CGI::Application::Plugin::CAPTCHA - Easily create, use, and verify
CAPTCHAs in CGI::Application-based web applications.
Version 0.04
# In your CGI::Application-based web application module. . .
use CGI::Application::Plugin::CAPTCHA;
sub setup
my $self = shift;
$self->run_modes([ qw/
# Your other run modes go here
width => 150,
height => 40,
lines => 10,
font => "/Library/Fonts/Arial",
ptsize => 18,
bgcolor => "#FFFF00",
CREATE_OPTIONS => [ 'ttf', 'rect' ],
# Create a run mode that calls the CAPTCHA creation method...
sub create
my $self = shift;
return $self->captcha_create;
# In a template far, far away. . .
(to generate a CAPTCHA image)
# Back in your application, to verify the CAPTCHA...
sub some_other_runmode
my $self = shift;
my $request = $self->query;
return unless $self->captcha_verify($request->cookie("hash"), $request->param("verify"));
"CGI::Application::Plugin::CAPTCHA" allows programmers to easily add and
verify CAPTCHAs in their CGI::Application-derived web applications.
A CAPTCHA (or Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers
and Humans Apart) is an image with a random string of characters. A user
must successfully enter the random string in order to submit a form.
This is a simple (yet annoying) procedure for humans to complete, but
one that is significantly more difficult for a form-stuffing script to
complete without having to integrate some sort of OCR.
CAPTCHAs are not a perfect solution. Any skilled, diligent cracker will
eventually be able to bypass a CAPTCHA, but it should be able to shut
down your average script-kiddie.
"CGI::Application::Plugin::CAPTCHA" is a wrapper for GD::SecurityImage.
It makes it more convenient to access GD::SecurityImage functionality,
and gives a more CGI::Application-like way of doing it.
When a CAPTCHA is created with this module, raw image data is
transmitted from your web application to the client browser. A cookie
containing a checksum is also transmitted with the image. When the
client submits their form for processing (along with their verification
of the random string), "captcha_verify()" generates a checksum of the
verification string the user entered. If the newly generated checksum
matches the checksum found in the cookie, we trust that the CAPTCHA has
been successfully entered, and we allow the user to continue processing
their form.
The checksum is generated by taking the string in question, and joining
it with a SECRET. We then generate an SHA1 hex digest of the resulting
string. The end user will not be able to generate their own checksums to
bypass the CAPTCHA check, because they do not know the value of our
SECRET. This means it is important to choose a good value for your
An easy way to generate a relatively good secret is to run the following
perl snippet:
perl -MDigest::SHA1=sha1_base64 -le 'print sha1_base64($$,time(),rand(9999))'
The author recognizes that the transmission of a cookie with the CAPTCHA
image may not be a popular decision, and welcomes any patches from those
who can provide an equally easy-to-implement solution.
This method is used to customize how new CAPTCHA images will be created.
Values specified here are passed along to the appropriate functions in
GD::SecurityImage when a new CAPTCHA is created.
It is recommended that you call "captcha_config()" in the
"cgiapp_init()" method of your CGI::Application base class, and in the
"setup()" method of any derived applications.
The following parameters are currently accepted:
This specifies what options will be passed to the constructor of
GD::SecurityImage. Please see the documentation for GD::SecurityImage
for more information.
This specifies what options will be passed to the "create()" method of
GD::SecurityImage. Please see the documentation for GD::SecurityImage
for more information.
This specifies what options will be passed to the "particle()" method of
GD::SecurityImage. Please see the documentation for GD::SecurityImage
for more information.
This specifies the secret that will be used when generating the checksum
Creates the CAPTCHA image, and return a cookie with the encrypted hash
of the random string. Takes no arguments.
The cookie created in this method is named "hash", and contains only the
encrypted hash. Future versions of this module will allow you to specify
cookie options in greater detail.
Verifies that the value entered by the user matches what was in the
CAPTCHA image. Argument 1 is the encrypted hash from the cookie sent by
"captcha_create()", and argument 2 is the value the user entered to
verify the CAPTCHA image. Returns true if the CAPTCHA was successfully
verified, else returns false.
Jason A. Crome, ""
* Allow "captcha_config()" to take cookie configuration arguments.
* Allow the plugin to actually create a run mode in your
CGI::Application-based webapp without the developer having to
manually create one.
Please report any bugs or feature requests to
"", or through the web
interface at
. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified
of progress on your bug as I make changes.
Patches, questions, and feedback are welcome.
A big thanks to Cees Hek for providing a great module for me to borrow
code from (CGI::Application::Plugin::Session), to Michael Peters and
Tony Fraser for all of their valuable input, and to the rest who
contributed ideas and criticisms on the CGI::Application mailing list.
Additional thanks to chorny and Cees for the various bug fixes and
patches they have submitted.
CGI::Application GD::SecurityImage Wikipedia entry for CAPTCHA -
Copyright 2005-2011 Jason A. Crome, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.