== HilbertVisGUI: Installation Instructions ==

The present package is meant to be used with the statistics programming
language R. It is also possible to use HilbertCurveDisplay as a stand-alone 
application, without R, but I have not yet made this option into a package. 
If you need it, please contact me.

Prerequisites (Linux):

You need to have installed a reasonably recent version of R, at least
R 2.6.0, and the 'gtkmm' library for GTK+ 2.4, the latter with header files.

In order to see whether you have gtkmm installed, type at the command prompt
  pkg-config --modversion gtkmm-2.4
If you do not get any output, gtkmm-2.4 is missing or cannot be found by 

In most Linux systems, you only need to use your distribution's package manager
and install the gtkmm development package. See the following URL to learn how
the package is called on the different distributions:

Prerequisites (Windows):

If you use binary packages (as most users of R on Windows do) you simply
have to install the gtkmm runtime for which you find an automatic install
program on the Gnome FTP server. As of now, the URL is
From there, download the newest 'gtkmm-win32-runtime' package and install
it by simply starting it.

If you want to compile the package from source you need to install instead
the the 'gtkmm-win32-devel' package. (Hint: Make sure that the path into 
which you install the 'devel' package does not contain any spaces as this
confuses R's build mechanism in combination with pkg-config.)
If R's build process cannot find the GTK libraries make sure that the
environment variable GTK_PATH is set and points to the installation
directory of gtkmm-devel.

Prerequisites (MacOS X):

For both the MacPorts system and the Fink system, there is a package called
'gtkmm'. Install it and then you can either build the HilbertVisGUI package 
from source or use a precompiled binary. For those users who don't use a 
ports system and do not want to install MacPorts (www.macports.org), we may 
provide an installer soon (akin to the one used by the RGtk2 package).


Once gtkmm is properly installed on your system, you can install
HilbertCurveDisplay with R's install function:
   R CMD INSTALL path/to/HilbertVisGUI
(Or, if you use R with a GUI, use the "install package" function   
from the menu.)