Visualize mapped reads along with annotation as track layers for NGS dataset such as ChIP-seq, RNA-seq, miRNA-seq, DNA-seq, SNPs and methylation data.Plot high dense methylation/mutation/variant data by dandelion plot
Plot genomic interaction data (HiC, cooler, etc) by viewTracks
First, we import the sample data.
extdata <- system.file("extdata", package="trackViewer",
repA <- importScore(file.path(extdata, "cpsf160.repA_-.wig"),
file.path(extdata, "cpsf160.repA_+.wig"),
## Because the wig file does not contain any strand info,
## we need to set it manually.
strand(repA$dat) <- "-"
strand(repA$dat2) <- "+"
fox2 <- importScore(file.path(extdata, "fox2.bed"), format="BED",
ranges=GRanges("chr11", IRanges(122830799, 123116707)))
dat <- coverageGR(fox2$dat)
## We can split the data by strand into two different track channels
## Here, we set the dat2 slot to save the negative strand info.
fox2$dat <- dat[strand(dat)=="+"]
fox2$dat2 <- dat[strand(dat)=="-"]
gr <- GRanges("chr11", IRanges(122929275, 122930122), strand="-")
trs <- geneModelFromTxdb(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene,
In most cases, researchers are interested in the relative position of the peaks in the gene. Sometimes, margin needs to be adjusted to be able to show the entire gene model. The Figure below shows how to add an X scale (x-scale) and remove the x-axis using the setTrackXscaleParam and setTrackViewerStyleParam functions.
optSty <- optimizeStyle(trackList(repA, fox2, trs))
trackList <- optSty$tracks
viewerStyle <- optSty$style
setTrackViewerStyleParam(viewerStyle, "xaxis", FALSE)
setTrackViewerStyleParam(viewerStyle, "margin", c(.01, .05, .01, .01))
setTrackXscaleParam(trackList[[1]], "draw", TRUE)
setTrackXscaleParam(trackList[[1]], "gp", list(cex=0.8))
viewTracks(trackList, gr=gr, viewerStyle=viewerStyle)
setTrackXscaleParam(trackList[[1]], attr="position",
value=list(x=122929700, y=3, label=200))
viewTracks(trackList, gr=gr, viewerStyle=viewerStyle)