Changes in version 1.12.0                        

New features

  - makeSummarizedExperimentFromGISTIC has been moved to RTCGAToolbox.
  - splitAssays now deprecated for TCGAsplitAssays to avoid conflict
    with MultiAssayExperiment::splitAssays

Minor changes and bug fixes

  - Properly identifies genome annotation (hg*) in oncoPrintTCGA
  - qreduceTCGA now works with updates to seqlevelsStyle where genome
    annotation include patch versions when available

                       Changes in version 1.10.0                        

New features

  - correctBuild attempts to provide the official name of a particular
    human genome build to agree with changes in GenomeInfoDb
  - isCorrect checks that the build name matches the official name

Minor changes and bug fixes

  - Documentation improvements to simplifyTCGA
  - Improvements to findGRangesCols to locate ranged columns in a
  - Fixed a bug in UUIDtoBarcode where only the first record was
    returned (#26, @DarioS)
  - Fixed a bug in filenameToBarcode when multiple inputs were used
    (#22, @DarioS)

                        Changes in version 1.8.0                        

New features

  - now includes a cheat sheet for reference
  - mergeColData and oncoPrintTCGA sections updated/included in the

Minor changes and bug fixes

  - translateBuild more robust to consistent inputs
  - translateBuild returns vector output instead of single string as
  - makeSummarizedExperimentFromGISTIC now has a more open interface
    with ... input to RTCGAToolbox::getGISTICPeaks
  - oncoPrintTCGA now uses seqlevels from input throughout

                        Changes in version 1.6.0                        

New features

  - oncoPrintTCGA: Create an oncoPrint visualization for mutation data
  - Support aliquot_ids as input to UUIDtoBarcode function
  - Additional sections in the vignette: CpGtoRanges, UUIDtoBarcode for
  - TCGAprimaryTumors allows users to select all primary tumors for a
    given curatedTCGAData MultiAssayExperiment object (suggested by

Minor changes and bug fixes

  - Now merging clinical data using both rows and columns in
  - Added informative error when query results are empty in
  - Updates to makeGRangesListFromExonFiles to use
    S4Vectors::splitAsList (@hpages)

                        Changes in version 1.4.0                        

New features

  - trimColData added to remove any extra columns from the colData slot
    (thanks to @vjcitn)
  - CpGtoRanges translates CpG islands to genomic positions using an
    annotation package and minfi
  - Overhaul of the barcode translation services allows accurate
    translation of identifiers
  - splitAssays now separates all assays by sample codes contained
    therein by default, previous behavior had default values
  - Documentation for simplifyTCGA was modified to include similar
    operations, such as, symbolsToRanges, mirToRanges, CpGtoRanges, etc.
  - Vignette includes comprehensive examples of new functionality

Minor changes and bug fixes

  - getFileNames renamed to getFileName
  - TCGAsampleSelect now allows multiple sample type inputs as the
    sampleCodes argument
  - getSubtypeMap updates column names to accurately represent patient
  - More robust checks were added to splitAssays to ensure valid sample
    codes in the input and provided as arguments
  - makeGRangesListFromExonFiles is optimized to use dplyr when
    available and fast operations from IRanges
  - Various enhancements to *toRanges functions, including re-using
    underlying common helper function
  - The internal weightedmean function in qreduceTCGA has been updated
    for correctness
  - The keep arugment in qreduceTCGA and related functions was changed
    to keep.assay

                        Changes in version 1.2.0                        

New features

  - imputeAssay added to impute data for MultiAssayExperiment assays
  - UUIDtoUUID translation available to translate from file to case IDs
  - A suite of functions is available to enhance existing
    MultiAssayExperiment datasets: qreduceTCGA, mirToRanges,
    symbolsToRanges. Thanks to @lwaldron

Minor changes and bug fixes

  - Various changes to examples for compatibility with RaggedExperiment
  - Bug fix to internal functions for finding GRanges columns

                        Changes in version 1.1.5                        

  - uniformBuilds cleans up a vector of inconsistently labelled builds
    by changing the build with the lowest frequency

                        Changes in version 1.1.4                        

New features

  - The UUIDtoUUID function can translate from case to file UUIDs and
    vice versa
  - imputeAssay allows missing data imputation using KNN for
    MultiAssayExperiment assays

                        Changes in version 1.1.1                        

New features

  - exported the internal helper, filenameToBarcode. See examples

                       Changes in version 0.99.68                       

Minor changes and bug fixes

  - Minor changes in response to review, avoid switching from logical to
    numeric index, updated vignette introduction
  - Fix examples to updated GenomicDataCommons interface
  - Move RTCGAToolbox to Suggests field in DESCRIPTION
  - Removed BiocFileCache from Imports field

                       Changes in version 0.99.51                       

New features

  - Added a group of ID translation helper functions (see
  - Added a group of helper functions that work with curatedTCGAData
  - UUIDtoBarcode function added thanks to @seandavi
  - Renamed makeGRangesListFromTCGA to makeGRangesListFromCopyNumber
  - makeSummarizedExperimentFromGISTIC is now available to convert
    RTCGAToolbox's FirehoseGISTIC data class to SummarizedExperiment
  - Created a function to merge external colData to a
    MultiAssayExperiment colData slot
  - Revamped vignette documentation

Minor changes and bug fixes

  - Improvements to TCGAbiospec and TCGAbarcode
  - Updated sampleTypes and clinicalNames datasets
  - Updated DESCRIPTION file with appropriate imports and exports
  - Various improvements to findGRangesCols
  - generateMap is now updated to the recent MultiAssayExperiment API
    with improved example
  - Updated getFileNames to most recent RTCGAToolbox API
  - Various updates to data generating scripts in data-raw folder
  - Format updates to NEWS file
  - Added tests

                        Changes in version 0.2.0                        

New features

  - Package renamed to TCGAutils for working with TCGA data

                        Changes in version 0.1.0                        

New features

  - TCGAtranslateID now works with GDC API

Minor changes and bug fixes

  - Code cleaned up
  - Added proper import directives

                       Changes in version 0.0.70                        

New features

  - makeGRangesListFromDataFrame now moved to GenomicRanges
  - makeSummarizedExperimentFromDataFrame now moved to
  - getFileNames function will obtain filenames used in RTCGAToolbox
  - Improved getFileNames with xml2 and rvest dependencies and removes
    the XML dependency

Minor changes and bug fixes

  - TCGAextract now uses the findGRangesCols to automatically detect
    ranged data columns
  - Arguments in functions TCGA* now renamed to match
    MultiAssayExperiment conventions
  - Informative errors in TCGAextract

                       Changes in version 0.0.60                        

  - makeGRangesListFromTCGA data builds on makeGRangesListFromDataFrame
  - makeGRangesListFromDataFrame and
    makeRangedSummarizedExperimentFromDataFrame will be moving to
    standard Bioconductor packages soon.
  - tcga and ccle functions soon to be deprecated.
  - Upcoming: TCGAbarcode will be modified for efficiency

                       Changes in version 0.0.50                        

  - Add your own identifier parsing function for generating a sampleMap
    in generateMap!
  - Add proper genome build to ranged based objects.
  - Return SummarizedExperiment class for certain data types.
  - Fix genome build bugs

                       Changes in version 0.0.46                        

  - makeRSE function for creating a RangedSummarizedExperiment object
    from a data frame.
  - Bug fixes to getRangeNames including the option to enter a regular
    expression vector for finding ranged column names.
  - matchClinical renamed to TCGAmatchClinical

                       Changes in version 0.0.44                        

  - getRangedNames function will try to extract minimum necessary names
    for creating ranges (works on a vector of names)
  - minor bug fixes to TCGAbiospec, TCGAextract, makeGRangesList

                       Changes in version 0.0.40                        

  - Package renamed to BiocInterfaces!
  - TCGA specific functions now start with the letters TCGA
  - Included: more examples of use of the TCGAbarcode function
  - Updated makeGRangesList function to work with tcga and ccle data
    parameter functions

                        Changes in version 0.0.2                        

  - Added a file to track changes to the package.
  - TCGAmisc now a standalone package! (previously in RTCGAToolbox)
  - Provides helper functions for converting raw data into S4 objects
    (e.g., GRangesList)
  - Provides functions for creating a MultiAssayExperiment object such
      - generateTCGAmap
      - cleanExpList