Title: atom.tcz Description: The hackable text editor Version: 1.59.0 Author: see list of sites below Original-site: https://atom.io/ Copying-policy: MIT Size: 200M Extension_by: polikuo Tags: GNOME GTK Utility TextEditor Development Comments: You'll likely need graphics-KERNEL.tcz to run this. Some ancient graphic cards may not run at all. ---------- IMPORTANT: You'll need wget.tcz for the first run $ tce-load -i wget $ sudo rm -f /usr/bin/wget $ sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/wget /usr/bin/wget $ atom $ filetool.sh -b ---------- Occasionally, requires python3.tcz / perl5.tcz ---------- This extension contains: atom-1.59.0 - MIT - https://github.com/atom/atom/archive/refs/tags/v1.59.0.tar.gz ---------- Compiled for 13.x x86_64 ---------- Change-log: 2021/03/21 First version 2022/02/10 1.55.0 --> 1.59.0 Current: 2022/02/10 1.55.0 --> 1.59.0