#!/bin/sh # run as root please # CREDITS bmarkus for some of his material export CFLAGS="-mtune=generic -Os -pipe" export CXX="g++ -flto -fuse-linker-plugin -mtune=generic -Os -pipe \ -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti" P=pcmanfm USER=`cat /etc/sysconfig/tcuser` # libfm-dev has heaps in it LIST="compiletc submitqc5 xz libfm-dev lxde-icon-theme " for Z in $LIST do su -c "tce-load -i $Z" $USER done cd /tmp su -c "wget http://internode.dl.sourceforge.net/project/pcmanfm/\ PCManFM%20%2B%20Libfm%20%28tarball%20release%29/PCManFM/\ pcmanfm-1.2.3.tar.xz " $USER su -c "/usr/local/bin/wget \ https://www.dropbox.com/s/4d932v5cb3mghx8/tceinstalled.txt?dl=0 \ -O /tmp/tceinstalled.txt " $USER xz -d $P-1.2.3.tar.xz tar xvf $P-1.2.3.tar cd $P-1.2.3 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local make -j5 mkdir -p /tmp/$P make install DESTDIR=/tmp/$P # Strip cd /tmp/$P find . | xargs file | grep "executable" | grep ELF | grep "not stripped" | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs strip --strip-unneeded 2> /dev/null find . | xargs file | grep "shared object" | grep ELF | grep "not stripped" | cut -f 1 -d : | xargs strip --strip-unneeded 2> /dev/null cd /tmp # add config file echo '# DO NOT EDIT! This file will be overwritten by LXAppearance. # Any customization should be done in ~/.gtkrc-2.0.mine instead. gtk-theme-name="Raleigh" gtk-icon-theme-name="nuoveXT2" gtk-font-name="Sans 10" gtk-cursor-theme-size=0 gtk-toolbar-style=GTK_TOOLBAR_BOTH gtk-toolbar-icon-size=GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR gtk-button-images=1 gtk-menu-images=1 gtk-enable-event-sounds=1 gtk-enable-input-feedback-sounds=1 gtk-xft-antialias=1 gtk-xft-hinting=1 gtk-xft-hintstyle="hintfull" include .gtkrc-2.0.mine ' > $P/usr/local/share/$P/.gtkrc-2.0 # create dev ######### mkdir -p $P-dev/usr/local mv $P/usr/local/include $P-dev/usr/local/ # create doc ########## mkdir -p $P-doc/usr/local/share mv $P/usr/local/share/man $P-doc/usr/local/share/ # create locale ########### mkdir -p $P-locale/usr/local/share mv $P/usr/local/share/locale $P-locale/usr/local/share/ # add pixmap add icon pathway ######################### mkdir -p $P/usr/local/share/pixmaps ICON=/usr/local/share/icons/nuoveXT2/48x48/apps/system-file-manager.png cp $ICON $P/usr/local/share/pixmaps/ echo "X-FullPathIcon=/usr/local/share/pixmaps/system-file-manager.png " >> $P/usr/local/share/applications/$P.desktop # create tce.installed ################ mkdir -p $P/usr/local/tce.installed cp tceinstalled.txt $P/usr/local/tce.installed/$P chown -R root:staff $P/usr/local/tce.installed chmod -R 775 $P/usr/local/tce.installed # TCZ them ######### cd /tmp LIST2="$P $P-dev $P-doc $P-locale " for Z in $LIST2 do mksquashfs $Z $Z.tcz md5sum $Z.tcz > $Z.tcz.md5.txt cd $Z find usr -not -type d > /tmp/$Z.tcz.list cd /tmp done # create dep files ############### echo "pcmanfm.tcz libfm-dev.tcz" > $P-dev.tcz.dep echo "pcmanfm.tcz" > $P-locale.tcz.dep echo "libfm.tcz dbus-glib.tcz cairo.tcz shared-mime-info.tcz lxde-icon-theme.tcz hicolor-icon-theme.tcz " > $P.tcz.dep # create info files let submitqc5 add size echo "Title: pcmanfm.tcz TESTING Description: Graphical File Manager Version: 1.2.3 Author: Hong Jen Yee, Brian Tarricone Original-site: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pcmanfm/ Copying-policy: GPL v2 Size: Extension_by: gordons64 Tags: pcmanfm file manager Comments: Graphical file manager normally for LXDE but can run as stand-alone. Runs on GTK2. Warning: all partitions may be automounted but no umount in this app. Use the mount tool to un-mount please. Adjust .config/pcmanfm/default/pcmanfm.conf if automount does not suit you, etc Compiled for Corepure64 6.x Change-log: 2015/08/20 First version Current: 2015/08/20 " > $P.tcz.info echo "Title: pcmanfm-dev.tcz Description: Dev files for pcmanfm Version: 1.2.3 Author: Hong Jen Yee Original-site: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pcmanfm/ Copying-policy: GPL v2 Size: Extension_by: gordons64 Tags: pcmanfm Comments: Development files Compiled for Corepure64 6.x Change-log: 2015/08/20 First version Current: 2015/08/20 " > $P-dev.tcz.info echo "Title: pcmanfm-doc.tcz Description: pcmanfm docs Version: 1.2.3 Author: Hong Jen Yee Original-site: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pcmanfm/ Copying-policy: GPL v2 Size: Extension_by: gordons64 Tags: pcmanfm Comments: Contains man page Compiled for Corepure64 6.x Change-log: 2015/08/20 First version Current: 2015/08/20 " > $P-doc.tcz.info echo "Title: pcmanfm-locale.tcz Description: locales Version: 1.2.3 Author: Hong Jen Yee Original-site: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pcmanfm/ Copying-policy: GPL v2 Size: Extension_by: gordons64 Tags: pcmanfm locale Comments: for non-English users Compiled for Corepure64 6.x Change-log: 2015/08/20 First version Current: 2015/08/20 " > $P-locale.tcz.info submitqc5