Title: weston.ini.tcz Description: Create read-write weston.ini file Version: 2 Author: aus9 Original-site: Cheating off https://www.mankier.com/5/weston.ini and modes mainly https://www.mankier.com/7/weston-drm Copying-policy: Open source Size: 4.0K Extension_by: aus9 @linuxquestions.org Tags: weston Comments: Read Write file= ~/.config/weston.ini Install script does not overwrite any existing ini file At time of posting, there is a broken pipe issue if you run $ tce-load in weston-terminal so I have changed the ini to show sakura but its not a dep! sakura is gtk3 so can run on pure wayland. After downloading this TCE, load it and edit it to your preferences using links above. weston does not have xwayland as a dep. Its needed if you intend to run any of the fltk GUIs eg exittc, mntttol, apps. I have disabled xwayland in 2 settings in case you prefer not to use xwayland. Without xwayland run $ exitcheck.sh reboot (to reboot) or drop reboot to poweroff Change-log: 2018/11/27 v 1 2024/04/05 v 2 Current: 2024/04/22 fix xwayland & mention sakura terminal for broken pipe issue