Changes in version 0.99.343 (2021-04-09) - Submission to Bioconductor - NAMESPACE - Imported BiocFileCache package and R_user_dir() of tools package - Exported new function conclusCacheClear() - DESCRIPTION - Removed LazyData: true. - DataFormatting.R - Added a caching system for retrieveFromGEO() - Created conclusCacheClear() to delete the cache - Updated documentation - loadDataset.R - Updated documentation - Simplified nested "if" in loadDataset.R - methods-normalization.R - Modified the use of getBM to retrieve only genes of the count matrix (instead of the all database) - test_setters.R/test_getters.R - Modified documentation for loadDataOrMatrix() - Simplified nested "if" in loadDataset.R - test_loadData.R - Adapted the unit tests to the new format of coldata and rowdata - test_scRNAseq-methods.R - Changed the experiment name to "Light_Experience" - Used tempdir() for output directory - inst - Added inst/script to generate data on inst/extdata - New data generated - vignette - Used tempdir() for output directory - Specified other parameters in the first example of runCONCLUS for the very small dataset - Replaced old paths by new ones