Training Signalling Pathway Maps to Biochemical Data with Logic-Based Ordinary Differential Equations

David Henriques, Thomas Cokelaer, Enio Gjerga, Attila Gabor

21 October 2024


Mathematical models are used to understand protein signalling networks so as to provide an integrative view of pharmacological and toxicological processes at molecular level. is an existing package (see ( that provides functionalities to combine prior knowledge network (about protein signalling networks) and perturbation data to infer functional characteristics (of the signalling network). While CellNOptR* has demonstrated its ability to infer new functional characteristics, it is based on a boolean formalism where protein species are characterised as being fully active or inactive. In contrast, logic-based ordinary differential equations allow a quantitive description of a given Boolean model.

The method used here was first published by Wittmann et al. @wittman by the name of odefy. For a detailed description of the methodology the user is adressed to @wittman and for a published application example to @wittmanJS.

This package implements the Odefy method and focus mainly extending the CellNOptR capabilities in order to simulate and calibrate logic-based ordinary differential equation model. We provide direct and easy to use interface to optimization methods available in R such as eSSR @eSSR1 (enhanced Scatter Search Metaheuristic for R) and an R genetic algorithm implementation by the name of genalg in order to perform parameter estimation. Additionally we were specially careful in tackling the main computanional bottlenecks by implementing CNORode simulation engine in the C language using the CVODES library @cvodes.

This brief tutorial shows how to use CNORode using as a starting point a Boolean model and a dataset consisting in a time-series of several proteins.


CNORode depends on CellNOptR and genalg, which are 2 bioconductor packages. Therefore, in order to install CNORode, open a R session and type:

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))
if (!requireNamespace("CNORode", quietly=TRUE))

It may take a few minutes to install all dependencies if you start from scratch (i.e, none of the R packages are installed on your system). Note also that under Linux system, some of these packages necessitate the R-devel package to be installed (e.g., under Fedora type sudo yum install R-devel).

Additionally, for parameter estimation we recommend the use of eSSR. This algorithm is part of the MEIGOR toolbox which was available on BioConductor (before release 3.19, ). Currently, it can be can be downloaded from GitHub:

MEIGOR can be installed by typing

# MEIGOR is deprecated in Bioc in 3.18
if (!requireNamespace("MEIGOR", quietly=TRUE))

Finally, once CNORode is installed you can load it by typing:

## Loading required package: CellNOptR
## Loading required package: RBGL
## Loading required package: graph
## Loading required package: BiocGenerics
## Attaching package: ‘BiocGenerics’
## The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:
##     IQR, mad, sd, var, xtabs
## The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:
##     Filter, Find, Map, Position, Reduce, anyDuplicated, aperm,
##     append,, basename, cbind, colnames, dirname,
##, duplicated, eval, evalq, get, grep, grepl,
##     intersect, is.unsorted, lapply, mapply, match, mget,
##     order, paste, pmax,, pmin,, rank, rbind,
##     rownames, sapply, saveRDS, setdiff, table, tapply, union,
##     unique, unsplit, which.max, which.min
## Loading required package: RCurl
## Loading required package: Rgraphviz
## Loading required package: grid
## Loading required package: XML
## Attaching package: ‘XML’
## The following object is masked from ‘package:graph’:
##     addNode
## Loading required package: ggplot2
## Loading required package: rmarkdown
## Loading required package: genalg
## Attaching package: ‘CNORode’
## The following object is masked from ‘package:stats’:
##     simulate

Quick Start

In this section, we provide a quick example on how to use CNORode to find the set of continuous parameters which minimize the squared difference between a model simulation and the experimental data.

Since here we will not be modifying the model structure as opposed to CellNOptR we will use a model that already contains AND type gates. Such model can be for instance the result of calibrating a prior knowledge network(PKN) with CellNOptR. Please note that a PKN can also be used as Boolean model which will contain only OR type gates.

Detailed information about the model used here (ToyModelMMB_FeedbackAnd) and additional models can be found at: (

The example used here is shipped with the CNORode. In order to load the data and model you should type the following commands:

show data and model loading

    model=readSIF(system.file("extdata", "ToyModelMMB_FeedbackAnd.sif",
        package="CNORode",lib.loc = .libPaths()));
    cno_data=readMIDAS(system.file("extdata", "ToyModelMMB_FeedbackAnd.csv",
        package="CNORode",lib.loc = .libPaths()));

The structure from the CNOlist and the Model object is exactly the same as used in the CellNOptR and therefore for a detailed explanation about these structure we direct the reader to the CellNOptR manual.

In order to simulate the model and perform parameter estimation we first need to create a list with the ODE parameters associated with each dynamic state as described in @wittman. Each dynamic state will have a \(\tau\) parameter, as many \(n\) and \(k\) parameters as inputs. Although the default is to use the normalized Hill function it also possible to use the standard Hill or even not to use any transfer function at all. To illustrate the shape of the equations associated to each dynamic state and the meaning of each parameter, let us show the differential of Mek:

\[ \dot{Mek}=\Bigg[ \Bigg( 1 - \frac{Akt^{n_1}/({k_1}^{n_1} + Akt^{n_1})}{1/({k_1}^{n_1} + 1)}\Bigg) \cdot \Bigg(\frac{Raf^{n_2}/({k_2}^{n_2} + Raf^{n_2})}{1/({k_2}^{n_2} + 1)}\Bigg) - Mek \Bigg] \cdotp \tau_{Mek} \]

To create a list of ODE parameters we will typically use the createLBodeContPars function:

    ode_parameters=createLBodeContPars(model, LB_n = 1, LB_k = 0.1,
        LB_tau = 0.01, UB_n = 5, UB_k = 0.9, UB_tau = 10, default_n = 3,
        default_k = 0.5, default_tau = 1, opt_n = TRUE, opt_k = TRUE,
        opt_tau = TRUE, random = FALSE)

This function creates a general structure where the ODE parameters are ordered according to the model. Some tweaks have been added in order to ease tasks we have found to be common, nevertheless you can edit several attributes manually. If you print the \(ode\_parameters\) list you will see the following attributes.

## $parNames
##  [1] "cJun_n_Jnk"   "cJun_k_Jnk"   "TRAF6_n_Jnk"  "TRAF6_k_Jnk" 
##  [5] "tau_Jnk"      "Mek_n_Erk"    "Mek_k_Erk"    "tau_Erk"     
##  [9] "Jnk_n_cJun"   "Jnk_k_cJun"   "tau_cJun"     "TRAF6_n_p38" 
## [13] "TRAF6_k_p38"  "tau_p38"      "TNFa_n_TRAF6" "TNFa_k_TRAF6"
## [17] "tau_TRAF6"    "PI3K_n_Akt"   "PI3K_k_Akt"   "tau_Akt"     
## [21] "Ras_n_Raf"    "Ras_k_Raf"    "tau_Raf"      "TNFa_n_PI3K" 
## [25] "TNFa_k_PI3K"  "EGF_n_PI3K"   "EGF_k_PI3K"   "tau_PI3K"    
## [29] "EGF_n_Ras"    "EGF_k_Ras"    "tau_Ras"      "Akt_n_Mek"   
## [33] "Akt_k_Mek"    "Raf_n_Mek"    "Raf_k_Mek"    "tau_Mek"     
## [37] "Erk_n_Hsp27"  "Erk_k_Hsp27"  "p38_n_Hsp27"  "p38_k_Hsp27" 
## [41] "tau_Hsp27"    "TRAF6_n_NFkB" "TRAF6_k_NFkB" "tau_NFkB"    
## [45] "Mek_n_p90RSK" "Mek_k_p90RSK" "tau_p90RSK"  
## $parValues
##  [1] 3.0 0.5 3.0 0.5 1.0 3.0 0.5 1.0 3.0 0.5 1.0 3.0 0.5 1.0 3.0 0.5
## [17] 1.0 3.0 0.5 1.0 3.0 0.5 1.0 3.0 0.5 3.0 0.5 1.0 3.0 0.5 1.0 3.0
## [33] 0.5 3.0 0.5 1.0 3.0 0.5 3.0 0.5 1.0 3.0 0.5 1.0 3.0 0.5 1.0
## $index_opt_pars
##  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
## [23] 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
## [45] 45 46 47
## $index_n
##  [1]  1  3  6  9 12 15 18 21 24 26 29 32 34 37 39 42 45
## $index_k
##  [1]  2  4  7 10 13 16 19 22 25 27 30 33 35 38 40 43 46
## $index_tau
##  [1]  5  8 11 14 17 20 23 28 31 36 41 44 47
## $LB
##  [1] 1.00 0.10 1.00 0.10 0.01 1.00 0.10 0.01 1.00 0.10 0.01 1.00 0.10
## [14] 0.01 1.00 0.10 0.01 1.00 0.10 0.01 1.00 0.10 0.01 1.00 0.10 1.00
## [27] 0.10 0.01 1.00 0.10 0.01 1.00 0.10 1.00 0.10 0.01 1.00 0.10 1.00
## [40] 0.10 0.01 1.00 0.10 0.01 1.00 0.10 0.01
## $UB
##  [1]  5.0  0.9  5.0  0.9 10.0  5.0  0.9 10.0  5.0  0.9 10.0  5.0  0.9
## [14] 10.0  5.0  0.9 10.0  5.0  0.9 10.0  5.0  0.9 10.0  5.0  0.9  5.0
## [27]  0.9 10.0  5.0  0.9 10.0  5.0  0.9  5.0  0.9 10.0  5.0  0.9  5.0
## [40]  0.9 10.0  5.0  0.9 10.0  5.0  0.9 10.0

Typically before running an optimization run you will want to choose which type of parameters you want to optimize. The field defines which parameters are meant to be optimized. In the createLBodeContPars, if you choose \(opt\_tau\) as \(TRUE\) all \(\tau\) parameters will be added to the index_opt_pars array, the same idea is valid for \(n\) and \(k\) parameters.

It is also possible to choose default values for lower and upper bounds for the parameters of a given type, e.g. \(\tau\) ( and ), as well as a default initial value for such parameters.

Once we have the ODE parameters structure we are ready to run a simulation or optimization process. To run a simulation we can use the getLBodeModel or getLBodeDataSim, depending on if we want to simulate only the signals present in the CNOlist object or all the species in the model. Additionally plotLBodeDataSim or plotLBodeModelSim will also return the values of a model simulation while plotting the same values. In figure @ref(fig:plotModelSimFig), we use plotLBodeModelSim to plot all the experiments sampled in 5 different instants (timeSignals).

modelSim=plotLBodeModelSim(cnolist = cnolist, model, ode_parameters,

As previously mentioned, we provide two optimization algorithms that allow parameter estimation Both of these algorithms have specific parameters that can be tunned on each specific problem (please check CNORode manual for detailed information). For instance, in order to run the genetic algorithm for 10 iterations and a population of size of 10, we can use the following code:

initial_pars=createLBodeContPars(model, LB_n = 1, LB_k = 0.1,
    LB_tau = 0.01, UB_n = 5, UB_k = 0.9, UB_tau = 10, random = TRUE)
#Visualize initial solution
simulatedData=plotLBodeFitness(cnolist, model,initial_pars)

paramsGA = defaultParametersGA()
paramsGA$maxStepSize = 1
paramsGA$popSize = 50
paramsGA$iter = 100
paramsGA$transfer_function = 2
paramsGA$monitor = FALSE
#Visualize fitted solution
simulatedData=plotLBodeFitness(cnolist, model,ode_parameters=opt_pars)

Model optimization using eSS (not evaluated):


    LB_n = 1, LB_k = 0.1, LB_tau = 0.01, UB_n = 5,
    UB_k = 0.9, UB_tau = 10, random = TRUE)
#Visualize initial solution

fit_result_ess = 
    parEstimationLBodeSSm(cnolist = cnolist,
                          model = model,
                          ode_parameters = initial_pars,
                          maxeval = 1e5,
                          maxtime = 20,
                          local_solver = "DHC",
                          transfer_function = 3
#Visualize fitted solution
# simulatedData=plotLBodeFitness(cnolist, model,ode_parameters=fit_result_ess)
    simulatedData=plotLBodeFitness(cnolist, model,
                                   transfer_function = 3)

The initial solution before optimization. Each row corresponds to an experiment with a particular combination of stimuli and inhibitors. The columns correspond to the measured values (triangles) and the simulated values (dashed blue lines) from a given signal. The background color gives an indication of squared difference where red means high error and white low error.

    simulatedData=plotLBodeFitness(cnolist, model,
                                   transfer_function = 3)

In addition to eSSR and genalg its is fairly easy to use any other continuous optimization algorithm. In the following example we show how to generate and use an the objective function in order to use it with a variant of eSSR(part of MEIGOR package) that uses multiple cpus:

f_hepato<-getLBodeContObjFunction(cnolist, model, initial_pars, indices=NULL,
 time = 1, verbose = 0, transfer_function = 2, reltol = 1e-05, atol = 1e-03,
maxStepSize = Inf, maxNumSteps = 1e4, maxErrTestsFails = 50, nan_fac = 1)

problem<-list(f=f_hepato, x_L=initial_pars$LB[initial_pars$index_opt_pars],

#Source a function containing the options used in the CeSSR publication
#Set max time as 20 seconds per iteration


CNORode offers the possibility to perform a k-fold cross-validation for logic-ode models in order to assess the predictive performance of our models. In k-iterations a fraction of the data is eliminated from the CNOlist. The model is trained on the remaining data and then the model predicts the held-out data. Then the prediction accuracy is reported for each iteration. Three different re-sampling strategies about how we can split the training and the test set: 1)Re-sampling of the data-points, 2)Re-sampling of the experimental conditions and 3)Resampling of the observable nodes.

In the example below, we show an example about how we can apply the cross-validation analysis over a small toy case-study from Macnamara et al. 2012.


# MacNamara et al. 2012 case study:
data(PKN_ToyPB, package="CNORode")
data(CNOlist_ToyPB, package="CNORode")

# original and preprocessed network 
plotModel(pknmodel, cnodata)
model = preprocessing(data = cnodata, model = pknmodel,
                      compression = T, expansion = T)
plotModel(model, cnodata)
plotCNOlist(CNOlist = cnodata)

# set initial parameters 
ode_parameters=createLBodeContPars(model, LB_n = 1, LB_k = 0,
                                   LB_tau = 0, UB_n = 4, UB_k = 1, 
                                   UB_tau = 1, default_n = 3, default_k = 0.5, 
                                   default_tau = 0.01, opt_n = FALSE, opt_k = TRUE,
                                   opt_tau = TRUE, random = TRUE)

## Parameter Optimization
# essm
paramsSSm$local_solver = "DHC"
paramsSSm$maxtime = 600;
paramsSSm$maxeval = Inf;
paramsSSm$transfer_function = transferFun;


# run the optimisation algorithm
opt_pars=parEstimationLBode(cnodata,model, method="essm", 
                            ode_parameters=ode_parameters, paramsSSm=paramsSSm)
plotLBodeFitness(cnolist = cnodata, model = model, 
                 ode_parameters = opt_pars, transfer_function = 4)

# 10-fold crossvalidation using T1 data
# We use only T1 data for crossvalidation, because data 
# in the T0 matrix is not independent.
# All rows of data in T0 describes the basal condition.

# Crossvalidation produce some text in the command window:  
R=crossvalidateODE(CNOlist = cnodata, model = model, 
                   type="datapoint", nfolds=3, parallel = TRUE, 
                   ode_parameters = ode_parameters, paramsSSm = paramsSSm)

For more, please information about the crossvalidateODE function, please check its documentation.