## ----fig1, echo=FALSE, fig.cap="Schematic representation of RedeR calls. Complex graphs with many attributes can be transferred from-and-to R using *addGraph()* and *getGraph()* functions.", out.width = '80%'---- knitr::include_graphics("fig1.png", dpi=300) ## ----label='Load packages', eval=TRUE, message=FALSE-------------------------- #--- Load required packages library("RedeR") library("igraph") ## ----label='Set the R-to-Java interface', eval=TRUE--------------------------- #--- Set the R-to-Java interface rdp <- RedPort() ## ----label='Initialize the R-to-Java interface', eval=FALSE------------------- # #--- Initialize the R-to-Java interface # calld(rdp) ## ----fig2, echo=FALSE, fig.cap="RedeR's graphical user interface. The calld() function initializes the R-to-Java interface. RedeR >=2.0.0 will need the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 11 or higher (Java >=11). The package will also run on earlier Java versions (Java >=8), but with reduced functionality. In order to check the Java on your system, see the System Requirements section.", out.width = '70%'---- knitr::include_graphics("fig2.png", dpi=300) ## ----label='Add a graph', eval=TRUE------------------------------------------- #--- Add a graph g1 <- graph.lattice(c(3,3,3)) addGraph(rdp, g=g1, layout=layout_with_kk(g1)) ## ----fig3, echo=FALSE, fig.cap="A toy example generated by the *addGraph()* function.", out.width = '60%'---- knitr::include_graphics("fig3.png") ## ----label='Get a graph', eval=FALSE------------------------------------------ # #--- Get a graph # g2 <- getGraph(rdp) # summary(g2) # # IGRAPH f22cf52 UN-- 125 300 -- # # + attr: zoom (g/n), name (v/c), coordX (v/n), coordY (v/n) ## ----label='Reset application (1)', eval=TRUE--------------------------------- #--- Reset the application: resetd(rdp) ## ----label='Generate two scale-free graphs', eval=TRUE------------------------ #--- Generate two scale-free graphs g1 <- sample_pa(7) g2 <- sample_pa(5) #--- Set names to graph vertices V(g1)$name <- paste("m",1:7,sep="") V(g2)$name <- paste("n",1:5,sep="") #--- Nest graphs into containers addGraph(rdp, g=g1, isNested=TRUE, gcoord=c(30,30), gscale=50) addGraph(rdp, g=g2, isNested=TRUE, gcoord=c(70,70), gscale=50) ## ----fig4, echo=FALSE, fig.cap="Nested graphs in *RedeR* using the *addGraph()* function.", out.width = '70%'---- knitr::include_graphics("fig4.png") ## ----label='Get a subgraph', eval=FALSE--------------------------------------- # #--- Select nodes within a container # selectNodes(rdp, nodes="N2") # # #--- Get selected nodes # getGraph(rdp, status="selected") # # IGRAPH 36b1f75 UN-- 5 4 -- # # + attr: zoom (g/n), name (v/c), coordX (v/n), coordY (v/n) # # + edges from 36b1f75 (vertex names): # # [1] n1--n2 n1--n3 n1--n4 n4--n5 ## ----label='Reset application (2)', eval=TRUE--------------------------------- #--- Reset the application: resetd(rdp) ## ----label='Generate a larger scale-free graph', eval=TRUE-------------------- #--- Generate a larger scale-free graph g1 <- sample_pa(300, directed=FALSE) #--- Set names to igraph vertices V(g1)$name <- paste0("V",1:vcount(g1)) #--- Check attributes in the 'g1' graph summary(g1) ## ----label='Send the g1 graph to RedeR', eval=TRUE---------------------------- #--- Send the 'g1' graph to RedeR addGraph(rdp, g=g1, gzoom=50) ## ----label='Run the interactive layout', eval=TRUE---------------------------- #--- Run RedeR's interactive layout relax(rdp, p1=20, p2=150, p3=20, p4=100, p5=10) ## ----fig5, echo=FALSE, fig.cap="Graph layouts set by *RedeR*'s interactive force-directed algorithm. A) A scale-free graph generated by igraph's *sample_pa()* function. B,C) Examples of flat and nested networks available in the *RedeR* application.", out.width = '100%'---- knitr::include_graphics("fig5.png", dpi=600) ## ----label='Reset application (3)', eval=TRUE--------------------------------- #--- Reset the application: resetd(rdp) ## ----label='Set new attributes', eval=TRUE------------------------------------ #--- Set a new graph attribute in 'g1' g1$bgColor <- 'grey90' #--- Set new node attributes in 'g1' V(g1)$nodeColor <- "skyblue" V(g1)$nodeSize <- 50 #--- Set new edge attributes in 'g1' E(g1)$edgeColor <- "skyblue" E(g1)$edgeWidth <- 10 ## ----label='Check new attributes', eval=TRUE---------------------------------- #--- Check the new attributes in 'g1' summary(g1) ## ----table1, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------- attribs <- attributes(rdp) attribs$GraphAttr$Usage <- gsub("$","\\$",attribs$GraphAttr$Usage, fixed=TRUE) colnames(attribs$GraphAttr)[1] <- "RedeR attribute" colnames(attribs$GraphAttr)[4] <- "Usage example" knitr::kable(attribs$GraphAttr, format="html", valign = 't',linesep='', label="tab1", table.attr = "style='width:100%;'", caption="**Graph attributes**. Examples of how to set *RedeR*'s graph attributes using *igraph* shortcuts.") ## ----table2, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------- attribs <- attributes(rdp) attribs$VertexAttr$Usage <- gsub("$","\\$",attribs$VertexAttr$Usage, fixed=TRUE) colnames(attribs$VertexAttr)[1] <- "RedeR attribute" colnames(attribs$VertexAttr)[4] <- "Usage example" knitr::kable(attribs$VertexAttr, format="html", valign = 't',linesep='', label="tab2", table.attr = "style='width:100%;'", caption="**Node attributes**. Examples of how to set *RedeR*'s node attributes using *igraph* shortcuts.") ## ----table3, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------- attribs <- attributes(rdp) attribs$EdgeAttr$Usage <- gsub("$","\\$",attribs$EdgeAttr$Usage, fixed=TRUE) colnames(attribs$EdgeAttr)[1] <- "RedeR attribute" colnames(attribs$EdgeAttr)[4] <- "Usage example" knitr::kable(attribs$EdgeAttr, format="html", valign = 't',linesep='', label="tab3", table.attr = "style='width:100%;'", caption="**Edge attributes**. Examples of how to set *RedeR*'s edge attributes using *igraph* shortcuts.") ## ----label='Make sure vertices are named', eval=TRUE-------------------------- #--- Make sure vertices are named! V(g1)$name[1:5] ## ----label='Using att.addv and att.adde wrapper functions', eval=TRUE--------- #--- Add 'nodeFontSize' attribute from a fixed value g1 <- att.addv(g1, to = "nodeFontSize", value = 20) #--- Same as above, but applied only to three nodes g1 <- att.addv(g1, to = "nodeFontSize", value = 70, filter = list("name" = V(g1)$name[1:3])) #--- Add 'edgeType' attribute from a fixed value g1 <- att.adde(g1, to = "edgeType", value = "DOTTED") ## ----label='Check new attributes ', eval=TRUE--------------------------------- #--- Check the new attributes added to 'g1' summary(g1) ## ----label='Load an igraph graph and a data frame', eval=TRUE----------------- #--- Load an igraph graph and a data frame with compatible identifiers data(ER.deg) g2 <- ER.deg$ceg # an igraph graph with named nodes df <- ER.deg$dat # a data frame #--- Check attributes already available in the 'g2' graph summary(g2) #--- Check colnames in the 'df' data frame colnames(df) ## ----label='Using att.mapv wrapper function', eval=TRUE----------------------- #--- Map 'df' to 'g2' using the att.mapv() function #Note: 'refcol = 0' indicates that 'df' rownames will be used as mapping IDs g2 <- att.mapv(g=g2, dat=df, refcol=0) #--- Check the new attributes mapped to 'g2' summary(g2) ## ----label='Using att.setv and att.sete wrapper functions', eval=TRUE--------- # Set 'nodeAlias' from 'Symbol' g2 <- att.setv(g2, from="Symbol", to="nodeAlias") # Set 'nodeColor' from 'logFC.t3' g2 <- att.setv(g2, from="logFC.t3", to="nodeColor", breaks=seq(-2,2,0.4), pal=2) # Set 'nodeSize' from 'ERbdist' g2 <- att.setv(g2, from="ERbdist", to="nodeSize", nquant=10, xlim=c(20,100,1)) # Set 'nodeFontSize' from 'ERbdist' g2 <- att.setv(g2, from="ERbdist", to="nodeFontSize", nquant=10, xlim=c(1,50,1)) # Set 'edgeWidth' from 'weight' g2 <- att.sete(g2, from="weight", to="edgeWidth", nquant=5, xlim=c(1,10,1)) #--- Check the new attributes set in 'g2' summary(g2) ## ----label='Workflow 1: Load required packages', eval=TRUE, message=FALSE----- #--- Load required packages library("RedeR") library("igraph") ## ----label='Workflow 1: Initialize the RedeR application', eval=TRUE---------- #--- If not running, initialize the ReadeR application # rdp <- RedPort() # calld(rdp) resetd(rdp) ## ----label='Workflow 1: Load a dataframe and an interactome', eval=TRUE------- #--- Load a dataframe and an interactome data(ER.limma) data(hs.inter) ## ----label='Workflow 1: Extract a subgraph and set attributes', eval=TRUE----- #-- Extract a subgraph from the hs.inter graph gt3 <- subg(g=hs.inter, dat=ER.limma[ER.limma$degenes.t3!=0,], refcol=1) #-- Set attributes gt3 <- att.setv(g=gt3, from="Symbol", to="nodeAlias") gt3 <- att.setv(g=gt3, from="logFC.t3", to="nodeColor", breaks=seq(-2,2,0.4), pal=2) ## ----label='Workflow 1: Extract another subgraph and set attributes', eval=TRUE---- #--- Extract another subgraph from the hs.inter graph gt6 <- subg(g=hs.inter, dat=ER.limma[ER.limma$degenes.t6!=0,], refcol=1) #--- Set attributes gt6 <- att.setv(g=gt6, from="Symbol", to="nodeAlias") gt6 <- att.setv(g=gt6, from="logFC.t6", to="nodeColor", breaks=seq(-2,2,0.4), pal=2) ## ----label='=Workflow 1: Extract another subgraph and set attributes', eval=TRUE---- #--- Extract another subgraph from the hs.inter graph gt12 <- subg(g=hs.inter, dat=ER.limma[ER.limma$degenes.t12!=0,], refcol=1) #--- Set attributes gt12 <- att.setv(g=gt12, from="Symbol", to="nodeAlias") gt12 <- att.setv(g=gt12, from="logFC.t12", to="nodeColor", breaks=seq(-2,2,0.4), pal=2) ## ----label='=Workflow 1: Customize subgraph names', eval=TRUE----------------- #--- Customize subgraph names gt3$nestAlias <- "3h" gt6$nestAlias <- "6h" gt12$nestAlias <- "12h" ## ----label='Workflow 1: Send subgraphs to the RedeR application', eval=TRUE---- #--- Send nested subgraphs to the RedeR application N1 <- addGraph(rdp, gt3, gcoord=c(10,25), gscale=20, isNested=TRUE, theme='tm1', gzoom=30) N2 <- addGraph(rdp, gt6, gcoord=c(20,70), gscale=50, isNested=TRUE, theme='tm1', gzoom=30) N3 <- addGraph(rdp, gt12, gcoord=c(70,55), gscale=80, isNested=TRUE, theme='tm1', gzoom=30) ## ----label='Workflow 1: Nest sub-subgraphs', eval=TRUE------------------------ #--- Nest sub-subgraphs N4 <- nestNodes(rdp, nodes=V(gt3)$name, parent=N2, theme='tm2') N5 <- nestNodes(rdp, nodes=V(gt6)$name, parent=N3, theme='tm2') nestNodes(rdp, nodes=V(gt3)$name, parent=N5, theme='tm3') ## ----label='Workflow 1: Assign edges to containers', eval=TRUE---------------- #--- Assign edges to containers mergeOutEdges(rdp, nlevels=2) ## ----label='Workflow 1: Relax the network', eval=TRUE------------------------- relax(rdp, p1=100, p2=100, p3=5, p4=150, p5=5, p8=10, p9=20) ## ----label='Workflow 1: Add a color legend', eval=TRUE------------------------ scl <- gt3$legNodeColor$scale leg <- gt3$legNodeColor$legend addLegend.color(rdp, colvec=scl, labvec=leg, title="Node color (logFC)") ## ----label='Workflow 1: Select a gene', eval=TRUE----------------------------- selectNodes(rdp,"RET") #repeat this line to see RET in all instances ## ----fig6, echo=FALSE, fig.cap="Nested subnetworks. This graph shows genes differentially expressed in estrogen-treated MCF-7 cells at 3, 6 and 12 h (relative to 0 h). The insets correspond to the overlap between consecutive time points. Adapted from Castro *et al.* (2012, https://doi.org/10.1186/gb-2012-13-4-r29).", out.width = '70%'---- knitr::include_graphics("fig6.png") ## ----label='Workflow 2: Load required packages', eval=TRUE, message=FALSE----- #--- Load required packages library("RedeR") library("igraph") ## ----label='Workflow 2: Initialize the RedeR application', eval=TRUE---------- #--- If not running, initialize the ReadeR application # rdp <- RedPort() # calld(rdp) resetd(rdp) ## ----label='Workflow 2: Load a dataframe and an igraph graph', eval=TRUE------ #--- Load a dataframe and an igraph graph data(ER.deg) dat <- ER.deg$dat ceg <- ER.deg$ceg ## ----label='Workflow 2: Map the dataframe to the igraph graph', eval=TRUE----- #--- Map the dataframe to the igraph graph ceg <- att.mapv(ceg, dat=dat, refcol=1) ## ----label='Workflow 2: Set RedeR attributes', eval=TRUE---------------------- #--- Set RedeR attributes ceg <- att.setv(ceg, from="Symbol", to="nodeAlias") ceg <- att.setv(ceg, from="logFC.t3", to="nodeColor", breaks=seq(-2,2,0.4), pal=2) ceg <- att.setv(ceg, from="ERbdist", to="nodeSize", nquant=10, isrev=TRUE, xlim=c(5,40,1)) ## ----label='Workflow 2: Send the ceg graph RedeR', eval=TRUE------------------ #--- Send the ceg graph RedeR addGraph(rdp, ceg) ## ----label='Workflow 2: Hierarchical clustering on the adjacency matrix', eval=TRUE---- #--- Hierarchical clustering on the adjacency matrix hc <- hclust(dist(get.adjacency(ceg, attr="weight"))) ## ----label='Workflow 2: Map the hclust object onto the network', eval=TRUE---- #--- Map the hclust object onto the network nesthc(rdp, hc, cutlevel=3, nmemb=5, cex=0.3, labels=V(ceg)$nodeAlias) ## ----fig7, echo=FALSE, fig.cap="Hierarchical networks. This dendrogram is superimposed onto the network depicted in **Figure 8**. Adapted from Castro *et al.* (2012, https://doi.org/10.1186/gb-2012-13-4-r29).", out.width = '80%'---- knitr::include_graphics("fig7.png") ## ----label='Workflow 2: Assign edges to containers', eval=TRUE---------------- #--- Assign edges to containers mergeOutEdges(rdp, nlevels=2) ## ----label='Workflow 2: Relax the network', eval=TRUE------------------------- relax(rdp,100,100,100,100,5) ## ----label='Workflow 2: Add color legend', eval=TRUE-------------------------- scl <- ceg$legNodeColor$scale leg <- ceg$legNodeColor$legend addLegend.color(rdp, colvec=scl, labvec=leg, title="Diff. Gene Expression (logFC)") ## ----label='Workflow 2: Add node size legend', eval=TRUE---------------------- scl <- ceg$legNodeSize$scale leg <- ceg$legNodeSize$legend addLegend.size(rdp, sizevec=scl, labvec=leg, title="TFBS Distance (kb)") ## ----fig8, echo=FALSE, fig.cap="Hierarchical networks. This graph is obtained by superimposing a dendrogram onto a network. Adapted from Castro *et al.* (2012, https://doi.org/10.1186/gb-2012-13-4-r29).", out.width = '70%'---- knitr::include_graphics("fig8.png") ## ----label='Workflow 3: Load TreeAndLeaf', eval=FALSE------------------------- # #--- Load required packages # library("RedeR") # library("igraph") # library("TreeAndLeaf") ## ----label='Workflow 3: Initialize the RedeR application', eval=FALSE--------- # #--- If not running, initialize the ReadeR application # # rdp <- RedPort() # # calld(rdp) # resetd(rdp) ## ----label='Workflow 2: hierarchical clustering', eval=FALSE------------------ # #-- Generate an 'hclust' object from the 'iris' dataset # hc_iris <- hclust(dist(iris[,-5])) ## ----label='Workflow 3: Create a tree-and-leaf object', eval=FALSE------------ # #-- Convert the 'hclust' object into a 'tree-and-leaf' object # tal <- treeAndLeaf(hc_iris) # # #--- Map 'iris' variables to the tree-and-leaf graph # #Note: 'refcol = 0' indicates that 'iris' rownames will be used as mapping IDs # tal <- att.mapv(g = tal, dat = iris, refcol = 0) # # #--- Set node attributes using the 'att.setv' wrapper function # cols <- c("#80b1d3","#fb8072","#8dd3c7") # tal <- att.setv(tal, from="Species", to="nodeColor", cols=cols) # tal <- att.setv(tal, from="Species", to="nodeLineColor", cols=cols) # tal <- att.setv(tal, from="Petal.Width", to="nodeSize", nquant=6, xlim=c(5,50,1)) # # #--- Set other attributes using igraph shortcuts # V(tal)$nodeAlias <- "" # E(tal)$edgeColor <- "grey70" ## ----label='Workflow 3: Send the tal graph to RedeR', eval=FALSE-------------- # #--- Send the tree-and-leaf graph to RedeR # addGraph(rdp, tal, gzoom=50) # # #--- Suggestion: anchor inner nodes to adjust the final layout # # selectNodes(rdp, V(tal)$name[!V(tal)$isLeaf], anchor=TRUE) # # #--- Call 'relax' to fine-tune the leaf nodes # relax(rdp, p1=10, p2=100, p3=2, p4=120, p5=1) # # #--- Add legends # addLegend.color(rdp, tal, title="Species") # addLegend.size(rdp, tal, title="PetalWidth", position="bottomright") ## ----fig9, echo=FALSE, fig.cap="A tree-and-leaf diagram. This graph is obtained by transforming an *hclust* object into a *tree-and-leaf* object.", out.width = '70%'---- knitr::include_graphics("fig9.png") ## ----label='Check Java version', eval=FALSE----------------------------------- # RedPort(checkJava=TRUE) # # RedeR will need Java Runtime Environment (Java >=11) # # Checking Java version installed on this system... # # openjdk version "11.0.13" 2021-10-19 # # OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.13+8-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04) # # OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.13+8-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04, mixed mode, sharing) ## ----label='Session information', eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE----------------------- sessionInfo()