# SYNOPSIS Sparrowdo module to run goss scenarios. # Travis build status [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/melezhik/sparrowdo-goss.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/melezhik/sparrowdo-goss) # INSTALL $ panda install Sparrowdo::Goss # USAGE Here are few examples. ## Install goss binary $ cat sparrowfile module_run 'Goss', %( action => 'install' ); # will install into default location - /usr/bin/goss module_run 'Goss', %( action => 'install', install_path => '/home/user' ); # will install into users location - /home/user/bin ## Runs goss scenarios Pass goss ymal as is: $ cat sparrowfile module_run 'Goss', %( title => 'mysql checks', yaml => << q:to/HERE/); port: tcp:3306: listening: true ip: - service: mysql: enabled: true running: true process: mysqld: running: true HERE Use your favorite templater to populate goss yamls: $ cat mysql.goss.yaml port: tcp:{{port}}: listening: true $ cat sparrowfile use Template::Mustache; module_run 'Goss', %( title => 'mysql tcp port check', yaml => Template::Mustache.render('mysql.goss.yaml'.IO.slurp, { port => '3306' }) ); Sets path to goss binary: module_run 'Goss', %( install_path => '/home/user', yaml => '...', title => '...' ); # Author Alexey Melezhik # See also [goss](https://github.com/aelsabbahy/goss)