--- title: "Introduction to AnnotationHubData" author: "Lori Shepherd" date: "Modified: February 2021. Compiled: `r format(Sys.Date(), '%d %b %Y')`" output: BiocStyle::html_document: toc: true --- # Overview The AnnotationHubData package package provides tools to acquire, annotate, convert and store data for use in Bioconductor's `AnnotationHub`. Most of the functions will be used by the Bioconcutor Core Team. For information on how to use `AnnotationHub` or how to create an `AnnotationHub` package please see the vignettes in `AnnotationHub`. # Creating an AnnotationHub Package or Converting to an AnnotationHub Package Please see AnnotationHub Vignette "CreateAHubPackage". ``` vignette("CreateAHubPackage", package="AnnotationHub") ``` # Historical vignettes The process for adding data to `AnnotationHub` has evolved substantially since the first vignettes were written. Much of the information contained in those documents is outdated or applicable only to repeat-run recipes added to the code base. These documents have been retained for historical purposes and are located in the inst/scripts/ directory of the `AnnotationHubData` package.