#!/bin/sh # ###################################################### # Build script for Core 11 # # # # See .info for details # ###################################################### # This application will use a python3 virtual environment because it has # specific version dependencies on other python packages. If we used separate # extensions for each python package, and those packages were later upgraded # to newer versions, this application would probably stop working. By using # a virtual environment, we can freeze the dependencies just for this # application's running environment. ###################################################### # Prepare extension creation # ###################################################### tce-load -iw python3.6 tce-load -wi python-pip.tcz tce-load -iw python3.6-dev.tcz tce-load -wi libffi-dev.tcz tce-load -iw getlocale.tcz tce-load -wi compiletc.tcz tce-load -wi squashfs-tools.tcz tce-load -wi tree.tcz ###################################################### # Configure extension creation parameters # ###################################################### # Variables TODAY=`date +%Y/%m/%d` PACKAGE="octoprint" VERSION="1.4.0" DESCRIPTION="OctoPrint provides a snappy web interface for controlling consumer 3D printers" AUTHORS="OctoPrint" HOMEPAGE="https://github.com/OctoPrint/OctoPrint" LICENSE="GNU Affero General Public License V3" ME="Snackman8" TAGS="octoprint 3d printer" TMPDIR=/tmp/submit/${PACKAGE} DOWNLOAD="https://github.com/OctoPrint/OctoPrint/archive/${VERSION}.tar.gz" ###################################################### # Create the virtual env # ###################################################### # we must create the virtual env where it will be located in the deployed extension # because venv hardcodes paths into the virtual environment sudo python3.6 -m venv /usr/local/lib/${PACKAGE}_venv --system-site-packages source /usr/local/lib/${PACKAGE}_venv/bin/activate ###################################################### # Download Source Code # ###################################################### # Workdir sudo rm -r /tmp/${PACKAGE} 2>/dev/null mkdir /tmp/${PACKAGE} cd /tmp/${PACKAGE} # Source wget ${DOWNLOAD} -O ${PACKAGE}-${VERSION}.tar.gz tar xf ${PACKAGE}-${VERSION}.tar.gz cd OctoPrint-${VERSION} ###################################################### # Compile extension # ###################################################### # download and install the English UTF-8 locale since this application won't run using the "C" locale sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/locale sudo localedef -i en_US -f UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8 export LC_ALL=en_US.utf8 tree -ifx / > /tmp/${PACKAGE}/files_before_install.txt sudo pip install . tree -ifx / > /tmp/${PACKAGE}/files_after_install.txt ###################################################### # Prepare for Packaging # ###################################################### sudo rm -r ${TMPDIR}* 2>/dev/null mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}/usr/local/bin mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}/usr/lib/locale mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}/usr/local/lib mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}/usr/local/tce.installed cp -r /usr/lib/locale ${TMPDIR}/usr/lib/ cp -r /usr/local/lib/octoprint_venv ${TMPDIR}/usr/local/lib/ # change the default setting of octoprint to use the user's home directory to install plugins so TC can persiste them sed -i 's/pip_force_user=False/pip_force_user=True/g' ${TMPDIR}/usr/local/lib/octoprint_venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/octoprint/plugins/pluginmanager/__init__.py # create an octoprint in /usr/local/bin which will activate the virtual environment and call the octoprint in # the virtual enviroment. It will also make sure ~/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages exists. We do this at runtime # since we don't know which user will be running this application during installation echo "mkdir -p ~/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages && LC_ALL=en_US.utf8 /usr/local/lib/octoprint_venv/bin/octoprint" > ${TMPDIR}/usr/local/bin/octoprint chmod +x ${TMPDIR}/usr/local/bin/octoprint ################################################### # Create info file # ################################################### cd /tmp/submit/ cat < ${PACKAGE}.tcz.info Title: ${PACKAGE}.tcz Description: ${DESCRIPTION} Version: ${VERSION} Author: ${AUTHORS} Original-site: ${HOMEPAGE} Copying-policy: ${LICENSE} Size: ${size} Extension_by: ${ME} Tags: ${TAGS} Comments: OctoPrint provides a snappy web interface for controlling consumer 3D printers Change-log: ${TODAY} first verion, ${VERSION} Current: ${TODAY} first verion, ${VERSION} EOF ################################################### # Create .dep file # ################################################### cat < ${PACKAGE}.tcz.dep python3.6.tcz expat2.tcz libffi.tcz EOF ################################################### # Create install script file # ################################################### cat < $TMPDIR/usr/local/tce.installed/${PACKAGE} #!/bin/sh EOF find $TMPDIR/ -type d | xargs chmod -v 755; cd $TMPDIR find $TMPDIR -perm 777 -exec chmod 755 {} \; find $TMPDIR -perm 555 -exec chmod 755 {} \; find $TMPDIR -perm 444 -exec chmod 644 {} \; find $TMPDIR -perm 666 -exec chmod 644 {} \; find $TMPDIR -perm 664 -exec chmod 644 {} \; sudo chown -R root:root $TMPDIR sudo chown -R root:staff $TMPDIR/usr/local/tce.installed sudo chmod -R 775 $TMPDIR/usr/local/tce.installed cd /tmp/submit/ mksquashfs $TMPDIR ${PACKAGE}.tcz cd $TMPDIR sudo sh -c "find usr -not -type d > ${PACKAGE}.tcz.list" sudo mv ../${PACKAGE}.tcz . sudo mv ../${PACKAGE}.tcz.dep . sudo mv ../${PACKAGE}.tcz.info . # Create md5 file sudo sh -c "md5sum ${PACKAGE}.tcz > ${PACKAGE}.tcz.md5.txt" # Cleanup temp directory sudo rm -r -f usr