# [Manjaro Linux JP](https://sourceforge.net/projects/manjaro-jp/) ## Japanese language support for [Manjaro Linux](https://manjaro.org/)  The default includes support for Japanese input and display, including the live environment. [kernel-6.3 series(stable)](https://kernel.org/). We plan to provide three types of official environments: KDE, Xfce, and GNOME. The distribution files include ISO and some package files. Please start from a USB memory or SSD disk, etc. Starting from a USB memory may be easier with [Ventoy](https://ventoy.net/). It is recommended to format the first partition as ext4 during the introduction of Ventoy. ### Main Features The Linux kernel is adopted with the latest version as much as possible. Clang is used for kernel building. Japanese input (fcitx5-mozc) and Japanese font are standardly installed. The standard browser is either the flatpak version of [Firefox](https://www.mozilla.org/ja/firefox/browsers/) or [Floorp](https://floorp.ablaze.one/). Flatpak version of [LibreOffice](https://www.libreoffice.org) is standardly installed as an office software. The live environment & installation ISO is published at the following distribution site. Please feel free to try it out. ##### Notes 1. Does not support Secure Boot It is not supported, so please disable Secure Boot in BIOS settings. (If you want secure boot support, Ubuntu is faster. There are multiple desktop environments provided in [Ubuntu flavours](https://ubuntu.com/desktop/flavours).) 2. If the installer screen disappears during installation In many cases, it can be avoided by setting the swap partition manually. If the swap partition is /dev/sdX, try to manually enable swap with the following command. ``` sudo mkswap /dev/sdX sudo swapon /dev/sdX ``` ``` # If swap is not enabled, use lsblk to examine the device and enable the swap partition. [[ $(swapon --show) == "" ]] && SWAP=$(lsblk -l -f -n -p | awk '{if ($2=="swap") print $1}') && ( sudo swapon $SWAP || (sudo mkswap $SWAP && sudo swapon $SWAP) ) ``` Also, specify the target that is excluded from OOM killer (force termination) with the following command. ``` pidof -xw Xwayland calamares_polkit|xargs -n1 sudo choom -n -1000 -p pidof -xw gnome-shell gnome-session-binary xdg-desktop-portal-gnome gdm gjs gvfsd-fuse udisksd | xargs -n1 sudo choom -n -1000 -p ``` ##### Addition: 2023-02-11 In the latest version (2023-02-11~) of [Manjaro-JP](https://sourceforge.net/projects/manjaro-jp/), the above measures have been added. Additionally, the installer has been modified to add a process to enable the swap partition during installation. Feedback has already been provided to [Calamares](https://github.com/calamares/calamares/pull/2102/commits/79d796a437ad039745147c62a652035d4cd882fe). ##### Addition: 2023-02-27 The above feedback indicates that swap may not be enabled depending on how the partition is configured. Therefore, as an additional measure, the use of zram-generator has been added. --- ### Place of distribution [![OSDN](https://osdn.net/sflogo.php?group_id=14185&type=1)](https://osdn.net/projects/manjaro-jp/) | [Manjaro-Linux-jp at OSDN](https://osdn.net/projects/manjaro-jp/) ---|--- [![SourceForge](https://sourceforge.net/sflogo.php?group_id=66882&type=5)](https://sourceforge.net/projects/manjaro-jp/) | [Manjaro-Linux-jp at SourceForge](https://sourceforge.net/projects/manjaro-jp/) [![MEGA](https://mega.nz/favicon.ico)](https://mega.nz/folder/YOVmSaxD#JUuILxlHAM9bdyx3DKLD0A) | [Manjaro-Linux-jp at MEGA](https://mega.nz/folder/YOVmSaxD#JUuILxlHAM9bdyx3DKLD0A) Thank you for the valuable storage. It is distributed in the above three places. [MEGA Storage](https://mega.nz/folder/YOVmSaxD#JUuILxlHAM9bdyx3DKLD0A") is recommended as you can upload files larger than 4G. If you want to download from MEGA Storage using the command line, megatools is useful. ``` sudo pacman -S megatools ``` ``` megatools dl --choose-files https://mega.nz/folder/YOVmSaxD#JUuILxlHAM9bdyx3DKLD0A ``` --- ### Memo ##### Changes in manjaro-tools-iso 1. The source of the packages used in buildiso is set to the first line of the mirrorlist as the standard. By default, the mirrorlist is not loaded and the EU server is used. 2. To prioritize inclusion of packages that I have prepared, the priority of the repository specified in user-repos.conf has been given priority. Mainly to include the latest version of the kernel. 3. Calamares Installer Adjustments At the time of starting the installer, if a swap partition exists, the swap has been enabled. Because the mount may be removed during installation, the process to re-enable the swap partition has been added before the copying of the installation files begins. In addition, by specifying programs that are not subject to OOM killer, which is a function to forcibly terminate a program by the kernel under high loads, the installation has been adjusted so that it does not forcibly terminate. ### Update History
Our History ##### 20220401 kernel-5.17.1 (clang build) linux517-broadcom-wl,linux517-zfs package was also built and added. The modifications to the broadcom-wl-dkms package and other information can be found in the [Packages folder](https://gitlab.com/phoepsilonix/Manjaro-jp/-/tree/main/Packages/broadcom-wl-dkms). ##### 20220408 The only standard browser is [Vivaldi](https://vivaldi.com/). You are of course free to change to any other browser. The initial value of GRUB at boot time in the live environment has been changed for Japan. ##### 20220411 Fixed a bug in package update. Added Japanese fonts. Morisawa BIZ UD font [Morisawa Inc.](https://www.morisawa.co.jp/) [released under SIL OFL license](https://www.morisawa.co.jp/about/news/6706) [Morisawa BIZ UD Mincho](https://github.com/googlefonts/morisawa-biz-ud-mincho), [Morisawa BIZ UD Gothic](https://github.com/googlefonts/morisawa-biz-ud-gothic) are preinstalled. The fonts are the same as the ones released on Github. License file etc. are also included. (I also built it myself and found no differences in the binaries.) For more information, please check the above original site or the Github document. Support [Morisawa BIZ+ font](https://www.morisawa.co.jp/products/fonts/bizplus/lineup/). ##### 20220413 Morisawa BIZ UD font package has been registered with AUR. ##### 20220414 Updated to kernel-5.17.3. ##### 20220421 Updated to kernel-5.17.4. ##### 20220422 Changed Japanese input to fcitx5-mozc. ##### 20220424 Enabled Japanese keyboard and Mozc by default. ##### 20220428 kernel-5.17.5 ##### 20220510 kernel-5.17.6 ##### 20220513 The desktop environment GNOME has been updated to GNOME42. ##### 20220517 kernel-5.17.8 ##### 20220519 kernel-5.17.9 ##### 20220526 kernel-5.17.11 ##### 20220527 Updated nvidia driver version to 515.43.04. Added kernel-5.18 series. ##### 20220531 kernel-5.17.12 kernel-5.18.1 ##### 20220607 kernel-5.17.13 kernel-5.18.2 ##### 20220608 Office Software Related Changes. Eliminated the selection of office software in the installer. Mainly to reduce space requirements, we eliminated the selection of office software in the installer and changed the standard installed office software from onlyoffice-desktopeditor to libreoffice-fresh. ##### 20220611 kernel-5.17.14 kernel-5.18.3 Updated nvidia driver version to 515.48.07. Fixed virtualbox-host-dkms to build on linux518. Added nginx-quic package and other packages to manjaro-jp repository, although they are not included in ISO. Included manjaro-jp repository in pacman.conf. ##### 20220614 Bug fixes in the installer. Changed editor from gedit to gnome-text-editor in GNOME version. ##### 20220619 kernel-5.18.5 ##### 20220624 kernel-5.18.6 Switched from audio-related manjaro-pulse to manjaro-pipewire. ##### 20220627 kernel-5.18.7 ##### 20220630 kernel-5.18.8 nvidia-utils 515.57 ##### 20220703 kernel-5.18.9 ##### 20220706 cups-browsed enabled. The ipp-usb package has been added. ##### 20220709 kernel-5.18.10 ##### 20220714 kernel-5.18.11 ##### 20220716 kernel-5.18.12 ##### 20220725 kernel-5.18.14 ##### 20220731 kernel-5.18.15 ##### 20220805 kernel-5.18.16 nvidia-utils 515.65 ##### 20220812 kernel-5.18.17 ##### 20220819 kernel-5.18.18 ##### 20220823 kernel-5.18.19 ##### 20220827 kernel-5.19.4 ##### 20220902 kernel-5.19.6 ##### 20220907 kernel-5.19.7 ##### 20220910 kernel-5.19.8 ##### 20220917 kernel-5.19.9 ##### 20220922 kernel-5.19.10 ##### 20220925 kernel-5.19.11 nvidia-utils 515.76 ##### 20221003 kernel-5.19.12 ##### 20221006 kernel-5.19.14 ##### 20221013 kernel-5.19.15 nvidia-utils 520.56.06-1 ##### 20221016 kernel-5.19.16 nvidia-utils 520.56.06-2 ##### 20221025 kernel-6.0.3 The standard browser was changed to [Floorp](https://floorp.ablaze.one/). ##### 20221105 kernel-6.0.7 mkinitcpio-32-2 ##### 20221112 The flatpak version [Firefox](https://www.mozilla.org/ja/firefox/browsers/) or [Floorp](https://floorp.ablaze.one/) is used as the standard browser. kernel-6.0.8 ##### 20221118 kernel-6.0.9 ##### 20221128 kernel-6.0.10 Changed LibreOffice to the flatpak version. Changed fcitx5's default keyboard to jp-kana86. The initial font of gnome-terminal has been changed to FirgeNerd Console. The following fonts are now pre-installed. [Firge: programming font synthesised from Fira Mono and Genjyu Gothic Firge (Firge)](https://github.com/yuru7/Firge) [HackGen: programming font combining Hack and Genju Gothic Hakugen (HackGen)](https://github.com/yuru7/HackGen) ##### 20221206 kernel-6.0.11 ##### 20221210 kernel-6.0.12 ##### 20221215 kernel-6.0.13 ##### 20221220 kernel-6.0.14 ##### 20221224 kernel-6.0.15 ##### 20230101 kernel-6.1.2 ##### 20230107 kernel-6.1.3 nvidia-utils 525.78.01 ##### 20230108 kernel-6.1.4 ##### 20230113 kernel-6.1.5 ##### 20230116 kernel-6.1.6 ##### 20230120 kernel-6.1.7 nvidia-utils 525.85.05 ##### 20230127 manjaro-release 22.0.1 kernel-6.1.8 nvidia-utils 525.85.05 ##### 20230204 manjaro-release 22.0.2 kernel-6.1.9 ##### 20230211 kernel-6.1.11 nvidia-utils 525.89.02 The URL of Manjaro-jp repository has been changed from OSDN to OSDN Web. (It may be temporary.) The ISO files are distributed on [SourceForge](https://sourceforge.net/projects/manjaro-jp/). A few modifications have been made to the Calamares installer. (Reducing the cases where the installer is forcibly terminated during high loads.) ##### 20230214 manjaro-release 22.0.3 ##### 20230217 kernel-6.1.12 ##### 20230223 manjaro-release 22.0.4 kernel-6.2 ##### 20230227 kernel-6.2.1 zram-generator ##### 20230304 kernel-6.2.2 ##### 20230306 sway ##### 20230315 kernel-6.2.6 [fcitx5-mozc-with-jp-dict](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/fcitx5-mozc-with-jp-dict) ##### 20230318 manjaro-release 22.0.5 kernel-6.2.7 * We have temporarily released a package that has not been fully tested to work. Please try to reinstall the package distributed by the Manjaro official distribution with the following command. ``` sudo pacman-static -S core/curl ``` ##### 20230324 kernel-6.2.8 ##### 20230401 kernel-6.2.9 ##### 20230407 kernel-6.2.10 ##### 20230414 kernel-6.2.11 ##### 20230422 kernel-6.2.12 ##### 20230427 kernel-6.2.13 ##### 20230503 kernel-6.2.14 ##### 20230513 kernel-6.2.15 ##### 20230518 kernel-6.2.16 ##### 20230525 kernel-6.1.30 ##### 20230607 kernel-6.1.32
##### 20230611 kernel-6.3.7 ##### 20230615 kernel-6.3.8 nvidia-utils-535.54.03 ##### 20230622 kernel-6.3.9 ##### 20230627 kernel-6.4.0 ##### 20230629 nvidia-470xx-utils-470.199.02-2 ##### 20230703 kernel-6.4.1 ##### 20230707 kernel-6.4.2 --- Note: As a reference, an additional note. If you have a PC with Linux installed, you can also create a dual-boot environment with (no official support) ChromeOS, as long as you have some knowledge. This is for those who are interested. Please refer to [this link](https://github.com/sebanc/brunch/blob/master/install-with-linux.md) for reference.([Japanese](https://phoepsilonix.love/linux%E3%81%A8chromeos%E3%81%AE%E3%83%87%E3%83%A5%E3%82%A2%E3%83%AB%E3%83%96%E3%83%BC%E3%83%88%E7%92%B0%E5%A2%83%E3%82%92%E6%A7%8B%E7%AF%89%E3%81%97%E3%81%BE%E3%81%97%E3%82%87%E3%81%86%E3%80%82)) --- Other recommended OS [Endless OS | Endless Computers](https://endlessos.com/) --- ``` [manjaro-jp] SigLevel = Optional TrustAll Server = https://osdn.net/projects/manjaro-jp/storage/manjaro-jp/ ``` ``` [manjaro-jp] SigLevel = Optional TrustAll Server = https://manjaro-jp.osdn.jp/manjaro-jp/ ``` [Manjaro-JP at gitlab](https://gitlab.com/phoepsilonix/Manjaro-jp/) [Manjaro-JP at github](https://github.com/phoepsilonix/Manjaro-jp/) [Manjaro-JP at sf](https://sourceforge.net/projects/manjaro-jp/) [manjaro-jp at OSDN](https://osdn.net/projects/manjaro-jp/) (GPG signing public key:536487F1470D7187) [ofuse](https://ofuse.me/phoepsilonix) [give me OniGiri](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/phoepsilonix) [Patreon](https://patreon.com/user?u=87853674&utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_link) BTC ```15wwyVLTCtd1i4tuArwAcsCYPb2YBFH1CB``` ETH(main net) ```0x6d814317881ee2ea617fa6989f255f19b949eb60``` USDT(ERC20) ```0x7e92844d51094eb164a7f4444524b55c31748546```