libxcb-xfixes0-1.13-150000.3.11.1<>,xf5ep9| (Ste7#6wМ@NpFAuZ5DZfm HǓ.H~u>UG|@+W}hG_K(O Ǐkx?%5DrɇK2nɽ~(`y |:ٱ[DIA^50}[<`} yjּQ| 7)=+1$@U]#VBDk3{Vx~Q>@?d $ Cpt     $ , n  <  (A8H 9t :B >@FGHIXY(\P]X^bc7defluvwdxlytzClibxcb-xfixes01.13150000.3.11.1X11 Xfixes Extension C libraryThe X protocol C-language Binding (XCB) is a replacement for Xlib featuring a small footprint, latency hiding, direct access to the protocol, improved threading support, and extensibility. The X Fixes extension provides applications with work-arounds for various limitations in the core protocol.f5eh01-ch4dxpSUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC MIT    /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/[r@Z1@Z_:ZS]@ZOhZ:PZ.s@ZW=VzU* u_don-t-flag-extra-reply-in-xcb_take_socket.patch * Fix IO errors with KWin in combination with NVIDIA driver. (bnc#1101560)- Update to version 1.13 * As with xcb-proto, this release mainly enables multi-planar buffers in DRI3 v1.2 via support for variable-sized lists of FDs, and enables sending GenericEvents to other clients. Present v1.2 and RandR v1.6 did not require any specific library changes. - supersedes U_add-support-for-eventstruct.patch, u_build_python3.patch- Really conditionalize the python3 option to allow us building without any python2 present * u_build_python3.patch - Convert to pkgconfig style deps - Format bit with spec-cleaner- Enable xinput extension. (bnc#1074249) - U_add-support-for-eventstruct.patch * Update xinput to the state when it was enabled by default upstream.- n_If-auth-with-credentials-for-hostname-fails-retry-with-XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME.patch * Prevent infinite loop also in case DISPLAY is non-local.- Use spaces instead of tabs in the patches (as does the original source code) to avoid confusion. - n_If-auth-with-credentials-for-hostname-fails-retry-with-XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME.patch * If authentication (with *stage == 0) failed and the variable XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME wasn't set, we were never getting to stage 2 in the original patch, causing calls to xcb_connect_to_display to be stuck in an infinite loop. Now we also go to stage 2 if the variable isn't set.- fixes build against python3 (package rename of python-xcb-proto-devel to python3-xcb-proto-devel)- n_If-auth-with-credentials-for-hostname-fails-retry-with-XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME.patch * Modify this patch to do what it say - retry not only if the current hostname is not found in the xauthority file, but also when it is rejected by X server. (bnc#1043221)- Update to version 1.12 * here is a new version of libxcb for you to enjoy. The highlights are the same as for the new xcb-proto release: xinput support, RandR 1.5 and an automatic alignment checker. - removed libxcb-xevie0/libxcb-xprint0 subpackages- n_If-auth-with-credentials-for-hostname-fails-retry-with-XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME.patch: If auth with credentials for hostname fails retry with XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME (boo#906622).- Update to version 1.11.1: This fixes some threading-related bugs with xcb_wait_for_special_event() and adds 64-bit versions of functions that work with sequence numbers./sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfigh01-ch4d -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=a036a465037d4d5135e5fec0292c629a307d28a6, strippedPRRRRؖ^zyVsnoutf-8b3b05359297d63b6ce6e69e328e0f3142b84948d9070c37be53ec487681020e8?7zXZ !t/]"k%ndK6f<F( VI 1+}*Ry*OՐ6J077MUBX n#kR+0:2 d*P)o,=C[pֵeɹ/h*М{K.kMhiol~AA{&bWM8--g3;HPP(Cn9]U';ɱ -$pmD'\%%HkkφUoXX: v 2q'ލ/Ø5<=3׎tr!S;L1^ X2 >l1Aqe=9fq^zGMU [z4<`Pic+`=PdxQ~VڗG򞕈f`t!bh|lmB8*p7j3;^i]B/*mLU ;[GNAX}ߒ軗bɝG)&C(21ن &{7̐:%75AKK{TZP91N龿 O9{S-k9NV9yo50mGieqioR`SE<2B߉CcC6 U6TMگB3OZ߹ilg#Dv^+xGOO͕a}Q P 7pnvx s],9@9e7gޣ6]Zxc4[}T;j{i<]^6fXKCv62S8ϑ֢ۢI)F"?}ٓh;ډsPZpd V?لv>%$!sֳ*)q:v؇ᠮ@NxX ئzvͻըxĥ(n>~Nk.jT6V@EI덁bE~%Fz?ȇiT ) Fa. Dz\ְ&/Vhʘ"6Uݗ2H> )N|4@Y?c5ZVx'vOV!pFBo6)%4]\lׁS*]sGUÞ2A?۫b|l֢CZ1al.w%l l'AH s@n%-cs䑮hr =LvAޣrwPl=}ݘ|ka0)+ͯҡay0 XSZ͚.708 _8wgR!.xBp=\ "zSPb97pWN.s{CaTCTԇa iג&]4J[=58%iK Їlߠv )u7a$LDʖeFT4aXvTs`ꡣRl"!C#N5S;kR4+ 9#H|L /Adt v*9s}":J]xt )0ex YZ