment <2012-05-09, Wed> o support zebrafish <2012-05-18, Mon> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.15 ------------------------ o add support to organsims other than human, mouse, and yeast. <2012-03-22, Thu> o add GFFparser.R, which provide function Gff2GeneTable to parse Gff files and build gene information table.<2012-03-22, Thu> o add function buildGOmap for building GO mapping files for unsurported organisms, which can be analyzed now. <2012-03-22, Thu> o add vignette explaining how to run GO analysis for unsupported organism. <2012-03-12, Thu> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.14 ------------------------ o re-implement enrichGO by import enrich.internal in DOSE implement S3 methods for mapping IDs for GO analysis. <2012-03-18, Sun> o re-implement enrichKEGG by import enrich.internal in DOSE implement S3 methods for mapping IDs for KEGG analysis. <2012-03-19, Mon> o re-implement groupGOResult class by extended from enrichResult, and modified groupGO by using S3 methods designed for enrichGO. <2012-03-19,Mon> o bug fixed for importing setReadable<- instead of setReadable. <2012-03-20, Tue> o bug fixed of TERM2NAME.GO. <2012-03-21, Wed> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.13 ------------------------ o import plot summary from stats4, for BiocGenerics (version 0.1.10) removed them <2012-03-03, Sat> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.12 ------------------------ o fixed BibTeX database file .bib. month = , must be month = someMonth, or totally deleted, leave it blank will cause texi2dvi failed. <2012-03-01, Thu> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.11 ------------------------ o update vignette. <2012-02-28, Tue> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.10 ------------------------ o fixed warnings concerning documents of plot generics. <2012-02-27, Mon> o import summary generic from BiocGenerics instead of stats4. <2012-02-27, Mon> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.9 ------------------------ o fixed build error in bioc repos <2012-02-26 Sun> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.8 ------------------------ o add visualization section in vignette <2012-02-16 Thu> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.7 ------------------------ o @exportMethod plot <2012-02-15 Wed> o fix bug when calling summary method from plot, for summary defined in base is S3 method, instead import summary generic from stats4 <2012-02-15 Wed> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.6 ------------------------ o remove generic definition of show, summary and plot, add NAMESPACE import show from methods and plot from graphics. summary need not to import, for is defined in the base package. <2012-02-13 Mon> o rewrite vignette <2012-02-13 Mon> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.5 ------------------------ o update plot codes accompany with new version of ggplot2(>=0.9.0) <2012-02-07 Tue> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.4 ------------------------ o using apply instead of mdply to improve speed <2012-02-03 Fri> o add citation of clusterProfiler <2012-02-03 Fri> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.3 ------------------------ o add showCategory parameter for plot functions <2011-01-11 Wed> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.2 ------------------------ o add qvalueCutoff parameter. <2011-01-05 Thu> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.1 ------------------------ o add plot.categoryNet for enrichGOResult. <2011-11-10 Thu> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.22 ------------------------ o update vignette. <2011-07-23 Thu> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.21 ------------------------ o update roxygen docs. <2011-07-23 Sat> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.20 ------------------------ o update roxygen docs. <2011-07-19 Wed> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.19 ------------------------ o change to using roxygen for generating Rd file. <2011-07-19 Tue> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.18 ------------------------ o clean up some codes. <2011-07-19 Tue> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.17 ------------------------ o Remove dependence of GOstats and Category. <2011-07-18 Mon> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.16 ------------------------ o Re-implement function enrichGO. <2011-07-18 Mon> o add parameter readable, for mapping gene IDs to gene names. <2011-07-18 Mon> CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.15 ------------------------ o Modified plot method of groupGOResult, with colour coded. <2011-06-15 Wed>