Title: imagemagick.tcz Description: CLI image editor Version: 7.1.1-30 Author: ImageMagick Studio LLC Original-site: https://www.imagemagick.org Copying-policy: accompanied as per ImageMagick Studio LLC LICENSE Size: 3.8M Extension_by: aus9 @ linuxquestions.org Tags: image Comments: Can convert or display most formats, eg $ convert input.png output.svg $ display output.svg *.la files needed for conversion One wiki is https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/ImageMagick If you have no terminal button to close a displayed image, try pressing the escape key svg needs librsvg, webp needs libwebp1, tiff needs libtiff jp2 needs openjpeg, png needs libpng jpeg/jpg needs libjpeg-turbo wmf disabled this build but works with TCE=graphicsmagick Change-log: 2015/05/27 v 6.9.1-0 (Juanito) 2016/09/04 v 6.9.5-8 2019/04/27 v 6.9.10-42 2020/10/07 v 7.0.10-27 Current: 2024/04/15 v 7.1.1-30 drop wmf support on 15x (aus9)