Changes in version 1.05.03 - rctbl_build() now wraps hyp objects into unlabled multihyp objects - rctbl_build() nested tables shows the number of enriched genesets Changes in version 1.05.02 - Correct file extensions (.rmd/.html) from output of hyp_to_rmd() - Relative paths are now supported by hyp_to_rmd() Changes in version 1.05.01 - Fixed bug for wrong column names from enrichr_available() - Added the first shiny module for geneset selection Changes in version 1.05.00 - Version bump for bioconductor - Fixed hyp_dots(merge=TRUE) bug where some genesets were not showing - Added support for fetching non-human Enrichr libraries (e.g. Yeast, Fly, Worm, Fish) - Better reporting through rctbl_hyp() and rctbl_mhyp() Changes in version 1.04.00 - Version bump for bioconductor Changes in version 1.03.01 - Ability to clean genesets names - Multiple signatures can now be merged into a single plot with hyp_dots(merge=TRUE) - Set the hyp_dots() legend title to the significance measure used - Versioning information used in export functions now includes parameters passed to hypeR() Changes in version 1.03.00 - Version bump for bioconductor Changes in version 1.02.00 - Added the genesets object with versioning - Downloaded genesets are now wrapped into gsets or rgsets objects automatically - Added functionality to download genesets directly from enrichr - Simplified functionality to download genesets via msigdbr - Genesets versioning is included by default in exporting/reporting functions - Tables now include the size of signatures, genesets, and the background distribution - Converted lapply() functions to mapply() - Removed option to disable titles when multiple signatures are plotted - Removed option to show/return plots - Some variable names across functions were made shorter or more clear - Version bump for bioconductor Changes in version 1.01.10 - Changed default order of elements under each tab in hyp_to_rmd() function Changes in version 1.01.09 - Published in Bioinformatics -