## ----v1, include = FALSE------------------------------------------------------ knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", eval = TRUE ) ## ----installation, include = TRUE, eval = FALSE------------------------------- # if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager")) { # install.packages("BiocManager") # } # BiocManager::install("spatialFDA") ## ----setup, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE---------------------------------- library("spatialFDA") library("dplyr") library("ggplot2") library("tidyr") library("stringr") library("dplyr") library("patchwork") library("SpatialExperiment") set.seed(1234) ## ----loading, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE-------------------------------- # retrieve example data from Damond et al. (2019) spe <- .loadExample(full = TRUE) spe <- subset(spe, ,patient_id %in% c(6089,6180,6126,6134,6228,6414)) # set cell types as factors colData(spe)$cell_type <- as.factor(colData(spe)$cell_type) ## ----plotting fovs, warning = FALSE, fig.width=8, fig.height=15--------------- df <- data.frame(spatialCoords(spe), colData(spe)) dfSub <- df %>% subset(image_name %in% c("E02", "E03", "E04", "E05")) p <- ggplot(dfSub, aes(x = cell_x, y = cell_y, color = cell_category)) + geom_point(size= 0.5) + facet_wrap(~image_name) + theme(legend.title.size = 20, legend.text.size = 20) + xlab("x") + ylab("y") + labs(color = "cell category")+ coord_equal() + theme_light() dfSub <- dfSub %>% subset(cell_type %in% c("alpha", "beta", "delta", "Th", "Tc")) q <- ggplot(dfSub, aes(x = cell_x, y = cell_y, color = cell_type)) + geom_point(size= 0.5) + facet_wrap(~image_name) + theme(legend.title.size = 20, legend.text.size = 20) + xlab("x") + ylab("y") + labs(color = "cell type") + coord_equal() + theme_light() wrap_plots(list(p,q), widths = c(1,1), heights = c(1,1), nrow = 2, ncol = 1) ## ----Lfunction, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE------------------------------ metricRes <- calcMetricPerFov(spe = spe, selection = c("alpha", "Tc"), subsetby = "image_number", fun = "Lcross", marks = "cell_type", rSeq = seq(0, 50, length.out = 50), by = c("patient_stage", "patient_id", "image_number"), ncores = 1) metricRes %>% head(3) ## ----plotLfunction, warning = FALSE, fig.width=8, fig.height=8---------------- # create a unique plotting ID metricRes$ID <- paste0( metricRes$patient_stage, "|", metricRes$patient_id ) # change levels for plotting metricRes$ID <- factor(metricRes$ID, levels = c("Non-diabetic|6126", "Non-diabetic|6134", "Onset|6228","Onset|6414", "Long-duration|6089", "Long-duration|6180")) # plot metrics plotMetricPerFov(metricRes, correction = "iso", x = "r", imageId = "image_number", ID = "ID", ncol = 2) ## ----Gfunction, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE------------------------------ metricRes <- calcMetricPerFov(spe = spe, selection = c("alpha", "Tc"), subsetby = "image_number", fun = "Gcross", marks = "cell_type", rSeq = seq(0, 50, length.out = 50), by = c("patient_stage", "patient_id", "image_number"), ncores = 1) metricRes %>% head(3) ## ----plotGfunction, warning = FALSE, fig.width=8, fig.height=8---------------- # create a unique plotting ID metricRes$ID <- paste0( metricRes$patient_stage, "|", metricRes$patient_id ) # change levels for plotting metricRes$ID <- factor(metricRes$ID, levels = c("Non-diabetic|6126", "Non-diabetic|6134", "Onset|6228","Onset|6414", "Long-duration|6089", "Long-duration|6180")) # plot metrics plotMetricPerFov(metricRes, correction = "rs", x = "r", imageId = "image_number", ID = "ID", ncol = 2) ## ----funcBoxPlot, warning = FALSE, results='hide'----------------------------- # create a unique ID per row in the dataframe metricRes$ID <- paste0( metricRes$patient_stage, "x", metricRes$patient_id, "x", metricRes$image_number ) #removing field of views that have as a curve only zeros - these are cases where #there is no cells of one type metricRes <- metricRes %>% dplyr::group_by(ID) %>% dplyr::filter(sum(rs) >= 1) collector <- plotFbPlot(metricRes, "r", "rs", "patient_stage") ## ----fPCA, warning = FALSE---------------------------------------------------- # filter out all rows that have a constant zero part - all r<10 metricRes <- metricRes %>% filter(r > 10) # prepare dataframe from calcMetricRes to be in the correct format for pffr dat <- prepData(metricRes, "r", "rs") # create meta info of the IDs splitData <- dat$ID %>% str_replace("-","_") %>% str_split_fixed("x", 3) %>% data.frame(stringsAsFactors = TRUE) %>% setNames(c("condition", "patient_id", "imageId")) %>% mutate(condition = relevel(condition,"Non_diabetic")) dat <- cbind(dat, splitData) # drop rows with NA dat <- dat |> drop_na() # calculate the fPCA pca <- functionalPCA(dat = dat, r = metricRes$r |> unique(), pve = 0.995) evalues <- pca$evalues efunctions <- pca$efunctions # plot the mean curve and the two first eigenfunctions p_mu <- ggplot(data.frame(r = unique(metricRes$r), mu = pca$mu), aes(x = r, y = mu)) + geom_line() + theme_light() + xlab("r [µm]") p_efunction1 <- ggplot(data.frame(r = unique(metricRes$r), phi1 = pca$efunctions[,1]), aes(x = r, y = phi1)) + geom_line() + theme_light() + ylim(-0.3,0.3) + xlab("r [µm]") p_efunction2 <- ggplot(data.frame(r = unique(metricRes$r), phi2 = pca$efunctions[,2]), aes(x = r, y = phi2)) + geom_line() + theme_light() + ylim(-0.3,0.3) + xlab("r [µm]") wrap_plots(list(p_mu, p_efunction1, p_efunction2), ncol = 3) # plot the biplot of the first two PCs plotFpca(dat = dat, res = pca, colourby = "condition") ## ----funcGamG, fig.height=10, warning = FALSE--------------------------------- library('refund') # create a design matrix mm <- model.matrix(~condition, data = dat) colnames(mm)[1] <- "Intercept" mm %>% head() r <- metricRes$r |> unique() # fit the model mdl <- functionalGam( data = dat, x = r, designmat = mm, weights = dat$npoints, formula = formula(Y ~ 1 + conditionLong_duration + conditionOnset + pcre(id=patient_id, efunctions=efunctions, evalues=evalues, yind=r)), family = quasi(link = "identity", variance = "mu^2"), algorithm = "gam" ) summary(mdl) plotLs <- lapply(colnames(mm), plotMdl, mdl = mdl, shift = mdl$coefficients[["(Intercept)"]]) wrap_plots(plotLs, nrow = 3, axes = 'collect') ## ----contour, warning = FALSE------------------------------------------------- resid(mdl) |> cor() |> filled.contour() resid(mdl) |> cov() |> filled.contour() try(refund::pffr.check(mdl)) ## ----intercept, warning = FALSE, eval = TRUE---------------------------------- # look at the smooth random intercepts per patient #data <- coef(mdl)$smterms$`s(patient_id)`$coef data <- coef(mdl)$smterms$`pcre(patient_id,efunctions,evalues,r)`$coef %>% dplyr::rename(patient_id = "patient_id.vec") data <- data %>% left_join(splitData %>% select(patient_id, condition) %>% unique) p <- ggplot(data, aes(x.vec, value, colour = patient_id)) + geom_point(aes(shape=factor(condition))) + theme_light() + geom_smooth(aes(group = 1), col = 'black') + xlab("r [µm]") p ## ----sessionInfo-------------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()