
pdfauthor={David Clayton},
pdftitle={Fst calculations}]

\title{Fst\\The algorithm used in {\tt snpStats}}
\author{David Clayton}

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\section*{$F$ statistics for diversity of groups}
There is a very large literature on this topic and the author does not claim
any great expertise. The purpose of this vignette is simply to document the 
method of calculation implemented in {\tt snpStats}.

We shall start by introducing some notation. Let:\\[5mm]
  $N_g$ &  Number of chromosomes in group $g$\\
  $N_{sg}$ & Number of chromsomes in group $g$ observed for SNP $s$\\
  $N_s$ & Number of chromosomes observed for SNP $s$, all groups\\
  $p_{sg}$ & Allele (relative) frequency for SNP $s$ in group $g$\\
  $p_s$ & Overall allele frequency for SNP $s$\\
and let:
  Y_s &=& \frac{N_s}{N_s-1}p_s(1-p_s)\\
  X_{sg} &=& \frac{N_{sg}}{N_{sg}-1} p_{sg}(1-p_{sg})\\
  X_s &=& \sum_g W_g X_{sg}
where $W_g$ are group-specific weights (see below).

The value returned for the F statistic for SNP $s$ is
F_s = 1 - \frac{X_s}{Y_s} = \frac{Y_s - X_s}{Y_s}.

A natural combined value over all SNPs is obtained by summing numerators and 
denominators of the SNP-specific values Denoting summation by a $+$ subsscript,
F = \frac{Y_+ - X_+}{Y_+},
which can also be written as a weighted mean of the SNP-specific values, 
with $Y_s$ as weights:
F = \frac{1}{\sum_s Y_s} \sum_s Y_s F_s.

There appear to be two ways of looking at this index, leading to different 
weights when group sizes are unequal. 

\subsection*{Pairwise differences}
One rationale suggests that the index can be written 
\frac{D_T - D_W }{D_T }
where $D_T$ is the probability that two chromosomes, sampled at random
from the total population, differ and $D_W$ is the probability that two
chromosomes, sampled at random from the same subpopulation,
differ. For a single SNP, $s$, $Y_s$ is an unbiased estimator for $D_T$
and $X_{sg}$ is an unbiased estimator for $D_W$ {\em within subgroup $g$}. 
With this rationale, the weights,
$\{W_g\}$ should reflect the numbers of distinct pairwise comparisons within
each group:
W_g = \frac{N_g (N_g-1)}{\sum_g N_g(N_g-1)}
\subsection*{The analysis of variance}
Another rationale would seem to be in terms of partition of the total
variance, specifically the ratio of the between-group variance to the
total variance (this seems to be the thrust of a series of papers by
Cockerham). $Y_s$ is then an unbiased estimate of the total variance of SNP 
$s$ and $X_{sg}$ is an unbiased estimator of its variance in group $g$. But 
the natural weights are then
W_g =  \frac{N_g }{\sum_g N_g}.
(Cockerham also seems to have considered
an unweighted analysis but that could be inefficient if group sizes differ 
\section*{An example}
Here we show the results of these calculations using the HapMap data discussed 
in other vignettes. These data were constructed by re-sampling individuals from
two groups of HapMap subjects, the CEU sample (of European
origin) and the JPT$+$CHB sample (of Asian origin), these groups being 
identified by the variable {\tt stratum} in the subject support data frame.

We first use the pair-wise difference weights, first calculating the 
SNP-specific values, followed by the weighted average across all SNPs:
f1 <- Fst(snps.10, subject.support$stratum, pairwise=TRUE)
weighted.mean(f1$Fst, f1$weight)
We now compare this result with that obtained with the alternative (AOV) 
f2 <- Fst(snps.10, subject.support$stratum, pairwise=FALSE)
weighted.mean(f2$Fst, f2$weight)
Here there is little difference between the two values, since the group sizes 
are nearly the same:
In other cases the two weighting schemes could lead to different answers. In 
such situations, the preference of this author is for the analysis of variance 
weights and, accordingly, this has been set as the default action.
