title: "Provide EnsDb databases for AnnotationHub"
author: "Johannes Rainer"
graphics: no
package: AHEnsDbs
toc_float: true
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{Provide EnsDb databases for AnnotationHub}
```{r style, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis', message=FALSE}
**Authors**: `r packageDescription("AHEnsDbs")[["Author"]] `
**Last modified:** `r file.info("creating-EnsDbs.Rmd")$mtime`
**Compiled**: `r date()`
# Fetch `EnsDb` databases from `AnnotationHub`
The `AHEnsDbs` package provides the metadata for all `EnsDb` SQLite databases in
`r Biocpkg("AnnotationHub")`. First we load/update the `AnnotationHub` resource.
```{r load-lib, message = FALSE}
ah <- AnnotationHub()
Next we list all `EnsDb` entries from `AnnotationHub`.
```{r list-ensdb}
query(ah, "EnsDb")
We fetch the `EnsDb` for species *Ciona Intestinalis* and ensembl release 87.
```{r load-ensdb}
qr <- query(ah, c("EnsDb", "intestinalis", "87"))
edb <- qr[[1]]
To get the genes defined for this species we can simply call.
```{r get-genes}
# Creating EnsDbs for a given Ensembl release
This section describes the (semi)-automated way to create `ensembldb` `EnsDb`
SQLite annotation databases using the Ensembl Perl API and the MySQL database
dumps from Ensembl.
## Requirements
+ Perl.
+ Ensembl Perl API corresponding to the version for which the databases should
be created. See http://www.ensembl.org/info/docs/api/api_installation.html for
more details.
+ BioPerl.
+ MySQL server with access credentials allowing to create databases and insert
## Creating `EnsDb` SQLite databases
To create the databases we are sequentially downloading and installing the MySQL
database dumps from Ensembl locally and query these local databases to extract
the annotations that will be inserted into the final SQLite databases. While it
would be possible to directly query the Ensembl databases using the Perl API,
this has proven to be slower and frequently fails due to access shortages or
time outs.
Below we load the `ensembldb` package and the *generate-EnsDbs.R* script in its
*scripts* folder.
```{r load-lib2, eval = FALSE}
scr <- system.file("scripts/generate-EnsDbs.R", package = "ensembldb")
We next use the `createEnsDbForSpecies` function. This function queries first
the Ensembl ftp server to list all species for a certain Ensembl release. By
default it will then process all species, by first downloading the MySQL
database dumps, installing it into a local MySQL server and subsequently, using
functionality from the `ensembldb` package and the Ensembl Perl API, exctracting
all annotations from it and storing it to a SQLite datababse. The local MySQL
database will then by default deleted (setting the parameter `dropDb = FALSE`
does not delete the databases).
Important parameter to set in the function are:
+ `ftp_folder`: by default the main Ensembl ftp server will be queried
(ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub), alternatively, also the Ensemblgenomes database
can be queried. To build e.g. `EnsDb`s for all plants use
ftp://ftp.ensemblgenomes.org/pub/release-34/plants/mysql. If this parameter
is defined it has to point to the directory in which all MySQL database dumps
can be found.
+ `ens_version`: the Ensembl version (e.g. `87`).
+ `user`: the user name for the **local** MySQL database.
+ `host`: the hostname of the local MySQL database (e.g. `"localhost"`).
+ `pass`: the password for the local MySQL database.
Below we create all `EnsDb` databases for Ensembl release 87. Note that we have
to have installed the Ensembl Perl API matching this release.
```{r create-dbs, eval = FALSE}
createEnsDbForSpecies(ens_version = 87, user = "someuser", host = "localhost",
pass = "somepass")
All SQLite database, one per species, will be stored in the current working