Changes in version 1.3.8 SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES - use_bioc_github_action() has been updated to match as much as possible the changes in r-lib/actions up to the latest commit Changes in version 1.3.4 NEW FEATURES - use_bioc_github_action() is now more robust in preventing tcltk errors thanks to this pull request by Ben Laufer Changes in version 1.3.2 NEW FEATURES - use_bioc_github_action() now uses the AnVIL-powered package binaries, which greatly speed up the dependency installation steps in the docker (Linux) GitHub Actions builds. Details are available in Nitesh Turaga's BioC2021 slides Changes in version 1.1.10 NEW FEATURES - Added the function use_bioc_coc() as requested by Luke Zappia et al. Changes in version 1.1.9 NEW FEATURES - Now use_bioc_github_action() has a docker argument which controls whether to build a docker image at the end of the GHA workflow (only on Linux) as requested by Kévin Rue-Albrecht. Changes in version 1.1.7 BUG FIXES - Switch to match usethis 2.0.1 which changed a lot of the internal code in biocthis. Changes in version 1.1.4 NEW FEATURES - Switched from knitcitations to RefManageR given the discussion at Changes in version 1.1.3 BUG FIXES - Updated to use usethis version 2.0.0 or newer. Check the following for more information on usethis changes: Changes in version 0.99.0 NEW FEATURES - Added a file to track changes to the package. - Added bioc_style() which provides a partial Bioconductor coding style compatible with styler. - Added usethis-style functions use_bioc_citation(), use_bioc_description(), use_bioc_github_action(), use_bioc_issue_template(), use_bioc_news_md(), use_bioc_pkg_templates(), use_bioc_readme_rmd(), use_bioc_support() and use_bioc_vignette(). These functions provide Bioconductor-friendly alternatives to several functions in the usethis package. - use_bioc_github_action() allows you to use a Bioconductor-friendly GitHub Actions workflow for checking your Bioconductor package (or one that depends on Bioconductor packages). Check the vignettes for details on its features as well as the developer notes.