This tutorial provides a quick overview of the command line tools shipping with PureCN. These tools implement highly recommended best practices. For the R package and more detailed information, see the main vignette.
PureCN 2.13.2
PureCN is backward compatible with input generated by
versions 1.16 and later. For versions 1.8 to 1.14, please re-run NormalDB.R
(see also below):
$ Rscript $PURECN/NormalDB.R --out-dir $OUT_REF \
--coverage-files example_normal_coverages.list \
--genome hg19 --normal-panel $NORMAL_PANEL --assay agilent_v6
When using --model betabin
in PureCN.R
, we recommend for all previous
versions re-creating the mapping bias database by re-running NormalDB.R
# only re-creating the mapping bias file
$ Rscript $PURECN/NormalDB.R --out-dir $OUT_REF \
--genome hg19 --normal-panel $NORMAL_PANEL --assay agilent_v6
For upgrades from version 1.6, we highly recommend starting from scratch following this tutorial.
For the command line scripts described in this tutorial, we will need to install PureCN with suggested dependencies:
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
BiocManager::install("PureCN", dependencies = TRUE)
Alternatively, manually install the packages required by the command line scripts:
BiocManager::install(c("PureCN", "optparse", "R.utils",
"TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene", ""))
(Replace hg19
with your genome version).
To use the alternative and in many cases recommended PSCBS segmentation:
# default PSCBS without support of interval weights
# patched PSCBS with support of interval weights
BiocManager::install("lima1/PSCBS", ref="add_dnacopy_weighting")
To call mutational signatures, install the GitHub version of the deconstructSigs package:
For the experimental support of importing variant calls from GATK4 GenomicsDB, follow the installations instructions from GenomicsDB-R.
The GATK4 segmentation requires the gatk
binary in path. Versions
and newer are supported.
system.file("extdata", package = "PureCN")
## [1] "/tmp/RtmpIZYlR7/Rinst2b005c1bdb7aa4/PureCN/extdata"
$ export PURECN="/path/to/PureCN/extdata"
$ Rscript $PURECN/PureCN.R --help
Usage: /path/to/PureCN/inst/extdata/PureCN.R [options] ...
# specify path where PureCN should store reference files
$ export OUT_REF="reference_files"
$ Rscript $PURECN/IntervalFile.R --in-file baits_hg19.bed \
--fasta hg19.fa --out-file $OUT_REF/baits_hg19_intervals.txt \
--off-target --genome hg19 \
--export $OUT_REF/baits_optimized_hg19.bed \
--mappability wgEncodeCrgMapabilityAlign100mer.bigWig \
--reptiming wgEncodeUwRepliSeqK562WaveSignalRep1.bigWig
Internally, this script uses rtracklayer to parse the
. Make sure that the file format matches the file extension.
See the rtracklayer documentation for problems loading the file.
Check that the genome version of the baits file matches the reference. Do not
include chrM baits in case the capture kit includes some.
We do not recommend padding the baits file manually unless the coverages are
very low (<30X) where the increased counts from the padded regions might decrease
sampling variance slightly. Note that we do however strongly recommend running the
variant caller with a padding of at least 50bp to increase the number of
informative SNPs, see below in the VCF section. Double check that the genome
version of the --in-file
is correct - many assays are still designed using
older references and might need to be lifted over to the pipeline reference.
If possible, do NOT use a BED file that contains the targeted exons, instead use
the coordinates of the baits. These are optimized for GC-content and mappability and
will produce cleaner coverage profiles.
The --off-target
flag will include off-target reads. Including them is
recommended except for Amplicon data. For whole-exome data, the benefit is
usually also limited unless the assay is inefficient with a high fraction of
off-target reads (>10-15%).
The --genome
version is needed to annotate exons with gene symbols. Use
hg19/hg38 for human genomes, not b37/b38. You might get a warning that an
annotation package is missing. For hg19, install
TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene in R.
The --export
argument is optional. If provided, this script will store the
modified intervals as BED file for example (again every
rtracklayer format is supported). This is useful when the coverages
are calculated with third-party tools like GATK.
The --mappability
argument should provide a rtracklayer
parsable file with a mappability score in the first meta data column. If
provided, off-target regions will be restricted to regions specified in this
file. On-target regions with low mappability will be excluded. For hg19,
download the file from the UCSC website. Choose the kmer size that best fits
your average mapped read length. For hg38, download recommended 76-kmer or
100-kmer mappability files through the courtesy of the Waldron lab from:
See the FAQ section of the main vignette for instruction how to generate such a file for other references.
Similarly, the --reptiming
argument takes a replication timing score in the
same format. If provided, GC-normalized and log-transformed coverage is tested
for a linear relationship with this score and normalized accordingly. This is
optional and provides only a minor benefit for coverage normalization, but can
identify samples with high proliferation. Requires --off-target
to be useful.
PureCN does not ship with a variant caller. Use a third-party tool to generate a VCF for each sample.
Important recommendations:
Use MuTect 1.1.7 if possible; Mutect 2 from GATK 4.1.7+ is now out of alpha and VCFs generated following the best practices somatic workflow should work (earlier Mutect 2 versions are not supported and will not work).
VCFs from most other tumor-only callers such as VarScan2 and FreeBayes are supported, but only very limited artifact filtering will be performed for these callers. Make sure to provide filtered VCFs. See the FAQ section in the main vignette for common problems and questions related to input data.
Since germline SNPs are needed to infer allele-specific copy numbers, the
provided VCF needs to contain both somatic and germline variants. Make sure
that upstream filtering does not remove high quality SNPs, in particular due
to presence in germline databases. Mutect 1.1.7 automatically calls SNPs,
but Mutect 2 does not. Make sure to run Mutect 2 with
--genotype-germline-sites true --genotype-pon-sites true
. You will not get
usuable output without those flags. Since Mutect 2 from GATK 4.2.0+,
average base quality scores can be very low and variants will be too
aggressively removed by PureCN. You will need to set --min-base-quality 20
in PureCN.R to keep them.
Run the variant caller with a 50-75 base pair interval padding to increase
the number of heterozygous SNPs (for example --interval_padding
in Mutect 1.1.7 and Mutect 2, respectively). For
very high coverages beyond 1000X, it is safe to increase this value up to
The following describes PureCN runs with internal copy number normalization and segmentation.
What you will need:
The interval file generated above
BAM files of tumor samples.
BAM files of normal samples (see main vignette for recommendations). These normal samples are not required to be patient-matched to the tumor samples, but they need to be processed-matched (same assay run through the same alignment pipeline, ideally sequenced in the same lab)
VCF files generated above for all tumor and normal BAM files
For each sample, tumor and normal, calculate GC-normalized coverages:
# Calculate and GC-normalize coverage from a BAM file
$ Rscript $PURECN/Coverage.R --out-dir $OUT/$SAMPLEID \
--bam ${SAMPLEID}.bam \
--intervals $OUT_REF/baits_hg19_intervals.txt
Similar to GATK, this script also takes a text file containing a list of BAM or
coverage file names (one per line). The file extension must be .list
# Calculate and GC-normalize coverage from a list of BAM files
$ Rscript $PURECN/Coverage.R --out-dir $OUT/normals \
--bam normals.list \
--intervals $OUT_REF/baits_hg19_intervals.txt \
--cores 4
Important recommendations:
Only provide --keep-duplicates
or --remove-mapq0
if you know what you are
doing and always use the same command line arguments for tumor and the
It can be safe to skip the GC-normalization with --skip-gc-norm
when tumor
and normal samples are expected to exhibit similar biases and a sufficient
number of normal samples is available. A good example would be plasma
sequencing. In contrast, old FFPE samples normalized against blood controls
will more likely benefit from GC-normalization.
A potential negative impact of GC-normalization is much more likely in very small targeted panels (< 0.5Mb) and worth benchmarking.
When supported third-party tools are used to calculate coverage (currently CNVkit, GATK3 and GATK4), it is possible to GC-normalize those coverages with a matching interval file:
# GC-normalize coverage from a GATK DepthOfCoverage file
Rscript $PURECN/Coverage.R --out-dir $OUT/$SAMPLEID \
--coverage ${SAMPLEID}.coverage.sample_interval_summary \
--intervals $OUT_REF/baits_hg19_intervals.txt
To build a normal database for coverage normalization, copy the paths to all (GC-normalized) normal coverage files in a single text file, line-by-line:
ls -a $OUT/normals/*_loess.txt.gz | cat > example_normal_coverages.list
# In case no GC-normalization is performed:
# ls -a $OUT/normals/*_coverage.txt.gz | cat > example_normal_coverages.list
$ Rscript $PURECN/NormalDB.R --out-dir $OUT_REF \
--coverage-files example_normal_coverages.list \
--genome hg19 --assay agilent_v6
# When normal panel VCF is available (highly recommended for
# unmatched samples)
$ Rscript $PURECN/NormalDB.R --out-dir $OUT_REF \
--coverage-files example_normal_coverages.list \
--normal-panel $NORMAL_PANEL \
--genome hg19 \
--assay agilent_v6
# For a Mutect2/GATK4 normal panel GenomicsDB (beta)
$ Rscript $PURECN/NormalDB.R --out-dir $OUT_REF \
--coverage-files example_normal_coverages.list \
--normal-panel $GENOMICSDB-WORKSPACE-PATH/pon_db \
--genome hg19 \
--assay agilent_v6
Important recommendations:
Consider generating different databases when differences are significant, e.g. for samples with different read lengths or insert size distributions
In particular, do not mix normal data obtained with different capture kits (e.g. Agilent SureSelect v4 and v6)
Provide a normal panel VCF here to precompute mapping bias for faster
runtimes. The only requirement for the VCF is an AD
format field containing
the number of reference and alt reads for all samples. See the example file
For ideal results, examine the interval_weights.png
file to find good
off-target bin widths. You will need to re-run IntervalFile.R
with the
parameter and re-calculate the coverages. NormalDB.R
will also give a suggestion for a good minimum width. We do not recommend
going lower than this estimate; setting --average-off-target-width
to value larger
than this value can decrease noise at the cost of loss in resolution.
Setting it to 1.2-1.5x the minimum recommendation (that should be ideally <
250kb) is a good starting point.
The --assay
argument is optional and is only used to add the provided assay
name to all output files
A warning pointing to the likely use of a wrong baits file means that more
than 5% of targets have close to 0 coverage in all normal samples. A BED file
with the low coverage targets will be generated in --out-dir
. If for any
reason there is no access to the correct file, it is recommended to re-run the
command and provide this BED file with --exclude
Now that the assay-specific files are created and all coverages calculated, we run PureCN to normalize, segment and determine purity and ploidy:
# Without a matched normal (minimal test run)
$ Rscript $PURECN/PureCN.R --out $OUT/$SAMPLEID \
--tumor $OUT/$SAMPLEID/${SAMPLEID}_coverage_loess.txt.gz \
--sampleid $SAMPLEID \
--vcf ${SAMPLEID}_mutect.vcf \
--normaldb $OUT_REF/normalDB_hg19.rds \
--intervals $OUT_REF/baits_hg19_intervals.txt \
--genome hg19
# Production pipeline run
$ Rscript $PURECN/PureCN.R --out $OUT/$SAMPLEID \
--tumor $OUT/$SAMPLEID/${SAMPLEID}_coverage_loess.txt.gz \
--sampleid $SAMPLEID \
--vcf ${SAMPLEID}_mutect.vcf \
--stats-file ${SAMPLEID}_mutect_stats.txt \
--fun-segmentation PSCBS \
--normaldb $OUT_REF/normalDB_hg19.rds \
--mapping-bias-file $OUT_REF/mapping_bias_hg19.rds \
--intervals $OUT_REF/baits_hg19_intervals.txt \
--snp-blacklist hg19_simpleRepeats.bed \
--genome hg19 \
--model betabin \
--force --post-optimize --seed 123
# With a matched normal (test run; for production pipelines we recommend the
# unmatched workflow described above)
$ Rscript $PURECN/PureCN.R --out $OUT/$SAMPLEID \
--tumor $OUT/$SAMPLEID/${SAMPLEID}_coverage_loess.txt.gz \
--normal $OUT/$SAMPLEID/${SAMPLEID_NORMAL}_coverage_loess.txt.gz \
--sampleid $SAMPLEID \
--vcf ${SAMPLEID}_mutect.vcf \
--normaldb $OUT_REF/normalDB_hg19.rds \
--intervals $OUT_REF/baits_hg19_intervals.txt \
--genome hg19
# Recreate output after manual curation of ${SAMPLEID}.csv
$ Rscript $PURECN/PureCN.R --rds $OUT/$SAMPLEID/${SAMPLEID}.rds
Important recommendations:
Even if matched normals are available, it is often better to use the normal
database for coverage normalization. When a matched normal coverage is
provided with --normal
then the pool of normal coverage normalization and
denoising steps are skipped!
Always provide the normal coverage database to ignore low quality regions in the segmentation and to increase the sensitivity for homozygous deletions in high purity samples.
Double check that in --tumor
and --normaldb
, GC-normalization is either
used in both (*_loess.txt.gz
) or skipped in both (*_coverage.txt.gz
The normal panel VCF file is useful for mapping bias correction and especially recommended without matched normals. See the FAQ of the main vignette how to generate this file. It is not essential for test runs.
The MuTect 1.1.7 stats file (the main output file besides the VCF) should be provided for better artifact filtering. If the VCF was generated by a pipeline that performs good artifact filtering, this file is not needed. Do NOT provide this file for Mutect 2.
The --post-optimize
flag defines that purity should be optimized using both
variant allelic fractions and copy number instead of copy number only. This
results in a significant runtime increase for whole-exome data.
If --out
is a directory, it will use the sample id as file prefix for all
output files. Otherwise PureCN will use --out
as prefix.
The --parallel
flag will enable the parallel fitting of local optima. See
BiocParallel for details. This script will use the default
backend. --cores
is a short cut to use the specified number of CPUs instead
of the default backend. Only specify one of the two arguments. Note that
memory usage can increase linearly with number of cores and insufficient
memory can result in random crashes.
--fun-segmentation PSCBS
is the new recommendation in 1.22. Support for
interval weights currently requires a patch (see Section
1.2). See below for some more details on the best choice of
the method.
--model betabin
is the new recommendation in 1.22 with larger panel of
normals (more than 10-15 normal samples).
Defaults are well calibrated and should produce close to ideal results for most samples. A few common cases where changing defaults makes sense:
High purity and high quality: For cancer types with a high expected
purity, such as ovarian cancer, AND when quality is expected to be very
good (high coverage, young samples), --max-copy-number 8
(PureCN reports copy numbers greater than this value, but
will stop fitting SNP allelic fractions to the exact allele-specific copy
number because this will get impossible very quickly with high copy
numbers - and computationally expensive.)
Small panels with high coverage: --interval-padding 100
(or higher), requires
running the variant caller with this padding or without interval file. Use
the same settings for the panel of normals VCF so that SNPs in the
flanking regions have reliable mapping bias estimates. The
parameter might also need some adjustment for very
small panels with large gaps around captured deletions.
Cell lines: Safely skip the search for low purity solutions in cell lines:
--max-copy-number 8
, --min-purity 0.9
, --max-purity 0.99
. Add
to find regions of LOH in samples without normal
contamination (do not provide this flag when matched normal data are
available in the VCF).
cfDNA: --min-purity 0.1
, --min-af 0.01
(or lower) and --error 0.0005
(or lower, when there is UMI-based error correction). Note that the
estimated purity can be very wrong when the true purity is below 5-7%;
these samples are usually flagged as non-aberrant.
All assays: --max-segments
should set to a value so that with few
exceptions only poor quality samples exceed this cutoff. For cancer types
with high heterogenity, it is also recommended to increase
to 0.3-0.4 (this will increase the runtime significantly
for whole-exome data).
The choice of the segmentation function can also make a significant difference and unfortunately there is not yet a universal method that works best in all scenarios.
PSCBS: A good and safe starting point, especially with off-target regions that might exhibit different noise profiles compared to on-target.
GATK4: Most recent addition. Not yet well tested in PureCN, but theoretically best choice with a larger number of SNPs per intervals, for example assays with copy number backbones. We appreciate feedback.
CBS: Simple, fast and well tested. Does not fully support SNP information, so only recommended for settings with a very small SNPs/intervals ratio, for example small targeted panels (<1Mb) with healthy off-target coverage (<150kb resolution and similar log ratio noise compared to on-target).
copynumber: For cases with multiple time points or biopsies. This is
automatically chosen with --additional-tumors
and currently not
supported in a single-sample analysis.
Hclust/none: For third-party segmentations. Hclust
clusters segments
in an attempt to calibrate log-ratios across chromosomes, none
largely keeps everything as provided.
A few recommendations for checks whether the PureCN setup is correct:
The “Mean standard deviation of log-ratios” reported in the log file should be fairly low for high quality data. Older FFPE data can be around 0.4, but high coverage, relatively recent samples should approach the 0.15 minimum. If off-target is consistently noisier than on-target, it is probably worth increasing the off-target bin size and start from scratch (or in case of whole-exome sequencing, ignore off-target reads since they do not provide much additional information when bins are large and/or noisy).
Related to that, a warning is thrown when less than 10% of all intervals passing filters are off-target intervals. Whole-exome sequencing is usually around that value. If the log-ratio standard deviation is similar or even lower than the one for on-target, it is worth keeping off-target regions. Otherwise off-target might add more noise than signal. Off-target information is automatically ignored when the passing rate falls below 5% of all intervals.
The fraction of targets with SNPs should be between 10 and 15 percent.
If it is significantly lower, make sure that the variant caller was used
with 50-100bp interval padding or no interval file at all. Also check
that the interval file was generated using the baits coordinates, not the
targets (the baits BED file should have a more even size distribution,
e.g. 120bp and multiples of it). If many variants are removed by the
default 25 base quality feature, you might be using Mutect 2 and need
to re-run PureCN.R with --min-base-quality 20
“Initial testing for significant sample cross-contamination” in the log file should not have many false positives, i.e. should be “unlikely” for most samples, not “maybe”. Insufficient artifact removal can result in too many false SNPs calls with low allelic fractions, confusing the contamination caller.
Read all warnings.
Our internal PureCN normalization combined with the PSCBS or GATK4 segmentation should produce highly competitive results and we encourage users to try it and compare it to their existing pipelines. However, we realize that often it is not an option to change tools in production pipelines and we therefore made it relatively easy to use PureCN with third-party tools. We provide examples for CNVkit and GATK4 and it should be straightforward to adapt those for other tools.
What you will need:
Output of third-party tools (see details below)
VCF files for all tumor samples and some normal files (see main vignette for questions related to required normal samples)
If you already have a segmentation from third-party tools (for example CNVkit, GATK4, EXCAVATOR2). For a minimal test run:
Rscript $PURECN/PureCN.R --out $OUT/$SAMPLEID \
--sampleid $SAMPLEID \
--seg-file $OUT/$SAMPLEID/${SAMPLEID}.cnvkit.seg \
--vcf ${SAMPLEID}_mutect.vcf \
--intervals $OUT_REF/baits_hg19_intervals.txt \
--genome hg19
See the main vignette for more details and file formats.
For a production pipeline run we provide again more information about the assay and genome. Here an CNVkit example:
# Recommended: Provide a normal panel VCF to remove mapping biases, pre-compute
# position-specific bias for much faster runtimes with large panels
# This needs to be done only once for each assay
Rscript $PURECN/NormalDB.R --out-dir $OUT_REF --normal-panel $NORMAL_PANEL \
--assay agilent_v6 --genome hg19 --force
# Export the segmentation in DNAcopy format export seg $OUT/$SAMPLEID/${SAMPLEID}_cnvkit.cns --enumerate-chroms \
-o $OUT/$SAMPLEID/${SAMPLEID}_cnvkit.seg
# Run PureCN by providing the *.cnr and *.seg files
Rscript $PURECN/PureCN.R --out $OUT/$SAMPLEID \
--sampleid $SAMPLEID \
--tumor $OUT/$SAMPLEID/${SAMPLEID}_cnvkit.cnr \
--seg-file $OUT/$SAMPLEID/${SAMPLEID}_cnvkit.seg \
--mapping-bias-file $OUT_REF/mapping_bias_agilent_v6_hg19.rds \
--vcf ${SAMPLEID}_mutect.vcf \
--stats-file ${SAMPLEID}_mutect_stats.txt \
--snp-blacklist hg19_simpleRepeats.bed \
--genome hg19 \
--fun-segmentation Hclust \
--force --post-optimize --seed 123
Important recommendations:
The --fun-segmentation
argument controls if the data should to be
re-segmented using germline BAFs (default). Set this value to none
if the
provided segmentation should be used as is. The recommended Hclust
only cluster provided segments.
Since CNVkit provides all necessary information in the *.cnr
output files,
the --intervals
argument is not required.
In test runs, especially when the input VCF contains matched normal
information, --mapping-bias-file
can be skipped
CNVkit runs without normal reference samples are not recommended
The --stats-file
is only supported for Mutect 1.1.7. Mutect 2 provides
the filter flags directly in the VCF.
# Recommended: Provide a normal panel GenomicsDB to remove mapping
# biases, pre-compute position-specific bias for much faster runtimes
# with large panels. This needs to be done only once for each assay.
Rscript $PURECN/NormalDB.R --out-dir $OUT_REF \
--normal-panel $GENOMICSDB-WORKSPACE-PATH/pon_db \
--assay agilent_v6 --genome hg19 --force
Rscript $PURECN/PureCN.R --out $OUT/$SAMPLEID \
--sampleid $SAMPLEID \
--tumor $OUT/$SAMPLEID/${SAMPLEID}.hdf5 \
--log-ratio-file $OUT/$SAMPLEID/${SAMPLEID}.denoisedCR.tsv \
--seg-file $OUT/$SAMPLEID/${SAMPLEID}.modelFinal.seg \
--mapping-bias-file $OUT_REF/mapping_bias_agilent_v6_hg19.rds \
--vcf ${SAMPLEID}_mutect2_filtered.vcf \
--snp-blacklist hg19_simpleRepeats.bed \
--genome hg19 \
--fun-segmentation Hclust \
--force --post-optimize --seed 123
Important recommendations:
The --fun-segmentation
can be set to none in most cases. This will keep the
segmentation largely as provided. Hclust
clusters segments to avoid
over-segmentation and to calibrate log-ratios across chromosomes. This will
thus alter the GATK4 segmentation, which might not be desired.
Beta support for providing CollectAllelicCounts output instead of Mutect
is available. Use --vcf ${SAMPLEID}.allelicCounts.tsv
to automatically
import the SNP counts and convert them into a supported VCF. Note that this
will not use any somatic SNV and indel information available in Mutect VCFs
and thus will also not provide any clonality annotation.
provides copy number and mutation metrics commonly used as biomarkers,
most importantly tumor mutational burden (TMB), chromosomal instability (CIN)
and mutational signatures.
# Provide a BED file with callable regions, for examples obtained by
# GATK CallableLoci. Useful to calculate mutations per megabase and
# to exclude low quality regions.
grep CALLABLE ${SAMPLEID}_callable_status.bed > \
# Only count mutations in callable regions, also subtract what was
# ignored in PureCN.R via --snp-blacklist, like simple repeats, from the
# mutation per megabase calculation
# Also search for the COSMIC mutation signatures
# (
Rscript $PureCN/Dx.R --out $OUT/$SAMPLEID/$SAMPLEID \
--callable ${SAMPLEID}_callable_status_filtered.bed \
--exclude hg19_simpleRepeats.bed \
# Restrict mutation burden calculation to coding sequences
Rscript $PureCN/FilterCallableLoci.R --genome hg19 \
--in-file ${SAMPLEID}_callable_status_filtered.bed \
--out-file ${SAMPLEID}_callable_status_filtered_cds.bed \
--exclude '^HLA'
Rscript $PureCN/Dx.R --out $OUT/$SAMPLEID/${SAMPLEID}_cds \
--callable ${SAMPLEID}_callable_status_filtered_cds.bed \
--exclude hg19_simpleRepeats.bed
Important recommendations:
Run GATK CallableLoci with --minDepth N
where N is roughly 20% of the mean
target coverage of all samples.
If --callable
is missing, all intervals passing filters are assumed to be
Argument name | Corresponding PureCN argument | PureCN function |
--fasta |
reference.file |
preprocessIntervals |
--in-file |
interval.file |
preprocessIntervals |
--off-target | |
preprocessIntervals |
--average-target-width | |
preprocessIntervals |
--min-target-width | |
preprocessIntervals |
--small-targets |
small.targets |
preprocessIntervals |
--average-off-target-width | |
preprocessIntervals |
--off-target-seqlevels | |
preprocessIntervals |
--mappability |
mappability |
preprocessIntervals |
--min-mappability |
min.mappability |
preprocessIntervals |
--reptiming |
reptiming |
preprocessIntervals |
--average-reptiming-width |
average.reptiming.width |
preprocessIntervals |
--genome |
txdb , org |
annotateTargets |
--out-file |
--export |
rtracklayer::export |
--version -v |
--force -f |
--help -h |
Argument name | Corresponding PureCN argument | PureCN function |
--bam |
bam.file |
calculateBamCoverageByInterval |
--bai |
index.file |
calculateBamCoverageByInterval |
--coverage |
coverage.file |
correctCoverageBias |
--intervals |
interval.file |
correctCoverageBias |
--method |
method |
correctCoverageBias |
--keep-duplicates |
keep.duplicates |
calculateBamCoverageByInterval |
--chunks |
chunks |
calculateBamCoverageByInterval |
--remove-mapq0 |
mapqFilter |
ScanBamParam |
--skip-gc-norm |
correctCoverageBias |
--out-dir |
--cores |
Number of CPUs to use when multiple BAMs are provided | |
--parallel |
Use default BiocParallel backend when multiple BAMs are provided | |
--seed |
--version -v |
--force -f |
--help -h |
Argument name | Corresponding PureCN argument | PureCN function |
--coverage-files |
normal.coverage.files |
createNormalDatabase |
--normal-panel |
normal.panel.vcf.file |
calculateMappingBiasVcf |
--assay -a |
Optional assay name | Used in output file names. |
--genome -g |
Optional genome version | Used in output file names. |
--genomicsdb-af-field |
For GenomicsDB import, allelic fraction field | calculateMappingBiasGatk4 |
--min-normals-position-specific-fit | |
calculateMappingBiasVcf , calculateMappingBiasGatk4 |
--out-dir -o |
--version -v |
--force -f |
--help -h |
Argument name | Corresponding PureCN argument | PureCN function |
--sampleid -i |
sampleid |
runAbsoluteCN |
--normal |
normal.coverage.file |
runAbsoluteCN |
--tumor |
tumor.coverage.file |
runAbsoluteCN |
--vcf |
vcf.file |
runAbsoluteCN |
--rds |
file.rds |
readCurationFile |
--mapping-bias-file |
mapping.bias.file |
setMappingBiasVcf |
--normaldb |
normalDB (serialized with saveRDS ) |
calculateTangentNormal , filterTargets |
--seg-file |
seg.file |
runAbsoluteCN |
--log-ratio-file |
log.ratio |
runAbsoluteCN |
--additional-tumors |
tumor.coverage.files |
processMultipleSamples |
--sex |
sex |
runAbsoluteCN |
--genome |
genome |
runAbsoluteCN |
--intervals |
interval.file |
runAbsoluteCN |
--stats-file |
stats.file |
filterVcfMuTect |
--min-af |
af.range |
filterVcfBasic |
--snp-blacklist |
snp.blacklist |
filterVcfBasic |
--error |
error |
runAbsoluteCN |
--db-info-flag | |
runAbsoluteCN |
--popaf-info-field | |
runAbsoluteCN |
--cosmic-cnt-info-field | |
runAbsoluteCN |
--min-cosmic-cnt |
min.cosmic.cnt |
setPriorVcf |
--interval-padding |
interval.padding |
filterVcfBasic |
--min-total-counts | |
filterIntervals |
--min-fraction-offtarget |
min.fraction.offtarget |
filterIntervals |
--fun-segmentation |
fun.segmentation |
runAbsoluteCN |
--alpha |
alpha |
segmentationCBS |
--undo-sd |
undo.SD |
segmentationCBS |
--changepoints-penalty |
changepoints.penalty |
segmentationGATK4 |
--additional-cmd-args |
additional.cmd.args |
segmentationGATK4 |
--max-segments |
max.segments |
runAbsoluteCN |
--min-logr-sdev |
min.logr.sdev |
runAbsoluteCN |
--min-purity |
test.purity |
runAbsoluteCN |
--max-purity |
test.purity |
runAbsoluteCN |
--min-ploidy |
min.ploidy |
runAbsoluteCN |
--max-ploidy |
max.ploidy |
runAbsoluteCN |
--max-copy-number |
test.num.copy |
runAbsoluteCN |
--post-optimize |
post.optimize |
runAbsoluteCN |
--bootstrap-n |
n |
bootstrapResults |
--speedup-heuristics |
speedup.heuristics |
runAbsoluteCN |
--model-homozygous |
model.homozygous |
runAbsoluteCN |
--model |
model |
runAbsoluteCN |
--log-ratio-calibration |
log.ratio.calibration |
runAbsoluteCN |
--max-non-clonal |
max.non.clonal |
runAbsoluteCN |
--max-homozygous-loss |
max.homozygous.loss |
runAbsoluteCN |
--out-vcf |
return.vcf |
predictSomatic |
--out -o |
--parallel |
runAbsoluteCN |
--cores |
runAbsoluteCN |
--seed |
--version -v |
--force -f |
--help -h |
Argument name | Corresponding PureCN argument | PureCN function |
--rds |
file.rds |
readCurationFile |
--callable |
callable |
callMutationBurden |
--exclude |
exclude |
callMutationBurden |
--max-prior-somatic |
max.prior.somatic |
callMutationBurden |
--signatures |
deconstructSigs::whichSignatures |
--signature-databases |
deconstructSigs::whichSignatures |
--out |
--version -v |
--force -f |
--help -h |