% % This file presents the 'numeric-comp' style % \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[american]{babel} \usepackage{csquotes} \usepackage[style=numeric-comp,subentry,backend=biber]{biblatex} \usepackage{hyperref} \addbibresource{biblatex-examples.bib} % Some generic settings. \newcommand{\cmd}[1]{\texttt{\textbackslash #1}} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \begin{document} \section*{The \texttt{numeric-comp} style} This style is similar to \texttt{numeric} except that a list of multiple citations is sorted and any sequence of more than two consecutive numbers is formatted as a range. This style will implicitly enable the \texttt{sortcites} package option at load time. \subsection*{Additional package options} \subsubsection*{The \texttt{subentry} option} The option \texttt{subentry} affects the handling of citations referring to members of a reference set. If this option is enabled, such citations get an extra letter which identifies the member (it is also printed in the bibliography): \cite{glashow,yoon,salam,aksin,companion}. This option is disabled by default, but it has been enabled in this example. If disabled, citations referring to a set member will point to the entire set, i.e., the above citations would come out as \begingroup\boolfalse{bbx:subentry}% don't try this at home \cite{stdmodel,set,stdmodel,set,companion}. \endgroup \subsection*{The \texttt{subentrycomp} option} The option \texttt{subentrycomp} controls whether or not citations to subentries of the same sets are compressed as well. It only becomes relevant if \texttt{subentry} is set to \texttt{true}, with \texttt{subentry=false} it has no effect. If \texttt{subentrycomp} is enabled, subentries that belong to the same set are shown in a more compact form: \cite{glashow,herrmann,aksin,yoon,salam,companion}. If the option is disabled, subentries of sets are shown as in the \texttt{numeric} style: \begingroup\togglefalse{cbx:subentrycomp}% don't try this at home \cite{glashow,herrmann,aksin,yoon,salam,companion}. \endgroup This option is implemented for backwards compatibility, earlier versions of \texttt{biblatex} behaved like \texttt{subentrycomp=false}, current versions have \texttt{subentrycomp=true} enabled. \subsection*{Multiple citations} \cite{bertram,augustine} \cite{murray,bertram,augustine,companion,cotton} \cite{augustine,bertram,cotton,hammond,set,massa,murray} \cite{bertram,companion,cotton,augustine,massa,set,hammond,murray,stdmodel} \cite{yoon,weinberg} \subsection*{Multiple citations with \cmd{supercite}} This is just filler text.\supercite{bertram,augustine} This is just filler text.\supercite{murray,bertram,augustine,companion,cotton} This is just filler text.\supercite{augustine,bertram,cotton,hammond,set,massa,murray} This is just filler text.\supercite{bertram,companion,cotton,augustine,massa,set,hammond,murray,stdmodel} This is just filler text.\supercite{yoon,weinberg} \clearpage \printbibliography \end{document}