Title: tint.tcz Description: A text-mode Tetris(tm) clone Version: 0.03b Author: Abraham vd Merwe Original-site: http://oasis.frogfoot.net/code/tint/ Copying-policy: Derivative of the BSD licence Size: 12K Extension_by: CNK Tags: game Comments: "TINT Is Not Tetris(tm) ...at least the name isn't". A small, light Tetris(tm) clone that runs in the terminal and is very similar to the original DOS program. The website is now offline but is archived here: http://web.archive.org/web/20090912192119/http://oasis.frogfoot.net/code/tint/ Add usr/local/var/games/tint.scores to /opt/.filetool.lst if you want to save the scores file between reboots. ---- Compiled for TC Pure64 13.x ---- Change-log: 2022/02/23 First packaged version, 0.03b Current: 2022/02/23 First packaged version, 0.03b