DEScan2 v1.11.2 - patching error with no score colname found by finalRegion functions DEScan2 v1.9.2 - adding support for narrow and broad peak loading DEScan2 v1.9.1 - removing check on chromosome string from callPeaks and keepRelevantChrs DEScan2 v1.3.2 - fixed finalRegions vignettes error - minor adjustment fixing DEScan2 v1.3.1 - fixed RleListToRleMatrix check error DEScan2 v1.1.2 - minor bug fixing DEScan2 v1.1.1 - updated vignette with parallel computing section DEScan2 v0.99.9 - finalRegions and findPeaks now works with bplapply - minor bug fixing DEScan2 v0.99.8 - countFinalRegions now creates the saving directory/ies DEScan2 v0.99.7 - countFinalRegions bug fixing on columnname parameter DEScan2 v0.99.6 - countFinalRegions added parameter for general carriers column name DEScan2 v0.99.5 - finalRegions bug on empty chromosomes fixed - test added on readFilesAsGRangesList - minor fixing DEScan2 v0.99.1 - finalRegions function now works on general mcols score by using the scorecolname parameter. DEScan2 v0.99.0 - findPeaks function works with GRanges objects and produces a GRangesList. - finalRegions function takes in input a GRangesList and returns a GRanges. - countFinalRegions function takes in input a GRanges with a z-score mcols and returns a SummarizedExperiment object with a matrix of counts as assay.