Changes in version 1.1.6 - updated pseudocode in vignettes - added new functions - pltConMtf(): to plot consensus pathway submodules - pltMtfPrtIPL(): to plot a heatmap of IPLs on proteins from consensus pathway submodules - pltSttKM(): to plot Kaplan-Meier curve for patient samples stratified by given protein(s)' pathway states Changes in version 1.1.5 - use 'Multi-omic Pathway Analysis of Cells' for MPAC Changes in version 1.1.4 - updated text in DESCRIPTION Changes in version 1.1.3 - Vignettes - added examples on pltOvrHm() - added pseudocode for MPAC - changed MPAC's full name Changes in version 1.1.2 - pltOvrHm(): use lowercase 'p' instead of 'P' in heatmap colorbar legend - MPAC's full name is changed to 'Multi-omic Pathway Analysis of Cell' Changes in version 1.1.1 - added new functions - pltOvrHm(): to plot a heatmap of over-represented gene sets for clustered samples - ppRunPrd(): to prepare required files to run PARADIGM - updated existing functions - conMtf(): use decompose() instead of decompose.graph() for igraph 2.0 - ppPermInp(): increased default permutations from 3 to 100 - ppRealInp() and ppRnaInp(): added an option rna_n_sd to set standard deviation range to define RNA state - pltNeiStt(): fixed bugs and adjusted output figure height - colPermIPL() & fltByPerm(): added a threads option to parallelize - runPrd() & runPermPrd(): when no sampleids is provided, all the samples in input real_se and perml will be used. - subNtw(): entities with NA values in all samples in the input fltmat will be ignored. - updated tests - test-conMtf() & test-subNtw(): use as_edgelist() instead of get.edgelist() for igraph 2.0 - test-conMtf() & test-ovrGMT(): add upgrade_graph() on extdata Changes in version 0.99.10 Added documentation in inst/scripts/ for the source and derivation of inst/extdata/ Changes in version 0.99.1 - Used SummarizedExperiment objects for CNA and RNA matrix in functions: - ppCnInp() - ppRnaInp() - ppPermInp() - runPrd() - runPermPrd() - pltNeiStt() - Added a function to prepare both CNA and RNA input: ppRealInp() - Removed GitHub PARADIGM URLs from R code - Removed dependence on the magrittr package Changes in version 0.99.0 - Added a file to track changes to the package.