The ability to easily and efficiently analyse RNA-sequencing data is a key strength of the Bioconductor project. Starting with counts summarised at the gene-level, a typical analysis involves pre-processing, exploratory data analysis, differential expression testing and pathway analysis with the results obtained informing future experiments and validation studies. In this workflow article, we analyse RNA-sequencing data from the mouse mammary gland, demonstrating use of the popular edgeR package to import, organise, filter and normalise the data, followed by the limma package with its voom method, linear modelling and empirical Bayes moderation to assess differential expression and perform gene set testing. This pipeline is further enhanced by the Glimma package which enables interactive exploration of the results so that individual samples and genes can be examined by the user. The complete analysis offered by these three packages highlights the ease with which researchers can turn the raw counts from an RNA-sequencing experiment into biological insights using Bioconductor.
RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) has become the primary technology used for gene expression profiling, with the genome-wide detection of differentially expressed genes between two or more conditions of interest one of the most commonly asked questions by researchers. The edgeR (Robinson, McCarthy, and Smyth 2010) and limma packages (Ritchie et al. 2015) available from the Bioconductor project (Huber et al. 2015) offer a well-developed suite of statistical methods for dealing with this question for RNA-seq data.
In this article, we describe an edgeR - limma workflow for analysing RNA-seq data that takes gene-level counts as its input, and moves through pre-processing and exploratory data analysis before obtaining lists of differentially expressed (DE) genes and gene signatures. This analysis is enhanced through the use of interactive graphics from the Glimma package (Su et al. 2017), that allows for a more detailed exploration of the data at both the sample and gene-level than is possible using static R plots.
The experiment analysed in this workflow is from Sheridan et al. (2015) (Sheridan et al. 2015) and consists of three cell populations (basal, luminal progenitor (LP) and mature luminal (ML)) sorted from the mammary glands of female virgin mice, each profiled in triplicate. RNA samples were sequenced across three batches on an Illumina HiSeq 2000 to obtain 100 base-pair single-end reads.
The analysis outlined in this article assumes that reads obtained from an RNA-seq experiment have been aligned to an appropriate reference genome and summarised into counts associated with gene-specific regions. In this instance, reads were aligned to the mouse reference genome (mm10) using the R based pipeline available in the Rsubread package (specifically the align
function (Liao, Smyth, and Shi 2013) followed by featureCounts
(Liao, Smyth, and Shi 2014) for gene-level summarisation based on the in-built mm10 RefSeq-based annotation).
Count data for these samples can be downloaded from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) using GEO Series accession number GSE63310. Further information on experimental design and sample preparation is also available from GEO under this accession number.
## Warning: replacing previous import 'utils::findMatches' by 'S4Vectors::findMatches' when
## loading 'AnnotationDbi'
To get started with this analysis, download the file GSE63310_RAW.tar available online from, and extract the relevant files from this archive. The code below will do this, or you can do this step manually and then move on.
url <- ""
utils::download.file(url, destfile="GSE63310_RAW.tar", mode="wb")
utils::untar("GSE63310_RAW.tar", exdir = ".")
files <- c("GSM1545535_10_6_5_11.txt", "GSM1545536_9_6_5_11.txt", "GSM1545538_purep53.txt",
"GSM1545539_JMS8-2.txt", "GSM1545540_JMS8-3.txt", "GSM1545541_JMS8-4.txt",
"GSM1545542_JMS8-5.txt", "GSM1545544_JMS9-P7c.txt", "GSM1545545_JMS9-P8c.txt")
for(i in paste(files, ".gz", sep=""))
R.utils::gunzip(i, overwrite=TRUE)
Each of these text files contains the raw gene-level counts for a given sample. Note that our analysis only includes the basal, LP and ML samples from this experiment (see associated file names below).
files <- c("GSM1545535_10_6_5_11.txt", "GSM1545536_9_6_5_11.txt",
"GSM1545538_purep53.txt", "GSM1545539_JMS8-2.txt",
"GSM1545540_JMS8-3.txt", "GSM1545541_JMS8-4.txt",
"GSM1545542_JMS8-5.txt", "GSM1545544_JMS9-P7c.txt",
read.delim(files[1], nrow=5)
## EntrezID GeneLength Count
## 1 497097 3634 1
## 2 100503874 3259 0
## 3 100038431 1634 0
## 4 19888 9747 0
## 5 20671 3130 1
Whilst each of the nine text files can be read into R separately and combined into a matrix of counts, edgeR offers a convenient way to do this in one step using the readDGE
function. The resulting DGEList-object contains a matrix of counts with 27,179 rows associated with unique Entrez gene identifiers (IDs) and nine columns associated with the individual samples in the experiment.
x <- readDGE(files, columns=c(1,3))
## [1] "DGEList"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "edgeR"
## [1] 27179 9
If the counts from all samples were stored in a single file, the data can be read into R and then converted into a DGEList-object using the DGEList
For downstream analysis, sample-level information related to the experimental design needs to be associated with the columns of the counts matrix. This should include experimental variables, both biological and technical, that could have an effect on expression levels. Examples include cell type (basal, LP and ML in this experiment), genotype (wild-type, knock-out), phenotype (disease status, sex, age), sample treatment (drug, control) and batch information (date experiment was performed if samples were collected and analysed at distinct time points) to name just a few.
Our DGEList-object contains a samples
data frame that stores both cell type (or group
) and batch (sequencing lane
) information, each of which consists of three distinct levels. Note that within x$samples
, library sizes are automatically calculated for each sample and normalisation factors are set to 1.
For simplicity, we remove the GEO sample IDs (GSM*) from the column names of our DGEList-object x
samplenames <- substring(colnames(x), 12, nchar(colnames(x)))
## [1] "10_6_5_11" "9_6_5_11" "purep53" "JMS8-2" "JMS8-3" "JMS8-4" "JMS8-5"
## [8] "JMS9-P7c" "JMS9-P8c"
colnames(x) <- samplenames
group <- as.factor(c("LP", "ML", "Basal", "Basal", "ML", "LP",
"Basal", "ML", "LP"))
x$samples$group <- group
lane <- as.factor(rep(c("L004","L006","L008"), c(3,4,2)))
x$samples$lane <- lane
## files group lib.size norm.factors lane
## 10_6_5_11 GSM1545535_10_6_5_11.txt LP 32863052 1 L004
## 9_6_5_11 GSM1545536_9_6_5_11.txt ML 35335491 1 L004
## purep53 GSM1545538_purep53.txt Basal 57160817 1 L004
## JMS8-2 GSM1545539_JMS8-2.txt Basal 51368625 1 L006
## JMS8-3 GSM1545540_JMS8-3.txt ML 75795034 1 L006
## JMS8-4 GSM1545541_JMS8-4.txt LP 60517657 1 L006
## JMS8-5 GSM1545542_JMS8-5.txt Basal 55086324 1 L006
## JMS9-P7c GSM1545544_JMS9-P7c.txt ML 21311068 1 L008
## JMS9-P8c GSM1545545_JMS9-P8c.txt LP 19958838 1 L008
A second data frame named genes
in the DGEList-object is used to store gene-level information associated with rows of the counts matrix.
This information can be retrieved using organism specific packages such as Mus.musculus (Bioconductor Core Team 2016b) for mouse (or Homo.sapiens (Bioconductor Core Team 2016a) for human) or the biomaRt package (Durinck et al. 2005, 2009) which interfaces the Ensembl genome databases in order to perform gene annotation.
The type of information that can be retrieved includes gene symbols, gene names, chromosome names and locations, Entrez gene IDs, Refseq gene IDs and Ensembl gene IDs to name just a few. biomaRt primarily works off Ensembl gene IDs, whereas Mus.musculus packages information from various sources and allows users to choose between many different gene IDs as the key.
The Entrez gene IDs available in our dataset were annotated using the Mus.musculus package to retrieve associated gene symbols and chromosome information.
geneid <- rownames(x)
genes <- select(Mus.musculus, keys=geneid, columns=c("SYMBOL", "TXCHROM"),
## 1 497097 Xkr4 chr1
## 2 100503874 Gm19938 <NA>
## 3 100038431 Gm10568 <NA>
## 4 19888 Rp1 chr1
## 5 20671 Sox17 chr1
## 6 27395 Mrpl15 chr1
As with any gene ID, Entrez gene IDs may not map one-to-one to the gene information of interest. It is important to check for duplicated gene IDs and to understand the source of duplication before resolving them. Our gene annotation contains 28 genes that map to multiple chromosomes (e.g. gene Gm1987 is associated with chr4 and chr4_JH584294_random and microRNA Mir5098 is associated with chr2, chr5, chr8, chr11 and chr17). To resolve duplicate gene IDs one could combine all chromosome information from the multi-mapped genes, such that gene Gm1987 would be is assigned to chr4 and chr4_JH584294_random, or select one of the chromosomes to represent the gene with duplicate annotation. For simplicity we do the latter, keeping only the first occurrence of each gene ID.
genes <- genes[!duplicated(genes$ENTREZID),]
In this example, the gene order is the same in both the annotation and the data object. If this is not the case due to missing and/or rearranged gene IDs, the match
function can be used to order genes correctly. The data frame of gene annotations is then added to the data object and neatly packaged in a DGEList-object containing raw count data with associated sample information and gene annotations.
x$genes <- genes
## An object of class "DGEList"
## $samples
## files group lib.size norm.factors lane
## 10_6_5_11 GSM1545535_10_6_5_11.txt LP 32863052 1 L004
## 9_6_5_11 GSM1545536_9_6_5_11.txt ML 35335491 1 L004
## purep53 GSM1545538_purep53.txt Basal 57160817 1 L004
## JMS8-2 GSM1545539_JMS8-2.txt Basal 51368625 1 L006
## JMS8-3 GSM1545540_JMS8-3.txt ML 75795034 1 L006
## JMS8-4 GSM1545541_JMS8-4.txt LP 60517657 1 L006
## JMS8-5 GSM1545542_JMS8-5.txt Basal 55086324 1 L006
## JMS9-P7c GSM1545544_JMS9-P7c.txt ML 21311068 1 L008
## JMS9-P8c GSM1545545_JMS9-P8c.txt LP 19958838 1 L008
## $counts
## Samples
## Tags 10_6_5_11 9_6_5_11 purep53 JMS8-2 JMS8-3 JMS8-4 JMS8-5 JMS9-P7c JMS9-P8c
## 497097 1 2 342 526 3 3 535 2 0
## 100503874 0 0 5 6 0 0 5 0 0
## 100038431 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
## 19888 0 1 0 0 17 2 0 1 0
## 20671 1 1 76 40 33 14 98 18 8
## 27174 more rows ...
## $genes
## 1 497097 Xkr4 chr1
## 2 100503874 Gm19938 <NA>
## 3 100038431 Gm10568 <NA>
## 4 19888 Rp1 chr1
## 5 20671 Sox17 chr1
## 27174 more rows ...
For differential expression and related analyses, gene expression is rarely considered at the level of raw counts since libraries sequenced at a greater depth will result in higher counts. Rather, it is common practice to transform raw counts onto a scale that accounts for such library size differences. Popular transformations include counts per million (CPM), log2-counts per million (log-CPM), reads per kilobase of transcript per million (RPKM), and fragments per kilobase of transcript per million (FPKM).
In our analyses, CPM and log-CPM transformations are used regularly although they do not account for gene length differences as RPKM and FPKM values do. Whilst RPKM and FPKM values can just as well be used, CPM and log-CPM values can be calculated using a counts matrix alone and will suffice for the type of comparisons we are interested in. Assuming that there are no differences in isoform usage between conditions, differential expression analyses look at gene expression changes between conditions rather than comparing expression across multiple genes or drawing conclusions on absolute levels of expression. In other words, gene lengths remain constant for comparisons of interest and any observed differences are a result of changes in condition rather than changes in gene length.
Here raw counts are converted to CPM and log-CPM values using the cpm
function in edgeR. RPKM values are just as easily calculated as CPM values using the rpkm
function in edgeR if gene lengths are available.
cpm <- cpm(x)
lcpm <- cpm(x, log=TRUE)
A CPM value of 1 for a gene equates to having 20 counts in the sample with the lowest sequencing depth (JMS0-P8c, library size approx. 20 million) or 76 counts in the sample with the greatest sequencing depth (JMS8-3, library size approx. 76 million).
The log-CPM values will be used for exploratory plots. When log=TRUE
, the cpm
function adds an offset to the CPM values before converting to the log2-scale. By default, the offset is 2/L where 2 is the “prior count” and L is the average library size in millions, so the log-CPM values are related to the CPM values by log2(CPM + 2/L). This calculation ensures that any two read counts with identical CPM values will also have identical log-CPM values. The prior count avoids taking the logarithm of zero, and also reduces spurious variability for genes with very low counts by shrinking all the inter-sample log-fold-changes towards zero, something that is helpful for exploratory plotting. For this dataset, the average library size is about 45.5 million, so L approx. 45.5 and the minimum log-CPM value for each sample becomes log2(2/45.5) = -4.51. In other words, a counr of zero for this data maps to a log-CPM value of -4.51 after adding the prior count or offset:
L <- mean(x$samples$lib.size) * 1e-6
M <- median(x$samples$lib.size) * 1e-6
c(L, M)
## [1] 45.5 51.4
## 10_6_5_11 9_6_5_11 purep53 JMS8-2 JMS8-3
## Min. :-4.51 Min. :-4.51 Min. :-4.51 Min. :-4.51 Min. :-4.51
## 1st Qu.:-4.51 1st Qu.:-4.51 1st Qu.:-4.51 1st Qu.:-4.51 1st Qu.:-4.51
## Median :-0.68 Median :-0.36 Median :-0.10 Median :-0.09 Median :-0.43
## Mean : 0.17 Mean : 0.33 Mean : 0.44 Mean : 0.41 Mean : 0.32
## 3rd Qu.: 4.29 3rd Qu.: 4.56 3rd Qu.: 4.60 3rd Qu.: 4.55 3rd Qu.: 4.58
## Max. :14.76 Max. :13.50 Max. :12.96 Max. :12.85 Max. :12.96
## JMS8-4 JMS8-5 JMS9-P7c JMS9-P8c
## Min. :-4.51 Min. :-4.51 Min. :-4.51 Min. :-4.51
## 1st Qu.:-4.51 1st Qu.:-4.51 1st Qu.:-4.51 1st Qu.:-4.51
## Median :-0.41 Median :-0.07 Median :-0.17 Median :-0.33
## Mean : 0.25 Mean : 0.40 Mean : 0.37 Mean : 0.27
## 3rd Qu.: 4.32 3rd Qu.: 4.43 3rd Qu.: 4.60 3rd Qu.: 4.44
## Max. :14.85 Max. :13.19 Max. :12.94 Max. :14.01
Log-CPM values are also used in downstream linear modeling via limma’s voom
function, although voom
recomputes its own log-CPM values internally with a smaller prior count.
All datasets will include a mix of genes that are expressed and those that are not expressed. Whilst it is of interest to examine genes that are expressed in one condition but not in another, some genes are unexpressed throughout all samples. In fact, 19% of genes in this dataset have zero counts across all nine samples.
## 22026 5153
Plotting the distribution log-CPM values shows that a sizeable proportion of genes within each sample are either unexpressed or lowly-expressed with log-CPM values that are small or negative (Figure 1A).
Genes that do not have a worthwhile number of reads in any sample should be filtered out of the downstream analyses. There are several reasons for this. From a biological point of view, genes that not expressed at a biologically meaningful level in any condition are not of interest and are therefore best ignored. From a statistical point of view, removing low count genes allows the mean-variance relationship in the data to be estimated with greater reliability and also reduces the number of statistical tests that need to be carried out in downstream analyses looking at differential expression.
The filterByExpr
function in the edgeR package provides an automatic way to filter genes, while keeping as many genes as possible with worthwhile counts.
keep.exprs <- filterByExpr(x, group=group)
x <- x[keep.exprs,, keep.lib.sizes=FALSE]
## [1] 16624 9
By default, the function keeps genes with about 10 read counts or more in a minimum number of samples, where the number of samples is chosen according to the minimum group sample size. The actual filtering uses CPM values rather than counts in order to avoid giving preference to samples with large library sizes. For this dataset, the median library size is about 51 million and 10/51 approx. 0.2, so the filterByExpr
function keeps genes that have a CPM of 0.2 or more in at least three samples. A biologically interesting gene should be expressed in at least three samples because all the cell type groups have three replicates. The cutoffs used depend on the sequencing depth and on the experimental design. If the library sizes had been larger then a lower CPM cutoff would have been chosen, because larger library sizes provide better resolution to explore more genes at lower expression levels. Alternatively, smaller library sizes decrease
our ability to explore marginal genes and hence would have led to a higher CPM cutoff.
Using this criterion, the number of genes is reduced to 16,624, about 60% of the number that we started with (panel B of the next figure). Note that subsetting the entire DGEList-object removes both the counts and the associated gene information for the filtered genes. The filtered DGEList-object keeps the gene information and the counts for the retained genes correctly associated.
Code to produce the figure is given below.
lcpm.cutoff <- log2(10/M + 2/L)
nsamples <- ncol(x)
col <- brewer.pal(nsamples, "Paired")
plot(density(lcpm[,1]), col=col[1], lwd=2, ylim=c(0,0.26), las=2, main="", xlab="")
title(main="A. Raw data", xlab="Log-cpm")
abline(v=lcpm.cutoff, lty=3)
for (i in 2:nsamples){
den <- density(lcpm[,i])
lines(den$x, den$y, col=col[i], lwd=2)
legend("topright", samplenames, text.col=col, bty="n")
lcpm <- cpm(x, log=TRUE)
plot(density(lcpm[,1]), col=col[1], lwd=2, ylim=c(0,0.26), las=2, main="", xlab="")
title(main="B. Filtered data", xlab="Log-cpm")
abline(v=lcpm.cutoff, lty=3)
for (i in 2:nsamples){
den <- density(lcpm[,i])
lines(den$x, den$y, col=col[i], lwd=2)
legend("topright", samplenames, text.col=col, bty="n")